So Wade is comfortable passing the ball, and he is also comfortable catching the ball.

Magic's traditional point guard Du Hong stepped in, and Jiang Hao calmly raised his hand to fake a three-pointer and hit him, taking three and two steps towards the basket.

Du Hong quickly followed up and was pushed straight away by Jiang Hao. Under the surprised eyes of the Heat coaching bench, Jiang Hao easily knocked over Du Hong and scored an easy layup!

Magic forward Ryan Anderson was stunned at the basket. He didn't expect Duhong to be so easily knocked over by a yellow man, so he didn't come to make up the defense.

"Jiang Hao scored a breakthrough for the first time!! So manly!!"

"Not afraid of confrontation!! This is the power of the Celestial Empire!!"

"What a skillful fight. He deceived the defender and then used his position to push away the defender. But there is indeed something to this confrontation!"

"What the hell, is the yellow man's backcourt physique so good?"

On the defensive end, Jiang Hao stuck to Big Q so hard that Big Q didn't even have a chance to support the ball.

"Brother, don't underestimate the enemy."

After Big Q couldn't help but push him away with all his strength, Jiang Hao sneered, "I'm not watching the Mavericks defensive tape for nothing. Do you want to get rid of me so easily?" ?

Chapter 58: Magic Regret, Eye of Death! ! !

Chapter 58 58: Magic Regret, Eye of Death! ! !

"Quentin, what are you doing!!"

Duhong couldn't find a connection point on the outside, and complained directly after his 3-point shot with the ball was affected by Mario.

It was ugly enough to be knocked away by a rookie just now. If you don't help me, give me a pick-and-roll and let me take care of this rookie. What the hell is it that you can't get out of your position at all?

At first, Quentin Richardson really underestimated his opponent. When he saw this white-faced scholar-like player coming up to guard him, he raised his hand lightly to catch the ball.

I didn't expect that Jiang Hao's collision with Du Hong was not an accident. He was really powerful!

The whole body was wrapped around him like steel bars, and the lower plate was extremely stable. Big Q was already known as a bulldozer on the lower plate, but he couldn't push it even after pushing, and he was almost warned of an offensive foul by the referee.

In the next round, James Jones missed a 3-pointer. Spoelstra called a timeout and replaced James + Bosh to chase the points.

Jiang Hao is still on the court this time.

Mario + Jiang Hao + the Big Three.

This is the first lineup the Heat have used this season! !

Even when Jiang Hao hasn't had a training match with the main force yet!

Battier and others were stunned on the bench. How dare Spoelstra dare to use people!

You actually asked Jiang Hao to cooperate with the Big Three? ? ?

The Tianchao fans in front of Yangma’s fifth set couldn’t tell how excited they were. The boys in the cafeterias of major junior high schools, high schools, and universities all stayed in front of the TV sets.

Sina live broadcast Ke Fan:

"Although I don't know how long we can play together, I feel that I have the support of the head coach if I can play."

Guan Weijia:

"Yes, maybe it's just a 1-minute transition, but why is it not Bo Yang, No. 1 in the second round, not Xiao Hei, but Jiang Hao??? He seems to be working very hard in the NBA. I hope everyone will support him more. ah!"

But in fact, after teaming up with the Big Three, Jiang Hao had no chance at all, because the tactics could not reach his point. They basically revolved around the Big Three, blocking and cutting without the ball.

However, Jiang Hao still relied on his active movement to get 2 three-point shot opportunities, making 1 of 2 shots.

The Magic's main defense is not at the same level as when he faced the Pistons. The pressure can only be understood by experiencing it on the spot. It feels like there are many people blocking in front of him.

At this time, Van Gundy also sent Turk Drew. The agent came up and "bullied" Jiang Hao, the only rookie on the opposite side, according to the plan, and pressed Jiang Hao with his back!

Unexpectedly, he was directly called a 5-second violation for keeping his back for too long.

Van Gundy looked at the agent's expression as if he was saying: Such a low-level mistake? I've eaten your heart!

"Why have you been thinking about life for so long?"

Wade, who was eager to chase points, also applauded Jiang Hao and taunted his old rival Tao Dao.

The Heat came back and served quickly. Bosh's support from the free throw line attracted Howard. Jiang Hao, who was smoking in the corner, saw the three Heat players outside and suddenly ran away to get rid of the agent. Bosh lobbed to Jiang Hao, and Jiang Hao stole the chicken. Basket scored!

The agent who pulled Jiang Hao's jersey from behind even got a foul! !


Free throw scored!

Jiang Hao scored 8 points! ! !

"What a ball!"

"Chinese player Jiang Hao scored consecutively, but the point difference is still 10 points."

"This Chinese player is a good player and a bit spiritual."

"Yes, he makes no mistakes and is proactive. He is a good role player." The American commentator laughed.

Sun Yue, who was watching the game in the Imperial Villa and playing with the championship ring in his hand, was full of envy. Although he had sneaked into the empty space, it was very comfortable when someone passed him.

No one ever passed the ball to him in the Lakers.

"It's harmful. It's still tense. It needs polishing."

However, 1 minute later, Jiang Hao also made a rash mistake, causing his opponent 5-on-4 Howard to score an alley-oop dunk.

When he came back, Redick suddenly took a quick step and intercepted his cross pass, and the whole game lost 2 points.

He made two consecutive low-level mistakes and was yelled at by Zhu Wan. He was replaced by Battier after the dead ball. He should not appear again in this game.

Battelle, who was watching the game from afar in Xinjiang, regretted Jiang Hao after seeing these two unnecessary mistakes he caused. If he continued to play so well, he would probably be recognized by the Big Three and even have a chance to play in the future. :

"Still young."

For some reason, he and Sun Yue both felt relieved. This young man is not as exaggerated as the Chinese media said.

These two mistakes made Jiang Hao slap his knees after he left the court.

Damn, this shouldn't be the case.

He has played too few games of this level. He underestimated the speed of the agent's pass when he rushed to steal the ball in the first ball. He was also excited. He didn't expect that the person was passing the ball by brushing his fingertips. He did what the coach didn't let him do.

The second ball was too soft, so Redick seized the opportunity to steal the ball. It was purely a problem of his ability.

In the NBA, there is really no slackness. This is Redick, the Tyrannosaurus Rex with the shortest hands in the league. If it were Marion Artest or something like that, he would steal faster and more fiercely.

Stealing and passing skills are not Jiang Hao's strengths, and the system will not work at this time.

In addition, the Heat did not let him practice before he went directly to this level of competition. It is normal for this situation to occur.

To practice these abilities, you need to practice them in hundreds of actual battles.

Otherwise, the games that Jiang Hao usually plays are not so intense. In his previous life, he could pass the ball at half the speed in the CBA. Everyone pushed forward like a classic car. It was not like the ever-changing NBA arena.

But Jiang Hao also knew that the Heat would not care about so many reasons, and there was no time to listen to any explanations. Mistakes are mistakes.

No one will sympathize with him, and no one will counsel him or coax him. Everyone is waiting to see you laugh and then give them a chance too late.

The situation on the court was that he personally caused the Heat to lose 4 points in a row, and the momentum of chasing points was extinguished at once.

Therefore, he will analyze repeatedly and practice more in the first few minutes of rotation against a strong team! !

Only by becoming stronger can he avoid these mistakes and become an NBA athlete with all indicators above the moving average.

Jiang Hao's goal is not just 3D. To become a comprehensive player, everything must be practiced well!

But in fact, Jiang Hao played well, his statistics were OK, and his 8 points also quenched the team's thirst. Spoelstra originally planned to let him play for such a long time.

The NBA coaching staff is also experienced, and naturally knows that players like Jiang Hao can only play unexpectedly during the rotation time.

If he plays too much, the iron will be exposed. A player who has never played a regular season rotation has been playing in the fourth quarter to chase points? We can only let him feel it and use enthusiasm to make up for the technical defects. It will naturally fail over time.

In the end, with Howard's 38 points, 17 rebounds and 4 blocks in the basket, the Magic defeated the Heat 104:95.

The Heat suffered two consecutive losses, and they were all lost to teams that they might meet in the playoffs.

Jiang Hao played for 4 minutes, 3 of 4 shots, 8 points, 2 rebounds, 1 assist and 2 turnovers. The vice president and assistant coach of the Magic who had interviewed him before "smiled" and sighed after the game and specifically found Jiang Hao to talk for a while.

The vice president looked very regretful:

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be so good at playing. It's a pity that we didn't seize the opportunity and lost a great player."

Although Jiang Hao made two big mistakes, his potential is obvious to all. He can kill directly when he encounters a mismatch opportunity, shoots 3 points decisively, and actively defends.

To be honest, the Magic really lack such a forward substitute. They are a little overwhelmed to defend James in this game, so coming to greet Jiang Hao is also to leave a way out for each other.

There is news that Jiang Hao is James' defensive sparring partner in the Heat, which shows that he should have a lot of experience in defending James.

In addition, he is only 19 years old, and there are many possibilities in the future.

If Jiang Hao does not renew his contract with the Heat before the start of next season, the Magic can sign this Chinese forward to fill the vacancy of the team's forward substitute.

"It's okay, you are the winners."

Jiang Hao also hugged them with a professional fake smile. This scene happened to be seen by James who walked directly to the passage. He glared at Jiang Hao with the eyes of death.

Please read it again, thank you! !

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