Miami Basketball News:

"The Heat waived second-round pick Bojan Bogdanovic to prepare for mid-season signings. 》

The article also said that it was because of him that Bo Yang was laid off.

Because Bo Yang has not had a chance to play in the last few games, but Jiang Hao has performed well in a small amount of time, the article predicts that Jiang Hao will be trained more in the future, and it is true that Bo Yang, who overlaps with Jiang Hao, was laid off. It is normal.

"Haha, you still want to provoke conflict between us at this time."

Bojan gritted his teeth when he saw Juwan Howard's evaluation of him. Although he doesn't have many fans in North America, Croatian basketball fans all support him, so the Heat must give an explanation to Bojan's fans.

This villain is played by assistant coach Juwan Howard:

"Bojan Bogdanovic is a European athlete with a high IQ, but his rebounding is average, his athletic ability is mediocre, he lacks lateral speed, and he cannot adapt to the rhythm of the NBA in confrontation, so he may need a few more years of practice before he can land in the NBA."

This is really related to Jiang Hao. There are surveillance cameras in the training hall. The videos of several duels between Jiang Hao and Bo Yang were noticed by the assistant coaches. Every time, Bo Yang, who looked strong, was pushed by Jiang Hao. to the inside, so they felt that Bojan's playing style was "soft" and not very similar to the Heat's style of play.

Even Jaylen Williams wanted to suggest that Bo Yang be a defensive partner for a simulated Mavericks player.

"Write down your shortcomings here, work hard to improve them and prove them to them."

Jiang Hao really sounded like Bo Yang's big brother.

"Okay, I'll practice hard when I go back to Europe, and I'll come back to work for the Heat in a few years!"

Bo Yang can't wait to find his first coach for additional training, and another anti-Zhan Qixia was born.

"Huh? Aren't you ready to enter the NBA?"

"I have been laid off. If anyone wants me, I must go to other leagues to prove myself."

Bo Yang's thinking is exactly the same as that of CBA players. If he wins the championship in the local league and gets super statistics, then the NBA will definitely look for him.

Little did he know that several years would be wasted at once. Ding Yanyuhang wasted his best years because of his thoughts. Once after the summer league, the Mavericks two-way contract was handed to him, but he said something to him. The Sanfro team will come to the NBA after winning a championship.

"No, that's a waste of time. You are fully capable of playing in the NBA now."

"Now that the season is in progress, who wants me? I'm not a plug-and-play player who averages 10+ per game. I'm looking for a job in the off-season when the team starts to change."

Boyang Yemenqing said with a helpless smile.

"Then you try out for a team? How about it?"

"Say." Boyang became interested.

"I suggest you go to the Pacers in the east and look for opportunities."

"Okay, Birdie is my super idol! I listen to you, but I'm just going to try out for the Pacers once, and I won't go to other teams."

Bo Yang is also a dead horse and a live doctor. If Jiang Hao hadn't told him, he really wouldn't know which team to choose from the other 29 teams to apply for. Now his head is very confused.

"It must succeed. By the way, remember to brag that you are the Croatian Peja."

"Haha, okay, you have to pretend to be cool in front of the king."

"Yes, you have to be the same type of person as him to gain the favor of General Manager Bird."

Jiang Hao said that, but in fact he didn't dare to vouch for it at all. He didn't really communicate with Bird or anything. He only came to the conclusion based on the essay about Hupu in his previous life.

But his recommendation is not a blind recommendation.

One is the Pacers, a team that has always been against LeBron James in the Eastern Conference, and Bird and Riley are not dealing with it. Maybe Bird signed Bojan for the Heat's tactics. Now the entire NBA is studying the Heat's details. This is especially true for the strong teams in the East.

In addition, the Pacers' lineup configuration is similar to that of the Heat. George Hill + Paul George are a reduced version of the James and Way combination. Naturally, they also lack a flank turret like Bo Yang.

You must know that after training with Bo Yang, Jiang Hao discovered that he is not only a shooter, but a tall and strong all-around wing player with accurate shooting and excellent ball control ability. He plays the role of a small forward on the court, but has the excellent speed and coordination of a shooting guard. sex.

It's just that the Heat coach didn't let him control the ball, otherwise he would be better at controlling the ball than Jiang Hao, and he is very good at threatening defenders with his shooting.

Of course, now that he can play with the Pacers if he can make good 3D estimates.

However, the main reason why Jiang Hao recommended the Pacers is because Bo Yang was well-known to the world in his previous life during the Pacers. In the 17/18 season, he averaged 18 points, 6 rebounds, 5 assists and 2 steals per game. Although the Pacers at that time did not have George, But with his top defense against James, the Pacers are still the best in the Eastern Conference.

Regardless of the Pacers or Jazz era, Bojan has always been a good defender against James when the team encounters him.

Now if Bo Yang wants to fight James, going to the Pacers is the best choice. After George has guarded him, he will guard him!

Thinking about it this way, the chances of Bird taking a fancy to him are quite high?

"I'll go to the Pacers, and you'll go to the West in the future. How about we meet at the top?" As expected of a young man, Bo Yang had already begun to daydream.

"Hahahaha, you really dare to think, just do it step by step, I wish you success."

"I also wish you a happy stay in the Heat."

"Thank you, I feel like I'm getting closer too."

Chapter 64: The temper is coming! Let's settle old and new grudges together

Chapter 64 64: The temper is here! Let's settle old and new grudges together


Jiang Hao drove Bojan's Toyota to take Bojan and his agent to the airport and helped them move their luggage down.

Bojan and his agent really planned to follow Jiang Hao's advice and rush to Indiana overnight to find re-employment opportunities. Both of them were holding back a grudge.

Seeing Bojan, who was training with him in the gym yesterday, boarding the plane in a suit, Jiang Hao couldn't help but feel a little dazed. Now he really didn't know when he would see him again.

The main thing was that he never expected Bojan to be laid off before him. It was really unpredictable.



The farewell between men was very free and easy, shaking hands, hugging, and waving goodbye.

The next day.

Jiang Hao helped Bojan sell the Toyota that was given to him early in the morning and transferred the money to him.

We are all poor, there is no need to pretend to be rich, Jiang Hao directly returned it.

"Next time, get the maximum salary and give me a Ferrari."

Then he followed the team to prepare for tonight's home game.

Bojan's departure and the punishment within the team did not affect the Heat, and even made it more harmonious.

Bojan was sacrificed to stabilize the locker room.

Rich Paul's team is really scary. There is no news reporting any gossip about this incident. The few posts that said James was beaten were suppressed instantly.

You know, if the whole process of the Heat locker room conflict was exposed, it would definitely make the forum lively for a week.

Before James showed his face in public, the cotton ball in his nose was removed. As long as everyone in the Heat didn't say it, no one would know that such a big conflict broke out inside the Heat.

More news is about Riley's handling of the conflict between Spo and the Big Three.

And under the news of Bojan's layoff, there are a few scattered comments of blessing. This kind of small person's departure really leaves without a cloud, and there is no splash at all in the basketball forum.

It's so sad without fans.

"Yo, it's so quiet today."

When Spo came to arrange the tactics against the Knicks tonight, he found that everyone was sitting quietly in front of their lockers.

The atmosphere in the Heat's locker room is completely different after being rectified by an honest man and a silent tough guy.

Respecting the old and loving the young, and being harmonious, Spoelstra even felt that if he had known earlier, he would not have shown up twice, and could have relied on these two rookies.

It's a pity that only the silent tough guy is left fighting alone

(Silent tough guy - usually very silent, but once you touch him, he is definitely tougher than anyone else.)

Of course, tonight's tactics have nothing to do with Jiang Hao. He was suspended from the team for 5 games and stood alone in the corner listening to the tactics.

However, after arranging the tactics, Spoelstra openly called out to Jiang Hao, who was unable to integrate with other teammates:

"Come here."


Spoelstra pulled Jiang Hao into the conference room to discuss how to move forward in this situation of "feuding" with the star player:

"In essence, you still have to become stronger. When everyone needs you, you will have your own place. Riley needs me, so he will protect me to the death."

"And you also know my personality. I never compromise on basic principles, and I will not allow stars to put themselves before the team. For some people, this is an irreconcilable contradiction, but not for me. So, you should train and practice, don't be afraid of them because of this matter. In the training game, you should dunk over whoever you should dunk over. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand."

Jiang Hao knew the reason why Spoelstra called him to talk. On the one hand, he gave Jiang Hao some chicken soup so that he would not be too down, and on the other hand, he also wanted him not to be restrained and afraid to show himself because of the drastic measures of the superstar team. In essence, the NBA is still basketball that proves everything.

"My life goal has never been to be a good guy. I don't give in on important issues. You seem to be the same, so I appreciate you more now."

As Spoelstra said.

During the suspension period, Jiang Hao's training treatment actually improved.

Maybe because Bojan was cut, Jiang Hao actually had the opportunity to do three-point training with his assistant coach. It was the first time for him to enjoy the treatment of two assistant coaches picking up the ball and passing it to him.

And Jiang Hao also started to practice Bojan's best passing training, ground hitting \u0026 horizontal pass accuracy training, the kind that cramped his hands after a round of training, because he was training with weighted balls.

This is his weakest point, but when he heard that this was the configuration of Bojan's previous solo training, Jiang Hao was a little distracted. Eating a friend's fallen peach is something he doesn't want to do. The coaching staff prepared this set of things for good brothers.

So he told the young assistant coach he knew that he could practice these two trainings by himself, and you don't have to follow and record whether I meet the standards, and you can say I don't meet the standards when asked.

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