Jaylen Williams took back his previous words that Jiang Hao's basketball IQ was not good.

This ball was played very smartly, and it was like the kind of action that Jones would do when playing against a young person like Jiang Hao.

Old players usually use skills to play against young people, while young people usually play straight.

"Don't get excited, it's just luck."

Jiang Hao smiled and patted Jones' arm. This was his best offensive skill. In his previous life, he used this trick to shake off too many CBA foreign players, and it was always accurate.

If he really had confidence in his offense, he should have shot directly when Jones gave him a step when serving the ball, but his shooting was very unstable, not to mention shooting in front of NBA-level forwards, so he chose the most stable basket for both goals.

But now he had to shoot!

Because Jones gave Jiang Hao two steps this time, he let him shoot instead of breaking through.

This kind of letting him shoot was also a way out for himself. If Jiang Hao scored, he would not lose badly. If he really scored a goal like this, he would lose face as an old senior.

Jiang Hao did not hesitate, he raised his hand and shot a three-pointer. Hesitation would lead to defeat. He had to shoot when he had an open position.

The ball missed without any surprise.

His shooting was rough at this stage. He was not a shooter in his entire career in his previous life. It was difficult to score at once without shooting a few shots to get a feel for it.


Jaylen Williams was already shouting GG to Jiang Hao.

"Okay, okay, it's time to finish you off."

Jones, who had a baby face, was no longer smiling. The ball was back in his hands. It would be unreasonable if he didn't finish the battle. He had never played a three-point shooting battle for such a long time since he entered the NBA.

The players who had fought with him before either took him away in a 3:0 wave, or he took him away 3:0.

How could it be so "tangled".

"Show your shooting skills!"

Jiang Hao was also uncomfortable. Damn, he was too bad. This kind of chicken pecking felt like a punch on cotton. It was not good at all. He just wanted to end it quickly.

He could only encourage himself through words, and James Jones did not waste time and really showed his own unique skills.

After receiving the ball, he made a three-way threat, but this time he did not do a crotch jumper. Instead, he simply changed direction to the left at the moment when Jiang Hao's center of gravity was biased to the right, preparing to change direction and jump shot with one step. This is his signature killer move in the Heat.

"It's serious!"

When Jaylen Williams saw Jones' simple and capable start action, he knew he was serious.

Every NBA role player has a trick!

Jones used this trick to move sideways and shoot directly with a cannon!


This change of direction was not stable, and the ball stumbled under Jones' feet like it was greased without much interference from Jiang Hao.

As a result, Jones' steps were completely out of rhythm.

He barely picked it up and shot a forward jump shot. Jiang Hao jumped high and failed to cover the ball, but he also completely interfered. The basketball hit the front of the basket directly and missed! ! !

"Brother, don't force the shot!"

Jiang Hao didn't collapse and laughed.

Jones now convinced him that the system was playing tricks on him.

He had just seen this stumbling change of direction dribbling and forward-leaning pull-up shot yesterday, but he had seen it before the time travel. This shooting posture was not the standard three-angle shot of James Jones, but the shooting posture of Zhang Zhenling, the proud son of CBA, FMVP, and the winner of the All-Star losing team MVP!

Zhang Zhenling shot the open shot against the Philippines yesterday, and he also shot at the front of the basket!

"Go to hell!"

When Jiang Hao was laughing, James Jones kicked the basketball away angrily.

He couldn't stand it when the ball was played like this, what a shit? ?

The person defending him was neither Kobe nor Durant, how could he mess it up continuously?

Jaylen Williams was really dumbfounded and didn't dare to complain anymore, but he was thinking, how could Jones be so bad? Has he regressed this offseason? ?

In front of an unknown young man, his shooting posture was tilted forward and deformed?

This is the man with the most standard shooting posture in the Heat, and the third highest three-point and mid-range shooting percentage in the team!

The previous mistakes were understandable, and it was understandable that there was no warm-up. This is Jones' killer move. In this year's finals, he shot every time in front of Nowitzki.

"Hey, hey, stop playing, Jones, aren't you in a hurry?"

Jaylen Williams could only cough to make him tighten his muscles. This single-handed duel was the lowest level he had ever seen in this venue.

"Don't make noise!"

"Jones, check if you have butter on your hands? Haha."

Jones' continuous scolding forced Riley to pay attention to this single-handed duel that was being played on the small court on the side. While thinking about why the game hadn't ended yet, he saw Jiang Hao successfully defend the next ball, and stood up and joked to Jones.

"Boss, I'm really not playing."

Jones had no words to say. He really didn't play. He wanted to teach this kid a lesson on offense and defense.

He might have used unconventional weapons in the previous few balls, but he used real weapons in this round. I didn't expect it to be so bad.

Spoelstra and the others could see it, and Spoelstra had also glanced at this place a few times before. It was obvious that the game state of those who came to look for work and those who had work was completely different. Jiang Hao was more hungry for victory, so he rushed two balls in the front and it was normal for him to lead.

But he didn't expect Jiang Hao to be able to defend against a striker like Jones. Jones played a few crotch-stepping three-pointers before, but it was really not right for him to shoot such an outrageous three-pointer with a lateral movement.

So he kept his eyes on this place, preparing to see if this boy from China, who was favored by Carlisle, could end this one-on-one duel.

"Come on, I'll prevent you from dying!"

However, what greeted Jiang Hao this round was the close pressing of James Jones. After wiping his jersey hard with both hands, he started to move up and down to get the ball.

Anyway, there is no referee in this kind of game, so the bigger the action, the bigger the action. The management is watching from the top, and he is now eager to regain the court.

Now it’s not just about being competitive,

The opponent is a rookie striker in the same position as him. Although it is unlikely that the Heat will like him at this level, if he does join the team, he will directly compete with himself for playing time.

Jiang Hao took the ball and simply protected the ball sideways, preventing Jones from taking out the ball. At the same time, he had a clear mind and prepared to start the attack.

I still have to look for more opportunities like I did in the last round. Maybe when I attack, my opponent will also have a CBA defensive level!

It really looks like it!

Jiang Hao used his many years of basketball experience to sweep the ball with a low hand and accelerate to the right. When James Jones quickly followed up without losing his position, he suddenly dribbled the ball from behind to his left hand without slowing down. When Jones changed his defensive position, he made a small bow. He pretended to aim at the basket and tried it out.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Jones stumbled on his feet and was really thrown off his center by Jiang Hao.

"Here I go, did you almost fall down?"

Jaylen Williams, who was already standing directly behind and watching, was dumbfounded. Is this okay?

Naturally, Jiang Hao would not give up the opportunity to directly knock off his opponent's center of gravity. He received a right-handed explosive ball and rushed to the basket in three steps, easily putting the basket up with one hand!


Just win! !

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Chapter 7: Jiba is really hard! The invisible Jiang Hao

Chapter 7 7: Jiba is really hard! The invisible Jiang Hao

"I'm really convinced."

Jones was so happy at this thrashing at his feet that he couldn't laugh or cry as he watched Jiang Hao score a layup with his hands on his hips.

what's the situation? ?

“It ends slowly and quickly”

This one-on-one duel that was sometimes constipated and sometimes had diarrhea was finally over. Jaylen Williams didn't know what words to use when writing the result report.

Do you want to say that Jiang Hao is very strong?

can not tell.

After all, his opponent James Jones is not that goat. The Heat’s scouting reports on him in recent years have also described him very clearly:

The physical fitness and athletic ability are average, the shooting ability and speed are relatively acceptable, the three-point shooting percentage is good, the offensive end mainly focuses on medium and long-range shots, and the defensive end is active, but due to his own athletic ability and other reasons, he is not a Good defender.

So winning a one-on-one against this 31-year-old veteran who doesn't have a good defense doesn't seem to be very commendable?

Jaylen Williams really wants to call the real James to try. If Jiang Hao can beat the little emperor 3-1 like he just did, then there is no need for him to say it. The little emperor himself will recommend the management to hire this young man. James is in the Heat The right to speak is still very large.


He was asked to write that Jiang Hao was strong in single combat but also had a guilty conscience against his will.

But then Riley suddenly spoke from above:

"Jalen Williams, let everyone take a break. Other assistant coaches, come to my office."


All trial training in the arena was suspended. Jiang Hao did not talk to Jones again after winning.

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