This is James.

James was angry, and it was the rookie's fault.

Otherwise, the chain reaction of his behind-the-scenes team will give the Heat even more headaches.

If there is a conflict, the American media will definitely side with James.

You, a member of the Chinese dynasty, don’t have a platform to speak, so what others say is what you say.

The Heat management has no relationship with Jiang Hao, so it is impossible to help an undrafted draft pick.

"The question now is how to appease the mood of our team's top player, what do you think?"

Riley now wants to directly buy out and cut off this undrafted draft pick who has been causing trouble once and for all. Judging from Jiang Hao's body language, it seems that he also wants him to do this.

You can continue to have the attitude that you are James, and we, the Heat, can no longer be put under pressure by James, which is good for both parties.

It's just that he has to save money for his bosses. He also wants to be like the cutter Bo Yang who doesn't have to pay out the buyout money. Don't underestimate these hundreds of thousands of dollars. The bigger the boss, the more he cares about whether the general managers save these for them. Small money.

If the salary is paid and the employees are laid off, he, the president, will be held accountable by the board of directors. What kind of bullshit is this year's draft? The season is only halfway through, and all two rookies have been laid off? Are you just kidding me?

So Riley wanted to test Jiang Hao and say that he should lay off me, so that the management would be able to do things more easily.

But Jiang Hao, who knew that there might be a recording in this office, didn't let the Heat leave evidence by saying that he didn't want to play for the Heat.

Instead, he threw the explosive bag back to Riley:

"That depends on Mr. Riley. I'm still young and don't really understand."

Anyway, I am only 19 years old, so I conclude that I am young and energetic and that is all.

"Hey, why do you think you young people are so angry? I remember you don't have an agent yet. Rich Paul is such a good agent for players, how dare you offend him? I have a box of whiskey here, why don't you give it to me? He apologizes?"

Riley felt a twinge of pain when he saw Jiang Hao's desolate look. He no longer looked condescending, and directly discussed in a low voice.

In the end, what happened today was that Rich Paul was angry. James actually didn’t have much conflict with Jiang Hao, nor did he get involved. Therefore, the best way is for Jiang Hao and Rich Paul to apologize and get back together. He can also reconcile with Si Bo's attitude was the same, pretending not to see it.

As long as Rich Paul, who came to snitch on him, doesn't pursue the case, he will naturally not pursue it.

After watching the video, Riley didn't want to trade or lay off Jiang immediately. Spoelstra also sent him several text messages to tell him not to be impulsive.

Nonsense, he could tell at a glance how much Jiang Hao had improved. It was impossible for ordinary players to fight James one on one so easily.

It's just that other teams don't know Jiang Hao's trade value now. Directly laying him off would not be in line with Riley's principle of putting his interests first, so he can only try to appease both parties.

After that, Spoelstra asked Jiang Hao to show some trading value. If one of Jiang Hao and James had to leave, Jiang Hao would definitely become the victim, but definitely not today. He wanted to maximize his interests!

This old man!

When Jiang Hao found out that Riley was not going to deal with him today, he also thought to himself that he was indeed a master fortune teller, very greasy.

The perfect situation he imagined was that Riley was talked to by Rich Paul, and he impulsively punished himself for causing trouble from time to time. He scolded him and kicked him out of the Heat.

He took the money and left, never having to work for Zhan orangutan again.

But unexpectedly, the experienced Riley seemed to have discovered that he was valuable. Instead, he wanted to use a moderate method to deal with the matter coldly, without mentioning that he would harm the interests of the team. He would drag it out as long as possible?

Naturally, he would not let the contradiction weaken like this, and would even have to stimulate Riley:

"I'm right, why should I apologize? President, you are also having fun! Do you mean this is my fault? It's not fair!"

Jiang Hao stood up excitedly and said loudly, acting like an angry young man filled with righteous indignation.

At this time, Riley's face was obviously unbearable. Seeing that Jiang Hao was not getting enough, he even sprayed himself.

He waved his hand and said coldly:

"Okay, since this is the case, I know roughly what happened to you. You have to play hard these days. We will have a meeting to decide on your punishment. Go out."

Before Jiang Hao went out, he kept mumbling:

"Why should I be punished if I didn't make a mistake? The Heat are such a team that doesn't distinguish between right and wrong???"

"Jaylen, take him away!!!!"

Please make the first order, please take the initiative! Thank you! ! !

Guess which team the protagonist will join~~

Chapter 72: Jiang Hao was fired! ! !

Chapter 72 71: Jiang Hao was fired! ! !

After Jiang Hao came out of the president's office, his expression returned to normal instantly, looking like he was fine.

"You little chameleon!"

Jaylen Williams saw Jiang Hao, who was still blushing, suddenly turned cold again, and laughed and cursed.

In fact, it was unexpected for Jay to think that Jiang Hao was very emotional in the CEO's office, but it was amazing that he was so calm after he came out.

This kid is not only teasing the little emperor, he also dares to tease the president, right?

"You've been feeling uncomfortable lately. I can't imagine what you would do if you met James in the locker room?"

"Riley said that I don't have to go out with the team until the results of their discussion come out."

"Hehehe, the little emperor is more important. You are really miserable, but I am afraid that you will take action directly when you see him."

Jaylen Williams patted the old hapless guy next to him on the shoulder.

This Asian guy was suspended for 5 games right after he entered the rotation. He finally played well in the recent training games and won the singles against James. How could he have another chance to play?

As a result, he was put into the cold palace by the Heat uniforms. There is no player with a two-way contract as miserable as him.

"Don't worry, I will never shoot first."

The next day was the game day.

The Heat easily defeated the Spurs 129:112. The Heat team was not affected by the conflict yesterday and still played perfectly against the strong Spurs.

Among them, LeBron James scored 39 points, 13 rebounds and 6 assists against the weak front line of the Spurs.

Finally, he suddenly rushed to the camera to celebrate, which seemed to tell Jiang Hao, who criticized him yesterday:

I am the boss of the Heat! !

It also seemed to tell the Heat uniforms and teammates:

Wake up! One single match can't explain anything!

You still have to rely on me to win. Get rid of the people and things that make me unhappy! Deal with Jiang Hao quickly!

Jiang Hao did not sit on the sidelines in this game, but was arranged to watch the game in the training hall. Leonard's poor performance made Jiang Hao shake his head. Where did the death coil go? Stephen Jackson really couldn't fit in with the Spurs.

However, the media also found that Jiang Hao did not appear on the sidelines or in the development league in this game. The most exciting thing is that this question happened to be asked to James in the post-match interview.

"It's true that enemies will not meet. It's a fate that can't be escaped."

Jiang Hao looked at Spo's expression next to him as if this sentence was written on his face.

It's true. Obviously, this question should be asked to Coach Spo, but it was asked to James by mistake.

James frowned and said he didn't know and didn't care:

"But I seem to play more freely after he's gone."

The media were stunned. James' words were full of hostility. Could it be that the rumors of locker room conflict were true?

Recently, many rumors about Bojan's locker room and yesterday's Heat training have been spreading that Jiang Hao was the fuse that triggered the Heat locker room conflict and the Big Three were unhappy.

So they immediately asked:

"Do both rookies this year have personality problems, which is not conducive to the unity of the locker room?"

Seeing this, Spoelstra quickly took the microphone and answered himself:

"Well, JIANG just took leave because he was not feeling well. Please ask about the game, thank you."

He was afraid that James would continue to answer, and before the president made a decision, the little emperor would first expel Jiang Hao from the Heat.

But after the game, LeBron really said to Spoelstra in the locker room, "I feel much better when I can't see someone's face, so I played so well."

Spoelstra was vomiting blood in his heart, thinking that he was the first to see a superstar and an undrafted player compete so hard.

But he didn't expect that he would say it in the interview. Is this a demon? Is Jiang Hao really going to be finished this time?

Jiang Hao turned off the TV directly. This kid is really chicken-hearted. He has the nerve to say it in the interview.

"Come out for dinner!"

But then Jaylen Williams sent him a message.


Jiang Hao came to the old beach barbecue restaurant. Not only Jaylen was there, but Jones, who was on crutches, was there too.

Jones and Jaylen were afraid that Jiang Hao would become autistic after watching tonight's game, so they invited him to have a midnight snack.

"Although the game was won, many people inside couldn't stand the way James cheered and danced in the locker room and scolded you."

Jalen Williams described the scene where James danced and scolded Jiang Hao in the locker room after getting the data and winning the game today.

Jiang Hao laughed after hearing this:

"Okay, okay, that means I have been valued by him. If he can play better without me, he should get rid of me, haha."

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