Parker's expression is the same as Mr. Bean's.

Although he was beaten to death tonight (4 points and 6 turnovers), judging from the reaction of the Big Three, it seems that the Spurs signed a player they hate.

That's a good relationship. The Spurs like players that the superstars hate!

Just like himself, he has never been in the discussion of the league's top point guard, but he is always responsible for sending the league's top point guard home.

So he ran to the Eastern Conference locker room to chat with him:

"Hey, LeBron, why did you cut this JIANG? Is he good? What did he do to make you angry?"

Wade and Bosh directly teamed up to "invite" (carry) him out.

Tonight, Jiang Hao did not watch the All-Star Weekend. He had watched it in his previous life. He went to the Spurs training hall to practice alone for the first time.

They will play against the Cavaliers and the Heat soon.

This is his first test paper in the Spurs. He must give a satisfactory answer. He will definitely not scare the Spurs, but he has to work hard to surprise them!

I have to give Mr. O'Neal and Mr. James a big gift, so I have to prepare for the game quickly. He is so excited in advance. The official title will be next week! !

After practice, I found several calls from Jaylen Williams:

"Did you meet Hank? He is my idol! The man who found Uncle Bowen in Las Vegas and signed him. He also followed RC to see Ginobili. He is so cool!"

"If it was 100 years ago, he must be the coldest cowboy killer in Texas."

"I met him. I will get his autograph for you tomorrow." Jiang Hao laughed. This kid didn't even congratulate him on signing with the Spurs.

"Hey, don't you know? LeBron seemed to be broken down by you in Orlando. He really hit Parker several times in the All-Star Game. The fans can't see it, but I can see at a glance that he is venting his anger on you from a distance."

"Is Parker responsible for everything for me after all?"

"It seems so. Parker asked to leave the court after being hit for a few rounds. It's so funny. Remember to give him a leg massage when he comes back, haha."

"Okay, I will double the number of times he hits Parker!"

"Don't brag. I know you will play against us next time, but what does this have to do with you?

Practice hard, and you can say this to me next season. Remember to treat me to Mexican skewers when I come to the Holy City next week, bye!"

It's getting exciting! ! ! ! ! ! !

Chapter 80: Galaxy Battleship, luxurious configuration, all villains!

Chapter 80 79: Galaxy Battleship, luxurious configuration, all villains! !

After the All-Star Weekend, the Spurs ushered in the training (focusing) day. All players and staff were notified to go to the stadium to prepare for the next regular season.

This will also become the day for the Spurs to collectively recognize rookies.

According to the lawyer, the Spurs have not seen a player join the mid-season for many years. They will definitely look Jiang Hao up and down and tell him not to be nervous and not to be scared by the Spurs' strange people.

Although Jiang Hao will definitely not be nervous because he has already met the two most famous players of the Spurs in advance, he still came to the stadium first.

This is his first time to enter the Spurs' home team locker room. Hank didn't introduce him the day before yesterday, so he had to familiarize himself first.

As soon as I entered the locker room, I saw a motto board with the following words:

"When I felt helpless and frustrated, I saw the little stonemason hammering the stone. It seemed that he could not leave any cracks on the stone even after hammering it for hundreds of times. But when he hammered it for the 101st time, the stone suddenly broke into two halves. I knew that it was not that one blow that broke the stone, but the result of the previous efforts..."

(PS: This chapter says it has pictures)

"So this is the motto of the little stonemason."

Jiang Hao remembered that a Spurs fan classmate used this sentence in his composition in high school. The Spurs hung it here in the last century. RC Buford hoped that the team could have a slightly wiser motto for the locker room - not the kind of motto that has become commonplace, such as chicken soup or chicken blood.

"Okay, believe in the process."

Jiang Hao recalled that the boy's perfect composition seemed like a lifetime ago. He actually saw the real thing and could look at this sentence every day in the future.

In fact, his NBA experience is also like this motto of the little stonemason. Without the previous precipitation, how could he sit in this locker room now?

His locker is next to Bonner, the soul of the Spurs. There is no one around him. But this time he should not be a marginal nobody. Big brother Duncan took him for a ride in a private car. How could he be a nobody?

1 set of white home jersey, a set of short-sleeved black training suit, a set of protective gear sponsored by a local sports brand + a pair of Nike guard shoes are neatly placed in the locker.

And there is a locker room rule sticker on the side of the locker, which looks new:

Jiang Hao took a look while changing his training suit and was surprised to find that it seemed to be specially posted for himself.

Because the beginning uses a Chinese allusion:

There is a saying in "The Great Learning" that "If you want to govern your country, you must first govern your family."

In the NBA, this family is the locker room.

If you can't manage the locker room relationship well, the team's atmosphere will become subtle, and a good team can go further.

There are five unspoken rules in the NBA locker room that players are familiar with. These five unspoken rules are the secret of their harmonious coexistence.

"So thoughtful?"

Jiang Hao was amused. Is this because RC was worried that he and the Spurs players wouldn't get along well and something like the Heat would happen?

However, he is quite interested in these five rules. No one in the Heat has mentioned any hidden rules.

After reading it, I realized that this applies to all players. No wonder the Spurs locker room is so clean and refreshing. They probably follow these five rules.

1. Be sure to pay attention to hygiene

The first thing Jiang Hao wants to like is that basketball is a highly confrontational sport. It consumes a lot of physical energy and will inevitably make players sweat a lot. If you don’t pay attention to hygiene, you will be in a small locker room like this. Being in a closed space will inevitably cause inconvenience to teammates.

In the Heat, the locker room stinked every time after playing. If Baby Face Jones hadn't given everyone a set of bath products, talcum powder and deodorant, there would always be a few unhygienic players who just finished playing. Is it okay to change clothes but not take a shower?

The Heat are very strict about hygiene management, but Jiang Hao knows that there must be people who don't pay attention to personal hygiene like those in high school and college dormitories. Such students are easy to be isolated, and the players are the same.

2. Learn how to respect other people’s space

This made Jiang Hao immediately think of the Heat veterans. When they return to the locker room, they basically don’t put the clothes, socks, shoes, etc. in the basket in front of their locker. Instead, they just throw them away when they enter the locker room. Sometimes they throw them away. Not caring about going into other people's open cabinets.

They feel that the staff will wash them anyway, so they just want to enjoy themselves, regardless of other players' psychological feelings after encountering these things.

There are also players with "bad memories" who, when packing their things, find a cupboard and throw in foot protectors and the like. When they are looking for it, they ask around the locker room. Players with eccentricities will treat the inner treasury of a woman who has enjoyed it as a treasure. The trophy was hidden in the locker, but it turned out that it was hidden in the wrong place

3. It is forbidden to wear the opponent's signature shoes: If you play a game the next day, you must not wear the star's signature shoes.

"You must pay attention to this in the future."

Jiang Hao nodded. This was an unwritten rule that had been written down by the Spurs.

Although some star players' boots are very comfortable to wear, if you play against him, you will have to lower your head when wearing his shoes. Chinese people are also very particular about this.

4. Playing tricks on rookies. Jiang Hao laughed after seeing this hidden rule. It seems that every team cannot avoid playing tricks on rookies.

It says that rookies cannot lose their temper because they are teased, and veterans cannot play tricks too much to affect the team.

Don’t do anything that is not conducive to unity!

Jiang Hao went straight to the next item. He had seen enough of this unspoken rule in the Heat.

5. Respect everyone and be kind to others: Kind players can be loved by everyone.

Peace \u0026 love, this is the main theme of the Spurs.

In the NBA, in addition to coaches and players, there are many staff.

Such as assistant coaches, trainers, masseurs and equipment managers.

Even if you are a superstar worth tens of millions, you cannot put on airs. Also be kind to the staff, otherwise you will be squeezed out by everyone, leading to an embarrassing situation.

Jiang Hao firmly believes in this. You can mess with the players, but you don't know when they will trip up the staff. If you treat them harshly, what if they don't give you a good massage and relax, but deliberately poke holes in the air cushion of your sneakers? It will directly affect the state of your court.

But Jiang Hao doesn’t have to worry about this. This kind of interpersonal relationship management has always been one of his compulsory courses since he was a child. Otherwise, he wouldn’t still be in contact with so many people in the Heat. It stands to reason that he would like to change companies, and he would leave as soon as possible. He left in an instant and his former colleague stopped asking.

"Good morning, sir, I saw what you said in the locker. The Spurs have good intentions for me! Thank you."

Jiang Hao changed into his training clothes and went to the court to start warming up. After that, he said hello to RC Buford, who came to work early.

"That's right. It's the same for everyone. I'll introduce you to someone later when everyone arrives."

Jiang Hao was calling the Spurs players and they all came to work.

However, he hasn't trained well since the first player came in. It's not because he took the initiative to say hello.

Bonner, who had short reddish hair and had only practiced three-point fixed-point training, came up and asked Jiang Hao:

"Hey, what are you good at?"

"Singing and dancing rap basketball?"

"Sing, we can go to karaoke together in the future." Jiang Hao hesitated and responded politely.

In his previous life, he had always been in the same office as music teachers, and he learned a lot of music knowledge by listening to them practice, and naturally he learned a lot by humming along with them.

"That's a good feeling." Bonner rolled his eyes, looking successful.

Tim Duncan came wearing a cheap cloth suit:

"So you're from the Heat. Good guy, have you got all the Heat tactics?"

"Don't worry, it's all in your head." Jiang Hao smiled and nodded.

When I turned around, I smelled the smell of seafood. Australian player and CBA abandoned player Patty Mills ran directly into the cafeteria holding a basket of Australian dragons:

"There is a new member on the team. I caught it myself a few days ago to give everyone an extra meal!"

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