"It's so hard to stand on this court, how can it end so easily?"

Indeed, the game has become more difficult since he came on the court.

The Heat also began to lower the tempo and hit the success rate. On the defensive end, James would not leave a step, and even sideways to prevent Jiang Hao from receiving the ball.

You should know that James had his hands on his waist when defending Wu Sheng on the perimeter just now. This is the defensive treatment of an undrafted player by the MVP. According to Buden, it means that the best first-defense player can defend so closely, and whether he scores or not has achieved the offensive goal.

Is there still a team in the NBA with five first-defenses?

Because James knows Jiang Hao's three-point shooting attribute, he dare not leave half a step on defense.

But Jiang Hao still found an opportunity at the end of the first quarter.

After Manu came on the court, Manu was better at passing than Parker. He broke through the entire bottom corner and passed the ball to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao dribbled to find the shooting feeling and directly scored 3 points! !

James, who went to assist in the defense of the inside, could only look up.

Then he was substituted out for a break.

He played for 4 minutes in the first quarter and scored 7 points!

Riley patted the deputy general manager next to him who was sometimes surprised when he saw Jiang Hao looking up: "Calm down, you guys look so ignorant."

He had also seen rookies show off in front of Jordan, but what was the result? This is just the beginning!

Spoelstra didn't think so. During the break in the first quarter, he was amazed at Jiang Hao's offensive threat: This kid is so good at offense? And it's not just 3-pointers.

He knows that his defense is the best!

But he only held the ball for a few rounds, and every ball was threatening. If James hadn't been grudges with him for a long time and defended with all his strength, otherwise another team would not have reacted so quickly.

And Jiang Hao's defense is obviously still so fierce. Although Jiang Hao didn't take the initiative to ask for the ball to attack later, he actually spent all his energy on confronting James' defense. The two didn't give each other a step of space on the defensive end.

During Jiang Hao's playing time, James did not force a single play, and only took a reverse layup from the baseline, and that was blocked by two inside players.

In other words, Jiang Hao seemed to have completely restricted James, and even the fans in front of the TV could see it. James did not seem to dare to attack Jiang Hao directly, and passed the ball to the other two giants many times.

"The little emperor has become smarter!"

During the intermission, Jiang Hao's brain was also working frantically, and he found that James had also become smarter:

I won't attack you, he knows how hard Jiang Hao's body is.

He chose the most "polite" way of playing!

The Heat media is still writing copywriting that LeBron is saving face for his younger brother in public, but in fact only Jiang Hao knows that he is saving face for himself.

What if he is found to be unable to fight against an Asian small forward who is lighter than him? ? ? What if there is a scene where the ball is cut and dunked directly when he is defending against him? ?

LeBron is afraid! !

Afraid of being on the top five embarrassing occasions when facing his own offense in a formal game.

Then I will not be humble!

Jiang Hao was later asked by Messina to observe the opponent's offense and start with defense, so he reduced the most physically demanding ball-holding offense, leaving this kind of work to Manu and Dio. He temporarily played the role of 3D to open up space, and indeed brought more opportunities to other Spurs players.

After all, James left Jiang Hao only for the last time. You know, James is the player with the strongest assist defense ability in the Heat.

If the Spurs can't defend all the time, everyone will score and they will still lose in the end.

Therefore, Jiang Hao also worked very hard on the defensive end, locking James from playing and actively grabbing some defensive rebounds.

So that after the end of the first quarter, the Spurs chased the score to 21:25!

But the second quarter was different. The Spurs coaching staff also saw the Heat's offensive and defensive strategy in this game, and sent Jiang Hao again after the first official timeout in the second quarter, which was 4 minutes later.

Messina pulled Jiang Hao aside:

"We need to catch up in the second quarter. You and Gary Neal will switch positions. You will attack from the No. 2 position!"

"I understand!"

Jiang Hao was excited all of a sudden. He knew what this meant. Gary Neal was originally the most important shooting point with the ball in the substitute lineup. The two 45-degree angles on the wing were also the second attacking points on the outside.

Giving this attacking point to the No. 3 position, who was only responsible for defense in the Spurs, meant that he had the opportunity to attack with the ball in his position!!

Instead of relying on the on-site guards or the bosses' instructions.

"Go for it boldly. Just don't be weak on the defensive end!"

"Don't worry. I will follow my defender even if I die on the court!!!"

This time, it was not the coaching staff who gave Jiang Hao a chance to play, but the coaching staff gave Jiang Hao half of the power to attack from the outside.

After coming on the court, Manu stood at 1 and Jiang Hao stood at 2. On the contrary, the ball-holding shooter Gary Neal stood at the bottom corner. Once Manu failed to attack, it was Jiang Hao on the wing who was responsible for the firepower output. This was also the position that required a big heart to take the blame for his "teammates".

Yao Ming was surprised when he saw this position:

"Everyone who has played the whole game generally knows that it is difficult to see the person in the bottom corner after the real ball is in the three-second zone, and passing to the bottom corner is also the easiest to make mistakes. The point on the wing has always been the best offensive receiving point. Shooting guards usually stand at this position. Is Jiang Hao going to attack?"

Yu Jia: "The return defense at this point is also more important. Once you can't score, you have to return to defense first. The task is heavier than the first quarter!"

The Heat naturally saw it, but it was another James defending Jiang Hao at this time. Jones, who knew Jiang Hao well, also defended closely. Manu used Dio's pick-and-roll to throw high but failed. Popovich, who led the team on the court, jumped high to grab the rebound.

Jiang Hao went directly to follow Battier who rushed to the frontcourt. Battier dribbled the ball without staring at the layup in front of Jiang Hao. He might also be afraid of him who was on the top five embarrassing moments and passed the ball to Miller outside.

Mike Miller shot 3 points directly from one step outside the three-point line. Manu could only watch from behind. The ball went in!

The Heat's top shooter!

The Spurs also quickly served. Dio passed the ball to Jiang Hao across half court. Jiang Hao made a fake move to pass the ball to the baseline. In fact, facing Jones, who was a circle thinner than James, he quickly released the ball in the next second and passed Jones in one step. After rushing to the free throw line, he chose to pull up and shoot at the position where Manu just shot. The ball went in! ! !

Bosh could only hesitate and watch Jiang Hao aim in the air for a long time before scoring.

"Jiang Hao scored again! He can score in the second quarter!"

"This pull-up shot is really high, beautiful as a painting!"

"I don't know if it can continue this time, just don't become the essence of the first round of humanity."

"Haha, offense doesn't matter, his defense is really top, he didn't leave James for a step in the first quarter."

"I didn't expect him to be so strong in offense, he passed Jones in one step!"

"Did James train him in the first quarter?"

"It should be familiar. Jiang Hao was still in the Heat last month. He practiced with them every day, so he naturally understood each other."

Just after he finished speaking, in the defensive round, Jiang Hao did not follow the baby-faced shooter with zero breakthrough ability, but chose to assist in defending the buzzer-cut brother Cole who went straight in and bullied Gary Neal.

Cole, like the starting point guard Chalmers, has a super burst. His physical fitness directly squeezed Neal out of the way at the moment of preparing for a layup - it was dark!

Jiang Hao rushed over from the wing and slapped the ball to the baseline with a slap! ! !

"Just here, is this James?"

"Look at the jersey, this is Jiang Hao!"

After being blown away by a potted hair, Kerr really thought it was a team training, and the next second he realized that it was Jiang Hao's help defense! !

It's not over yet, the Heat passed the ball to Jones, and Jones saw Jiang Hao jumping like this and wanted to give him a taste of color. He received the ball and took a step sideways to jump and shoot. Jiang Hao guessed it, and quickly followed up with a step, jumped high and tapped the ball just before shooting. Manu took the ball and ran:


Jiang Hao ran in an arc in another direction according to the Spurs' fast break training. Kerr was the only one in the frontcourt. Manu first passed the ball to Jiang Hao to attract Kerr to watch the ball.

Jiang Hao passed it back to Manu on the other side.

Manu jumped close to the basket!

Cole was completely attracted by Manu, but Manu's ball was not towards the basket, but directly thrown to the other side in the air.

Jiang Hao jumped high, caught the ball in the air with both hands and directly dunked the ball into the basket! ! ! !

2-on-1 dunk in the whole game! ! !

"My god? James is not on the court, but Jiang Hao is liberated??"

"Jiang Hao is too crazy, 2 consecutive blocks, and 2 consecutive scores, dominating offense and defense!!"

After dunking, Jiang Hao, who has a good relationship with Jones, shouted to Jones who came late behind:

"Let James come, you can't defend me!!"

Crazy! ! !

Jones directly scolded him as a brat, and his heart was in turmoil. Why did this guy's speed suddenly become so fast? The height and reaction when blocking the shot are not at the same level as when he was training!

The Heat bench was silent, James and Wade touched their heads, wanting to scold Jones and Kerr, and more pictures of JIANG everywhere flashed through their minds, a little bit strong.

Wade looked at James from the side, as if to say: I want to eat your heart.

Such a strong attacker was easily taken away by you! !

The DJ on the scene sang:

"JIANG!!!!!!!!! The Spurs tied the score with the help of young player Jiang Hao!!!"

Ding ding ding!

Spoelstra did call a 20-second timeout, and the purpose of the timeout was just to replace James.

Wade was held down and asked to play later. If James had been handed over to Wade like in the first quarter, Wade's knee would have to be maintained for a week after this game?

So Spoelstra tried to let James and Bosh lead the team and let Wade rest first.

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