"Ding, the crossing is successful, bind [NBA point system】"

"According to the host's left-handedness, height and wingspan, the host's initial star technical template is: James Harden (second year)"

"Reward: 3 copies of [Peak State (Basic Edition)], use to obtain James Harden's peak ability in a single quarter"

"There is no limit to the future development direction, please decide for yourself!"..................

"Li, please get ready. Coach Carlisle may arrange for you to play in the second half."

"You don't need to feel pressured. The score is so far behind. Even if we lose, it's not your responsibility. You just need to adapt to the situation."

"But speaking of adaptation, you should also try to perform better during this period on the court. Tomorrow the team will decide whether to renew your contract. This depends on you. I can't help you."


Li Zhen suddenly opened his eyes and found a middle-aged white man with glasses sitting next to him, talking incoherently.

This was a large indoor space.

There were many tall black and white people standing or sitting around.

Most of these people were wearing jerseys.

What team? This jersey is so retro.

Where is this?

When Li Zhen was confused, a memory soon came to him.

Li Zhen knew the environment he was in and the identity of the middle-aged white man.

Li Zhen, who had no English name, was born on October 1, 1990 in his memory. He was 20 years old this year. He was a sophomore member of the NCAA Division II League. After participating in the draft, he was not selected. His characteristics are dribbling and having a three-point shot, but these characteristics are not called characteristics compared to ordinary NBA guards. Any guard is better than him.

Li Zhen traveled back to February 18, 2010. It was the halftime break between the Dallas Mavericks and the Cleveland Cavaliers.

The middle-aged white man who just spoke was Rom, an assistant coach of the Dallas Mavericks.

This is the locker room of the Mavericks Airline Center. Li Zhen is a"10-day short contract" worker of the Mavericks.

This short contract was not obtained by strength, but was obtained through the back door.

Assistant coach Roma was also Li Zhen's head coach in the NCAA.

If it follows the normal process, Li Zhen, a player who averaged 5 points and 4 assists per game in the NCAA, would not be eligible for a"10-day short contract", but Li Zhen's family conditions are not bad. In order to realize his NBA dream, he gave Roma"30,000 US dollars".

This 30,000 US dollars is more than Li Zhen's income from the 10-day short contract. Li Zhen is equivalent to playing for free.....

But for the dream, it's all worth it.

Rohm is not willing to take anyone's money. He has coached Li Zhen for two years, and the two have a good personal relationship.

With the help of Rohm, Li Zhen successfully got the"10-day short contract".

However, using the backdoor can only help Li Zhen get this contract. If he really wants to stay in the NBA and get a guaranteed contract, he can't do it without real ability.

Li Zhen carefully thought about the current situation based on the memory of his previous life.

The time is now the beginning of 2010, and the season is the 09-10 season.

Li Zhen has a particularly deep impression of 2010.

There are two important events.

One is the yellow-green battle in the finals, Kobe avenged the Celtics and successfully won his fifth championship.

The second is the event of James joining the Heat.

The trading market in the off-season of 2010 was very crazy, and many big names changed teams. The most famous event was that Cleveland's favorite little emperor LeBron James joined the Miami Heat and formed a peak Big Three with Wade and Bosh.

Li Zhen was very impressed by this event.

Because James completely changed the general trend of NBA superstars not to form groups, it also led to the serious group formation of subsequent superstars.

Although the Celtics' Big Three formed a group first and beat James miserably, they still couldn't avoid James' reputation being ruined by fans and reporters.

The Miami Big Three is very strong, but they were still defeated by the Mavericks, where they are now, in the finals of the 10-11 season, making Nowitzki famous.

But this is all about next season, and Li Zhen doesn't know whether his butterfly will change the NBA trading market this year.

After thinking about it, Li Zhen smiled bitterly. He should find a way to stay in the NBA first, otherwise it would be none of his business.

Although the Mavericks are not the champions of this season, the Mavericks are now a playoff team. It is difficult for them to get into the 15-man roster. Each spot is extremely precious, and he may not get the second contract tomorrow.

After figuring out the situation, Li Zhen whispered to Rom:"Rom, I know, I understand your difficulties, thank you anyway."

"OK, do your best later." Seeing that Li Zhen didn't complain, Rom stood up and left.

Rom cooperated with Li Zhen because Li Zhen was sensible and knew what he could do and what he couldn't do.

There would be no risk in such cooperation.

Rom actually knew that Carlisle was not going to give Li Zhen a second contract extension, but he didn't say it clearly.

Carlisle is a very rigorous head coach. On the third day after Li Zhen signed the short contract, he found that Li Zhen was not strong enough to play in the NBA. Carlisle kept suppressing Li Zhen and didn't let Li Zhen play.

But today is the third game of Li Zhen's short contract, and it is also the tenth day of his short contract.

Li Zhen was in the team training. Although his ability is not good during training, he is very active in training and his attitude is still liked by Carlisle. In this game against the Cavaliers, the Mavericks' star player Nowitzki and sixth man Jason Terry were both absent due to injuries. After the first half, the Mavericks were 20 points behind at the home flight arena.

Carlisle had actually half given up on this game in his heart, so he followed Rom's advice and prepared to give Li Zhen, who has a"positive attitude", some garbage time playing opportunities in the third or fourth quarter.

Li Zhen is also very clear about his current situation and crisis.

If there are not too many accidents, he should be gone tomorrow if he continues at this trend.

NBA will become an impossible dream in his life.

But after this time travel, everything has changed. Li Zhen has a system, and he has something to rely on! After

Rom left, Li Zhen quickly closed his eyes.

He quickly entered the system.

Check personal attributes.

Name: Li Zhen

Gender: Male

Age: 20 years old

Occupation: NBA Dallas Mavericks player (10-day short contract)

Position: PG/SG

Physical test data -

Height: 196CM

Wingspan: 211CM

Standing reach: 2.63 meters

Standing jump reach: 3.43 meters.

Maximum reach: 3.57 meters. Standing jump: 80CM.

Maximum jump: 94CM.

Weight: 100 kg.

Speed: 3.13 seconds 3/4 court sprint

Basketball specific attributes -

Close shot: 82, +

Mid-range shot: 80, +

Long shot: 82, + Ball control: 82, +

Breakthrough: 80, + Dunk: 70, + Pass: 76, + Defense: 40, + Speed: 78, + Strength: 80, + Bounce: 72, + Rebound: 60, + Steal: 46, + Block: 22, + Will: 90, + Skills: [Step back jump shot (intermediate)

】、【[King of Touching Porcelain (Advanced)]

Overall strength rating: A

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