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Barkley said:"The Suns lost two games in a row in Dallas. This game will be very difficult for them tonight. They have been forced into a desperate situation."

Smith said:"Yes, if the Suns lose again tonight, then this round of the series will end early. There is no example of a 0-3 deficit that can be reversed in the NBA." Barkley said

:"Li Zhen and Nowitzki played well in the first two games, especially Li Zhen. He far exceeded the role of a rookie in the playoffs. He is the main culprit of the Suns' losing streak!"

Smith said:"Carlisle knows very well how to use Li Zhen. He can always maximize Li Zhen's power. Li Zhen's excellence has also made the Mavericks the favorite to win the championship this season. Now their momentum to win the championship is no less than that of the Lakers, Celtics, Cavaliers and other teams." On the other side of the court.

Stoudemire stayed with Nash, and Stoudemire said,"Steve, we will win tonight, right?"

This summer is Stoudemire's contract year, and Stoudemire has decided to leave Phoenix. He doesn't want to have any regrets this season.

Nash said firmly,"Yes, we will definitely win!!"

Nash encouraged Stoudemire!!

No one knew that Nash was actually very tired.

Facing the Mavericks, Nash always felt that he would lose no matter how he played.

The opposing lineup is too strong!!

Mavericks bench.

Carlisle gathered all the players together for the final mobilization.

The noise at the scene was so loud that Carlisle had to raise his voice

"They will try their best to stop us from winning tonight. All we need to do is keep our own rhythm and defeat them completely!!"Carlisle shouted.

Two consecutive big wins gave Carlisle enough confidence.

The Mavericks are now stronger than the Suns. As long as they play at their own pace, whether at home or away, the Suns will not be able to beat the Mavericks.



The Mavericks roared and cheered for themselves.

Cuban also shouted on the sidelines....He came to the away game in person to support the Mavericks!

After Cuban finished shouting, he kept swearing at the fans around him. If it weren't for the security, he would definitely be beaten.....

At 7:30 pm, the starting lineups of both teams took to the court.

The Suns' starting lineup: Nash, Dragic, Richardson, Stoudemire, Lopez.

They changed their lineup, putting Hill on the bench and letting Dragic share Nash's pressure on organization and defense.

The Mavericks' starting lineup: Kidd, Li Zhen, Marion, Nowitzki, Dampier!

The Mavericks also played with two control points, and Li Zhen's dual-guard attributes allowed him to play as a shooting guard.


With the referee's whistle, Game 3 officially started!

The Mavericks got the first attack.

Kidd passed the ball to Li Zhen on the right. Li Zhen passed Dragic with a big change of direction, then passed Stoudemire with a European step, sent the ball to the sky, and Peel dunked it!! The easy assist opened the game for the Mavericks.


Li Zhen's breakthrough was too easy, and all Suns fans saw why the Suns lost consecutive away games.

"If there is no way to limit Li Zhen, then the Suns will still have a hard time tonight."Barkley said.

After Barkley finished speaking, there was a loud scream at the scene!!

Nash passed the ball directly to Stoudemire, who took three steps to block Nowitzki's one-handed slam dunk!!

2 to 2

Very domineering!!

Li Zhen also looked at Stoudemire differently, this guy's talent is really awesome.

After the dunk, Stoudemire kept yelling at the camera, venting all his frustration

"Nowitzki couldn't defend against this kind of talent, Amare did a great job, no one thought he could complete such a dunk."Smith shouted.

The fans at the scene also fell into a carnival after this dunk.

But their carnival was not over yet, and then they suffered a heavy blow!!

Nowitzki received a pass from Kidd at the free throw line and started to make a three-threat. Li Zhen cut inside and ran back to the left three-point line. Haywood helped Li Zhen block Dragic.

Nowitzki passed the ball directly to Li Zhen.

Li Zhen took the ball and jumped up to shoot.

The one who covered Li Zhen was Lopez.

Lopez was resentful of Li Zhen.

"Don't even think about making a move!!" Lopez rushed over.

Li Zhen raised the arc to complete the move, and then leaned towards Lopez.




5 to

3+1 again!!

After being hit by Lopez, Li Zhen fell to the ground to relieve the force!!!

Li Zhen's words were not clean:"You are a waste, you can't defend me!"


Lopez wanted to make trouble for Li Zhen, but was directly blocked by Haywood.

This ball made Lopez feel humiliated!!

The conflict was finally resolved by the referee!!

The two sides continued to have small-scale conflicts in the following period, and it was destined that tonight's game would be a hot situation!!!

After this ball, both sides played very hard.

The offensive efficiency of both sides was very high.

Nash and Dragic were crazy about setting the pace, and all the fans saw that Nash was playing for his life.

They really couldn't afford to lose this game. When the time came to the second lineup, Li Zhen started the solo mode!!

The fans of the American West Arena witnessed the moment when this legendary rookie went crazy!...





Li Zhen used step-back jump shots to draw fouls or made three-pointers to single out every Suns starter!!

This is an omnipotent Li Zhen!!

If it weren't for the foul problem, Li Zhen would have gone to rest early and his score in the first half would have been over 40!!

There is no doubt that Li Zhen's state exploded again in this game.

Li Zhen was all-powerful in the first half!!

The Suns also played very well, they opened fire at full power to ensure that the score was not widened.

The two sides even had a tense situation.

Tonight, the Suns completely gave it their all!!

The two sides tied 6-68 at halftime.

Such a high-scoring game made experts and commentators feel that it didn't look like a playoff game.

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