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"Ding, win a single Western Conference Finals game and get 15 attribute points as a reward!"

"Winning a Western Conference Finals game really adds a lot of attribute points."On the way back to the locker room, Li Zhen muttered.

Li Zhen did not rush to use these attribute points. There was an"injury potion" in the system mall, and the price was quite expensive.

Li Zhen had to save the attribute points for backup. He had to make sure that he would not be affected by injuries on the road to the championship.

Li Zhen had used the injury potion once in the regular season, and it was indeed very effective. Minor injuries were basically healed immediately. If it was a slightly more serious injury, it would also reduce the recovery time.

He high-fived the staff all the way back to the locker room.

The atmosphere in the locker room was much better than before the game started, and all the teammates had smiles on their faces. It was too important for the Mavericks to win an away game.

This meant that they didn't need to bear too much pressure when they returned to their home court.

After taking a shower, Li Zhen took out his mobile phone from the closet and replied to Reba's message.

The shooting of this girl went smoothly, and now she has adapted to the environment over there and doesn't complain so much.

After a while, Carlisle asked Li Zhen to attend the press conference together.

The post-match interviews of the Western Conference Finals are very important.

The NBA generally requires outstanding stars to attend with key players, and this is not allowed to be refused without special circumstances.

Press conference.

The home team Lakers were interviewed first.

The reporter asked the Zen Master:"Coach, what is the summary of this game?"

Jackson was in a bad mood. He said:"We did not do a good job of defending the key players. Lee and Nowitzki played very well. We double-teamed Nowitzki, and Lee scored on the outside. If we focus on double-teaming Lee, then Nowitzki will score again. We are not completely without opportunities in this game. Our inside line is very advantageous, but they found a way to deal with us, especially Li Zhen. His performance in the last quarter was not like a rookie at all!"

The Zen Master even used a word that made Christians a little unhappy. He said:"Today's Li Zhen, even God probably can't stop him from winning the game."

The Zen Master continued:"If our players can't be 100% committed in the next series, the next series will be very difficult for us. I hope more people on the team can stand up."

The Zen Master was not satisfied with the state of the Lakers. He felt that they could have won tonight's game, but they lost in the end.

The Zen Master did not blame Kobe, he blamed the whole team!

Later, the reporter interviewed Kobe:"You missed your last fadeaway jump shot, this shot was crucial."

Kobe replied with a serious face:"I know, I just missed it, there's nothing to say, I made the same shot before."

The reporter asked:"What do you think of Li Zhen? Do you have any advice for him?"

Kobe swore:"Fuck, he won the game, how can I give him advice?"


Reporters recorded Kobe's swearing.

Kobe must have suppressed his anger all night.......

Kobe was still very cool after being interviewed for a while and then left.

For Kobe, the game is over, but his training is not over. He missed a fadeaway jumper tonight and he needs to go to the court for more practice. He doesn't want this to happen a second time.

Compared to the overall unpleasant interview with the Lakers, the Mavericks' interview was much smoother.

When the reporter asked Carlisle to comment on the team's performance tonight, Carlisle's smile almost overflowed.

Carlisle said:"We played very well. They once found opportunities to suppress us in the interior, but we finally solved them. Our performance in the final moments ensured that we could win this game."

A domestic reporter asked:"What do you think of Li Zhen's performance tonight?"

The reporter was very tactful and asked a flattering question.

Carlisle smiled and said:"He made me believe in the existence of God tonight. He is one of the incarnations....."


Domestic reporters were very satisfied with Carlisle's words, they just needed this.

The reporter interviewed Li Zhen:"What is your biggest feeling tonight?"

Li Zhen replied:"The Lakers and Kobe are both unique opponents. They put a lot of pressure on me and made me do better."

The reporter asked:"Why did you throw the ball into the sky for the last ball?"

Li Zhen smiled and said:"I was thinking about trying something like this when I was watching games before, and this time it's practical."

《Li Zhen became God and led the Mavericks to win Game 1》

《The tenacious Mavericks reversed the game at the last moment!!》

《The key attack and defense show the superstar style!》

《Throw the ball and win》...

After the game, many news posts instantly captured the attention of fans.

There were too many fans watching the live broadcast of this game, and fans were discussing the performance of everyone in the Western Conference Finals.

Li Zhen and Kobe are undoubtedly the core figures of the two teams.

Being compared to superstar Kobe on the same level makes many fans feel excited.

Especially Li Zhen's performance at the critical moment of Game 1 was not inferior to Kobe.

This made the topic and traffic discussions reach a white-hot stage.

Li Zhen once again occupied the first place on Weibo's hot searches.

After the interview, Li Zhen had no time to pay attention to the news, he was very busy.

Cheng Long made an appointment with Li Zhen for a midnight snack.

Although Li Zhen usually doesn't eat midnight snacks, he couldn't help but give Cheng Long's face.

The place where Cheng Long made an appointment with Li Zhen was a Western restaurant not far from the hotel.

Not only Li Zhen, but also his two friends, Sylvester Stallone and Chris Tucker, had dinner together.....

"Ah Zhen, here, come and sit over here. Cheng Long waved to Li Zhen as soon as he entered the box, looking quite friendly.

"OG, it's really you. I can't believe you're right next to me. Li, congratulations on winning the game!" Stallone happily bumped his chest with Li Zhenlai.

Next to the basketball player, the Kung Fu superstar's muscles are like those of a child....

Li Zhen greeted Sylvester Stallone and Chris Tucker in a friendly manner.

After the four of them chatted for a while, Cheng Long got down to business.

Cheng Long wanted to invite Li Zhen to play a cameo role in his movie, and this role was related to basketball.

Li Zhen saw that the shooting time was in August and immediately agreed. This would not affect his training and competition.

Li Zhen did not want to use Cheng Long's movie role as an opportunity to enter the entertainment industry. For Li Zhen, playing basketball well was enough.

Li Zhen was just accumulating his own connections and helping out.

Li Zhen also asked for a small role in Cheng Long's movie for Reba.

The role was not important, but it would be very helpful for Reba's career.

After talking about business, Li Zhen left first.

They still had the second half, so Li Zhen would not participate. He wanted to rest.

The G2 game will continue the day after tomorrow. Strictly speaking, it is already a great honor to take this time to meet these people. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu Novel

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