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"Kobe Bryant!!!"



The Kobe fans who came to the scene shouted crazily. Their Kobe saved the Lakers. The Lakers now took the initiative and threw the pressure to the Mavericks.

"Kobe caused a blocking foul by Haywood, but Haywood was careless and shouldn't have tried to block Kobe!"

"Mr. Key!"

"Good job!!"

The Lakers starting line-up was celebrating Kobe's crucial two plus one!

After being dunked by the Mavericks, they successfully stabilized the situation.

Li Zhen himself was speechless. He patted Haywood's butt and comforted the depressed big man a little.

Nowitzki and Carlisle were also stunned on the sidelines. They didn't expect Kobe to score this two plus one so amazingly.

Standing on the free throw line, Kobe made the free throw steadily!


The Mavericks just celebrated, and now it's the Lakers who are celebrating.

Kobe roared to the sky, and Gasol patted Kobe on the back of his head.....

Carlisle called the Mavericks' last timeout.

Now the Mavericks are in a dangerous situation.

"Li, you hold the ball and play one-on-one." This was Carlisle's first sentence during the timeout.

Li Zhen felt a little pressure.

Nowitzki also had a good touch today, but Carlisle gave him the ball for the last attack.

This made Li Zhen feel trusted and also felt the responsibility!!

Kobe in 2010 was definitely the year when his leadership ability reached its peak.

The overall strength of the Lakers has also been upgraded compared to before. Just now, when they were behind, they rushed in regardless of everything and successfully created a two-plus-one domineering attitude, which showed Kobe's ability to play key balls.

In terms of this kind of domineering, Li Zhen is still a little worse than Kobe!!

In this series against Kobe, Li Zhen has grown!

Before this round of the series started, Carlisle would give the key ball to Nowitzki!

But now, he chose to give it to Li Zhen!

Mainly because Nowitzki was injured, and then Li Zhen also won the recognition of the Mavericks.

Terry, Kidd, and even Nowitzki were willing to rely on Li Zhen at critical moments.

Entering the playoffs In this stage, Li Zhen showed such outstanding temperament and ability.

No one still regarded him as a rookie.

The playoffs is the stage for Li Zhen to become a superstar!!

It seems that he is born to be suitable for such a situation.

Not only Carlisle and the Mavericks are willing to believe in Li Zhen, but the fans are also willing to believe in Li Zhen.

Countless times, Li Zhen has saved the Mavericks from dangerous moments.

The most classic one was the night before yesterday, when Li led the Mavericks to defeat the Lakers at home alone!!

Li was able to take the initiative in the total score of the series, and he deserves the credit!!

There are only 9 seconds left, and the Mavericks are behind.

If this ball is scored, the Mavericks will push the Lakers to the edge of the cliff!

If it is not scored, the momentum of the series will return to the Lakers!!


The timeout ended.

Almost all cameras gave close-ups to Li Zhen.

Everyone was wondering what this rookie who was able to push Kobe into this situation in the Western Conference Finals was thinking at this moment!

Standing on the court, Li Zhen was very confident. He would not ask himself to make a buzzer beater, but he would definitely try his best to do what he should do.

Li Zhen could feel the crisis coming. If he could not score this goal, then the Mavericks would lose the game.....................

"Fans, there are only 9 seconds left in Game 4 of the 2009-10 Western Conference Finals. The Lakers are leading by 1 point away from home. Li Zhen's score has reached 50 points. Together with the last game, this is an unprecedented streak of 0-0 in the playoffs.+"

"It is very difficult to score 5+ in two consecutive games. Even in the regular season, not many people can do it. This is the Western Conference Finals, and no one else has done it yet."

"The Mavericks are in a passive position now. If they can't score this last goal, the Lakers will probably tie the score, which will be very unfavorable for the Mavericks....."

Coach Zhang was also very nervous, staring at the big screen and constantly creating the intense atmosphere of the game for the audience!

On the court, the referee blew the whistle and handed the ball to Kidd on the midfield sideline. Bynum jumped up and down to interfere with Kidd's serve.

Li Zhen, Nowitzki, Terry, and Haywood all crowded near the free throw line and started to start. The Lakers defenders also marked each other.

Kobe and Li Zhen were entangled.

Kobe yelled:"Rookie, I will kill you tonight and this series."

Li Zhen shot back:"You are dreaming!!"

The two continued to compete on the court.

When the referee counted down to two seconds, Kidd passed the ball to Li Zhen who ran out.

As soon as Li Zhen got the ball, all the Mavericks quickly dispersed. They did not try to cover, but directly gave Li Zhen a single shot.

Kobe pulled up his shorts and immediately leaned over with his hands open to defend Li Zhen.

Li Zhen did not hesitate and immediately started dribbling and attacking!




A quick crotch dribble with continuous changes of direction.

Kobe's center of gravity was very low, he was too familiar with Li Zhen's move.

4 seconds

Li Zhen took a step to the right, Kobe followed closely, Li Zhen pulled back under his crotch.

3 seconds

Li Zhen then rushed to the left, Kobe followed again, Li Zhen pulled back again and took the ball.

2 seconds Li Zhen did not shake Kobe off, Kobe entangled Li Zhen, Li Zhen's first move was a fake, Kobe's center of gravity was slightly cheaper.

1 second Li Zhen made a second jump shot and a three-pointer, the basketball just passed Kobe's fingertips and flew to the basket!!

0 seconds Li Zhen fell back, he used his physical talent to the extreme in this ball, the electronic buzzer sounded, the backboard light came on, and the basketball was still gliding in the air.

Time seemed to slow down at this moment!!


The basketball fell into the net in an arc!!!


The sound of the ball passing through the net was unusually clear and loud!!

The score was changed!!


"Oh oh oh oh!!!"

"A killer kill!!"

"Well done, Li Zhen!!"

"Another killer kill!!"


"NBA great dish emerges"

"This is the second time in the playoffs that Li Zhen has completed a buzzer-beating shot."

The fans and commentators at home and abroad who watched this game almost rioted in an instant!!!

Crazy fans in China even screamed at home!!

The boys in the university cafeteria also howled!!

Finally, the series score became 3 to 1, the Mavericks pushed the Lakers to the edge of the cliff, and they got the Western Conference Finals point.

They only need one victory to return to the finals!!!_

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