
"Well done!!"

"Smooth step back, one-on-one is awesome"

"The step back is easy to practice, but the subsequent shot is the essence and is difficult to practice."

"The dribbling left and right, plus the forward and backward movement of the breakthrough, the defender needs to passively adjust his footwork four times, plus the final step back, basically the defender is no more than one meter away to be considered a good defensive player! I can only say that Posey's defense is awesome, but Li Zhen is even better!!!"

"The more I watch Li Zhen play, the more I like his technique. It is both practical and good looking!"

"Li Zhen's footwork, changing direction first and then retreating, was totally unstoppable by Posey!"

Domestic fans were excited after seeing Li Zhen's step back.

Such a technical show is too rare among domestic players.

In the commentary booth,

Coach Zhang also laughed and said,"Li Zhen's play on this ball was not very reasonable, but he was able to score, which shows his personal ability. In fact, we can see from Li Zhen's playing time that Li Zhen has won the trust of Coach Carlisle and he has entered the normal rotation."

Coach Xu said,"Yes, there is absolutely no problem for Li Zhen to enter the rotation in terms of ability. The Mavericks' current system is also suitable for him, and he will have more opportunities in the future."

The two commentators are very good at talking nonsense, and now they are representing the official to praise Li Zhen.....

On the court, Posey sighed and shook his head.

The league is getting better and better at attacking, and he can't defend against it anymore.

KD、Derrick Rose, and this guy!

Posey felt that his era seemed to be fading away.

Peja patted Posey on the back and said nothing.

The rise of young people always makes the veterans feel a little lost.

The Hornets attack.

Collison led the front court and directed the running.

Li Zhen still entangled Peja, and Peja was too lazy to run. He couldn't run faster than the young Li Zhen.

Peja made an off-ball screen for Posey.

Li Zhen switched to defend Posey.

Okafor also passed the ball to Posey.

Posey tried to single out Li Zhen with continuous tentative steps, but Li Zhen did not move.

Posey has a lot of scoring methods. Shooting from beyond the 3-point line is his killer move. His career 3-point shooting percentage is 34.8%. From the 03-04 season to now, his 3-point shooting percentage is as high as 37.6%.

In addition, Posey's breakthrough also has a certain degree of destructive power. He often breaks through the baseline and pulls up to complete the attack.

Posey chose to face Li Zhen and dribble on the 3-point line and then jump shot three-pointer!!

The defense was passive, but Li Zhen was smart enough to put his hand in front of Posey's eyes.

Battier's blindfolding technique!

Inexperienced, he almost poked it.

Except for Kobe, anyone would subconsciously dodge a hand flying in front of their eyes.

Posey was the same. He turned his head slightly and his shot was crooked.


Li Zhen's defense once again made his opponent miss the shot.

The rebound was taken by Haywood.

Haywood immediately passed the ball to Terry.

After receiving the ball, Terry immediately pushed for a counterattack.

Li Zhen rushed forward quickly.

When Terry rushed into the inside line on a fast break, he was chased by Collison. Collison's position was very good, blocking Terry's possibility of attacking the basket.

Collison's speed was his advantage, and Terry had no advantage.

Terry did not hesitate and threw the ball behind him to Li Zhen who just ran outside the three-point line.

Li Zhen received the ball and jumped up in the face of Peja's defense!

Peja's defense was not as strong and skillful as Posey's, so he rushed over to block Li Zhen.

Li Zhen would naturally not miss such an opportunity, he relied on Peja to shoot a three-pointer!!

The 91-point long-range shooting attribute was used again, and the ball thrown by Li Zhen when he lost his balance went towards the basket and went in!!


17 to 29

"Beep! Beep! The referee pointed his three fingers horizontally, indicating that the goal was valid and there was an additional penalty!


"plum、、、、、、、"Zhen!!" The DJ shouted Li Zhen's name crazily.

Boss Cuban stood up and waved his fists on the sidelines, and then he high-fived Nelson Jr. to celebrate.

"I'll tell you, this rookie can definitely be trained and he will become an All-Star"

"I now feel like he’s going to be a superstar!"


"Donnie, you're right, the All-Stars still underestimated him."

On the court.

Li Zhen was pulled up by Haywood and Terry.

Although Terry was not very fond of Li Zhen, he had to admit that Li Zhen's ability was indeed very strong.

Not every player can maintain a smooth touch even when he lost his balance.

Peja and Posey looked at each other.

The last period of the first quarter was too difficult.

At the beginning, the score was not big, and they were still a threat to the Mavericks.

But now they are hit by a 3+1, and the score difference is completely widened.

The Mavericks substitutes were celebrating, but the Hornets were extremely depressed.

Posey complained to the referee:"The rookie just made a dangerous move, didn't you see it?"

The referee spread his hands. He saw it, but Li Zhen didn't really touch Posey. He would only blow it if he touched him....

This action is not dangerous.

The referee also had some small opinions about Li Zhen. The last game's whistle put them under a lot of pressure.

But the rules are the rules.

The fans at the scene started watching the replay and saw Li Zhen's eye-covering method!

Everyone was amused.

Our rookie defense is really good....

Fans like Li Zhen more and more.

Posey saw that the referee did not respond and did not appeal. It was fine if the ball was touched.

Li Zhen stood on the free throw line and easily made the free throw!!

17 to 30.

The score was completely widened.

This was also the final score of this quarter. In the more than two minutes that Li Zhen played, he seemed to be the best defensive player. He used his positive attitude to defend every attack from the opponent on his position.

Li Zhen's contribution was not only on the defensive end. On the offensive end, he scored 7 points and 1 assist, leading the second lineup to a wave of flow.....

This quarter set the tone for the next three quarters.

The Mavericks suppressed the Hornets at home.

Li Zhen's playing time was also increasing, and his points and assists were also rising steadily. In the last 3 seconds of the third quarter, Li Zhen broke through to attract the defense and threw the ball into the air, and Haywood slammed it in!!!

This assist also helped Li Zhen's data reach 23 points and 10 assists.

After three quarters, the score was 56 to 80, and the difference was 24 points.

"Ding, mission accomplished!!!"

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