This phenomenon also led to Nash and Gentry spitting at the media immediately after the game.

Nash complained:"He flopped on the offensive end, how can I defend him? Any time I touch him, it is a foul. He is very good at using the rules. Compared with him, I am more like a rookie who is at a loss."

Nash's self-mockery made the media on the scene laugh.

Indeed, Li Zhen tortured Nash today.

It is not denied that Li Zhen used the rules reasonably, but this is too bullying. He grabbed Nash and Dragic and did it.

Gentry said on the side:"When dealing with the rookie No. 6, our defensive strategy is as if he has a plague in his body. You must not touch him. If you touch him, you will pay the price. We fell on him tonight. He stood on the free throw line 22 times, and our entire team combined did not have so many as him."

Gentry did have reason to complain. The Suns team only had 20 free throws, which was really less than Li Zhen.

The media on the scene laughed again.

Li Zhen is too mean.

And the Mavericks main���Carlisle defended Li Zhen in an interview:"He has such a skill of drawing fouls that even if the referee watched the video, he couldn't tell what was wrong with his drawing fouls, because it was indeed a foul, he just used the rules reasonably."

"Under the rules, his style of play is reasonable!"

The game between the Mavericks and the Suns also caused great controversy after the game.

Some media repeatedly studied Li Zhen's fraud and got the key to Li Zhen's winning the referee's whistle. These media pointed out that the league should modify the rules for Li Zhen, otherwise it would be unfair to others.

《"Li Zhen's foul-making highlights, the league should change the rules."

This piece of news went viral immediately after the game.

It's because Li Zhen's foul-making subverted the fans' concept of the game.

According to the rhythm at the beginning of the first quarter, the Suns, led by Nash, were firmly suppressing the Mavericks. As a result, after Li Zhen came on the court, the situation of the two teams suddenly changed. The key was that Li Zhen caused Dragic and Nash to foul consecutively.

Fans had mixed opinions on Li Zhen's game.

"A rookie has learned to play like this. The game is really not good to watch."

"Nash and Dragic are too innocent. The home whistle was a bit excessive in this game."

"Pulling someone's arm to commit a foul, Pharmacy Bilian"

"Others were hiding from defenders to shoot, but Li Zhen was looking for defenders to make layups!"


"What a capable person! Why can Li Zhen always put his hands under other people’s armpits?"

"Household registration in Jingdezhen, Li Zhende has studied this rule in detail."

"If the referee Li Zhen stopped calling fouls and made a three-pointer, wouldn't the scene be very embarrassing? It's a good picture."

"Li Zhen is actually very physically demanding, and he is also very good at drawing fouls."

"Don't stretch your hand, or you will be caught"

"We knew he was looking for a foul, but the call was so natural."

"If the defender doesn't reach out, the call may not be made, but there is no defense without reaching out."

"As soon as he stretched out his hand, Li Zhen's arm would hang on the defender."

"Teach those players defending Li Zhen that they will be killed if they stretch out their hands!"

"They all rushed to the right and held the opponent's hand with their left hand 123, bi, foul!!"

The fans' heated discussion on the Internet was directly transmitted to the office of the league president!

It is said that the referee committee and the NBA league held a meeting regarding Li Zhen's foul!

Regardless of whether the rules should be changed, Li Zhen has once again expanded his fame by making a foul. The

Mavericks' victory in this game was not glorious, but they still won and firmly secured the second place.

Scored 30 points and 7 assists in 28 minutes.

Put aside the outside world's controversy about Li Zhen's foul.

Li Zhen's efficiency value in this game is indeed very high.

And after this game, Li Zhen's average efficiency value also came to the first place on the rookie list.

Regarding efficiency, all fans have nothing to say about Li Zhen.

After Li Zhen came to the Mavericks, he averaged 26 minutes per game, averaging 27.5 points, 6.5 assists, 5.1 rebounds and 2.1 steals per game.

This efficiency is the efficiency of the No. 1 pick.

What Tyreke Evans, what Brandon Jennings, what Stephen Curry, are all not as good as our undrafted Li Zhen.

Li Zhen is now receiving more attention than Tyreke Evans.

Evans is just like that this season, a stable 20+5+5.

What about Li Zhen? How many surprises can he give everyone?

Mainstream media such as ESPN even started a program and invited several celebrities to comment on Li Zhen's technical ability.

Experts also gave a high evaluation of Li Zhen's current strength:

Li Zhen is strong, flexible and good at breakthroughs. Although his jumping height is average, it does not affect his vision.

Li Zhen prefers to use step-back jumpers rather than fade away. This posture is beneficial to his rhythm. Overall, Li Zhen is a good shooter, but there is still some gap between him and top shooters.

Li Zhen's mid-range jump shot performance is average. He doesn't like mid-range shots. His mid-range shooting ratio is only 15%.

In addition to step-back three-pointers, Li Zhen His strongest point is his breakthrough. He has the best Eurostep besides Ginobili. He can shoot in confrontation and can also create physical contact intelligently. When breaking through, he can actively contact the opponent to get the whistle. The efficient breakthrough makes Li Zhen's true shooting rate reach 62.5%.

Currently, only LeBron James, Kevin Durant, Carmelo Anthony, and Kobe Bryant can do what Li Zhen does.

On defense, Li Zhen can do a good job of on-ball defense and is good at stealing the ball during the opponent's dribbling breakthrough. Of course, his off-ball defense is a little worse.

In general, Li Zhen is a player who is qualified to compete for the Rookie of the Year.

ESPN's program thoroughly promoted Li Zhen to the top of the rookie list, and even suggested that the league should include Li Zhen in the list of best rookies. With such fame, Li Zhen also caused dissatisfaction among some players.

Among them is the opponent of the next game, Tyreke Evans.

Evans said on Twitter:"I will not rely on the referee's whistle to win the game. Of course, I will not use my hands to hang on others to foul. Such games are ugly. I am much better than that kind of guy. It is a shame to compete with such a guy for the best rookie."

Some fans of Li Zhen were unhappy with Evans, and responded to Evans:"No, no, your efficiency and hit rate are worse than his. Even if you don't commit fouls, Li's ability is better than yours...."

Evans didn't mention the name directly, but everyone knew he was talking about Li Zhen.

Indeed, because of Li Zhen, Evans' attention has dropped a lot.

Attention means influence, and influence means the size of the endorsement contract. This is also a direct interest relationship. Evans is inevitably a little unhappy.....

Li Zhen didn't really care whether the outside world's evaluation was good or bad.

He didn't know that he was being criticized on Twitter.

Li Zhen's attention was all on improving his skills, and he had no interest in these things outside the court.

As soon as the game was over, Li Zhen drove his Porsche home humming a song.

Li Zhen was in a good mood in this game, and he gained two attribute points.

The Mavericks' next game against the Kings will still be at home.

Li Zhen also saved himself from the hustle and bustle of traveling to away games.

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