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Anthony angrily asks Billups for the ball.

The double team of the Mavericks caught him off guard, and Li Zhen's steal made him feel embarrassed.

Billups gave the ball to Anthony again.

Anthony played Marion again.

This time Anthony did not rush to the basket, but chose to jump directly after a tentative step!

Marion waved his hand to Anthony's face, but it had no effect at all.

The basketball went into the basket neatly.

12 to 20.

Melon is a bit sweet!

This guy's singles ability is really amazing.

Marion's defense is definitely not bad, but he couldn't defend Anthony.

Anthony shrugged at Li Zhen.

Li Zhen ignored him.

The Nuggets' defense is not strong, but their positioning speed is also very fast, and Li Zhen did not find a chance to quickly attack.

Only Li Zhen can speed up the Mavericks' lineup, and it is a bit tiring for Nowitzki to run with him.

Li Zhen thinks he still has to fight a positional war

"��It can be seen that Li Zhen is still trying to find a way to get along with Nowitzki. After all, when Nowitzki is not around, it is Li Zhen's singles that are dragging the Mavericks forward. This will take some time to adapt."Brin said

"Nowitzki and Li are both very smart players. I think they should know how to handle this kind of relationship."Van Gundy said. Van

Gundy thought, it would be nice if Yao Ming had a two-way guard like Li Zhen.

While the commentator was discussing, Li Zhen passed the ball to Marion.

Marion did not have the ability to play one-on-one, and George Karl was not worried about his personal offense.

Marion passed the ball to Nowitzki in the high position on the right. The one defending Nowitzki was Nene.

Nowitzki took a series of tentative steps with the ball, but Nene did not lose his center of gravity and still stood tall in his defensive position.

Li Zhen waved at Nowitzki. He could see that Nowitzki was not in a good position to play.

Indeed, Nowitzki was against His shooting touch had not yet fully returned, and he did not want to attack rashly. Seeing Li Zhen asking for the ball, Nowitzki passed the ball back to Li Zhen.

After receiving the ball, Li Zhen immediately dived to the right.

Billups followed immediately, but Li Zhen was too fast and passed him directly.

However, Li Zhen did not want to break through. He dived one step and then did a counter-attack!

Then Li Zhen took a big step back and received the ball to the top of the arc in front.

Li Zhen's feet just landed outside the three-point line. Li Zhen's feeling for the three-point line has been integrated into his bones.

Billups completely lost his position on defense, and he ran off the court.


This was the first time that fans at the Pepsi Center saw Li Zhen's skill of shaking people off the court.

Many fans covered their mouths in surprise.

Li Zhen made a neat three-point shot.

The basketball drew a not very beautiful arc, but it went straight into the basket.


15 to 20.

Li Zhen made an OK sign and glided back to the half court.

This was his unique celebration posture!!

"Li Zhen's signature step-back three-pointer shook Billups out of the court. This is the best step-back I've ever seen in the league, and this is not the first time he has done this."Van Gundy shouted. Brin was a little speechless about Van Gundy's commentary that was obviously biased towards Li Zhen.

However, Van Gundy's statement did not cause fans to be disgusted, because he was telling the truth!

Li Zhen's step-back shot is very sexy. It

's not the first time he has shaken someone down and made him lose his mind.

More and more defenders know he can do it, but they just can't defend against it.

This is also one of Li Zhen's important weapons.

Nuggets offense.

Billups didn't have much feeling about being beaten.

He has seen too many technical players.

Iverson, Kobe....None of them is easy to deal with.

Now it's just a matter of adding Li Zhen to this list.

Li Zhen's tackle is fierce, but Billups's ball protection is also very stable. Billups dribbled the ball steadily across half court.

Billups continuously directed and dispatched.

The Nuggets' players rotated and ran frantically!

Anthony came up to make a screen for Billups, and Billups used the pick-and-roll to break through and then passed the ball back to Anthony.

During the rotation, Marion was taken away by Billups, leaving Li Zhen to deal with Anthony.

Li Zhen opened his hands and guarded Anthony very seriously.

If Li Zhen's defense was a weakness before, it is now his strength.

Li Zhen defended both the breakthrough and the shot, and Anthony didn't find a chance at the first time.

"Hit him!"

"Vote for him!"

""Hit him!"

Seeing Anthony and Li Zhen, two hot topics, facing off directly, the fans at the scene cheered happily.

Li Zhen did not spit trash talk at Anthony, and Anthony did not say anything either.

The two of them just competed silently.

Anthony turned around and wanted to use his back to push Li Zhen.

When the big man is playing against the small man, the back is a bug.

Anthony clearly wanted to bully Li Zhen



Anthony has a lot of flesh, so it's hard to defend.

But Li Zhen also has a lot of flesh, so Anthony is not easy to attack!

When Anthony barely pushed forward to the free throw line, he couldn't push anymore, and if he tried to attack again, he would be fouled.

Anthony tried to push Li Zhen away and turn over!

But Li Zhen was not pushed away, he rushed forward with all his strength!

Long arms and strong interference!

Anthony's shot slipped to Li Zhen's fingertips, and Li Zhen flicked it.

The trajectory of the basketball changed.

"Blocked shot, Anthony was blocked by Li, this is top-notch defensive ability!!"Van Gundy shouted.

The ball was directly received by Nowitzki!

Nowitzki passed it directly to Li Zhen.

Li Zhen quickly rushed to the front court with the ball.

Anthony was chasing Li Zhen all the time. Li Zhen felt Anthony's speed of chasing back.

He stopped suddenly at the three-point line and jumped up!!


Anthony successfully crashed into Li Zhen

"Beep beep!"

Anthony saw that he was fouled by Li Zhen, so he immediately pulled Li Zhen to prevent Li Zhen from having a 3+1 opportunity.

Li Zhen didn't expect Anthony to be so mean, he almost lost his balance, and almost fell down with a stumble.

Li Zhen was furious, he immediately stood up and yelled at Anthony:"Use your brain, do you know how to play basketball with your brain? No wonder you don't have a championship."

Hearing Li Zhen scolding him, Anthony immediately became unhappy, he immediately walked towards Li Zhen and scolded back and forth:"Rookie, I don't need you to teach me how to play, you are not qualified!"

Li Zhen hit back:"If I have been in the league for 7 years and still don't have a championship, I will be so ashamed that I will choose to retire directly!"

It hurts!

Li Zhen seized on the fact that Anthony didn't have a championship and blasted him.

But Anthony cared so much!!

The two were almost face to face, and the fans at the scene kept making noises when they saw the conflict between the two.

The scene everyone was looking forward to the most was here.

Fight! Fight!

Throw your fists.

Anthony wanted to say something, but he was pushed by Li Zhen.

Li Zhen's action was not big, but he was the first to attack.

Anthony backed away and was tripped by his teammate Afflalo and fell.

"Fuck!"Anthony stood up and immediately prepared to make trouble for Li Zhen. Although Li Zhen was chubby, he was very flexible and took a few steps back to avoid Anthony's move to rush over and push him.

Nene and Martin came up, and Dampier and Nowitzki came forward.

The two sides were on the verge of a fight!

The referee quickly intervened with a series of beeps!!!

Except for Li Zhen and Anthony, the veteran players on both sides were still somewhat restrained.

The referee took three minutes to control the situation.

Replay the video.

Anthony made a big move, and Li Zhen made a push.

Li Zhen and Anthony each had a technical foul!

Anthony was replaced by George Karl and calmed down, but Carlisle still kept Li Zhen on the court. He trusted Li Zhen's ability to control his emotions.

When the fans saw Anthony being replaced, they immediately booed Li Zhen.

There was no fight, it was not fun at all.

After this conflict, the Mavericks also reversed the momentum on the road again. After the first quarter, the score was 3428, and the Mavericks led the Nuggets by 6 points on the road!

"There is no doubt that Li Zhen's appearance was a turning point for the Mavericks. The Mavericks only scored 8 points in the first half, but scored 26 points in the second half. Li Zhen changed the momentum of the Mavericks."Van Gundy said

"Yes, let's see how George Karl adjusts next. Anthony needs to step up to help the Nuggets stabilize the situation in time and not easily fight with Li Zhen."Brin said.

Both commentators can see that Li Zhen plays more maturely than Anthony.

Compared with Li Zhen, Anthony looks more like a rookie!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu Novel

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