Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

In addition to the various preparations made by each playoff team, the media are also making various preparations.

In order to create hot spots and stir up the atmosphere, reporters have flooded major websites with all kinds of drama news.

The commentators on TV stations are broadcasting a variety of analysis special programs.

ESPN's program"Playoff Analysis" is the one with the highest ratings.

Brin, Van Gundy, Mark Jackson!

In the past few years, this three-man witty commentary partner has opened the eyes of fans. They are outspoken, bold and respectful.

They praise and argue, are charming and questioning.

If the game drags on for the last few minutes, they will chat and brag about nothing.

Their commentary is also quite personal.

"As mentioned, it will not be easy for the Lakers to defend their title this season. The young players of the Thunder are enough to give them a hard time. Kevin Durant does not think that Kobe Bryant is better than he is now.

The three hosts talked about the situation of the Western Conference playoffs......

The competition in the West is much more fierce than that in the East. There is no series in which the top half of the team will definitely beat the bottom half.

The Lakers are no exception. The Thunder have defeated strong teams many times this season.

Moreover, Westbrook is recognized to beat Fisher. Now Fisher can only eat the taillights of Westbrook!

"Speaking of the Mavericks and the Spurs, this matchup is probably harder to predict than any other. The Mavericks beat the Spurs 4-1 last season, and this season the Spurs are eager for revenge."Jackson said

"The Mavericks showed before the All-Stars that they were more than capable of playing against weaker teams, but were a little too soft against stronger teams. After the All-Stars, they got Li Zhen, and things got a little better. However, they are still the team that the lower half of the conference wants to face the most!"Van Gundy sighed.

"In 2006, the Mavericks were reversed by Miami, and in 2007, the Mavericks were eliminated in the first round. Nowitzki became the first regular season MVP to be eliminated in the first round. He had to accept his MVP trophy in embarrassment. It is difficult to have much hope for the Mavericks led by Nowitzki, and Li Zhen is still too young. He can be relied on in the next two years, but not now."McBreen said.

McBreen's words were very impolite, but this is the current situation faced by the Mavericks and Nowitzki.

Nowitzki has not yet won the glory of fighting Miami alone, and he is still considered the league's number one softie.

Li Zhen has no experience in the playoffs. He is just a substitute and cannot play too many roles.

Li Zhen, who was watching the TV analysis in the room, felt a little angry.

He felt underestimated.

No matter how good he was in the regular season, no one thought he would be important in the playoffs.

Everyone will focus on the team leader and superstars.

The playoffs are the stage for superstars!

Li Zhen opened the system and prepared to add the attribute points accumulated during this period again.

28 points.

There were no records broken during this period, only some points gained from winning and training.

Li Zhen spent 20 points to increase"breakthrough" from 80 to 90.

Then he spent 8 points to increase"bounce" from 72 points to 80.

Compared with before, this is a very subtle improvement.

Personal attributes.

Name: Li Zhen

Gender: Male

Age: 20 years old

Occupation: NBA player (Dallas Mavericks)

Salary: 3 million US dollars/year

Position: PG/SG

Physical test data-

Height: 196CM

Wingspan: 211CM

Standing reach: 2.97 meters

Standing jump reach: 3.78 meters.

Maximum reach: 3.98 meters. Standing jump: 94CM.

Maximum jump: 108CM.

Weight: 100 kg.

Speed: 2.76 seconds, 3/4 court sprint

Basketball specific attributes-

Close shot: 90, +

Mid-range shot: 90, +

Long shot: 91, + Ball control: 90, +

Breakthrough: 90, +

Dunk: 70, +

Passing: 90, +

Defense: 88, +

Speed: 90 , +

Strength: 80, +

Bounce: 80, +

Rebound: 60, +

Steals: 46, +

Blocks: 28 , +

Will: 92, +

Physical fitness: 82, +

Skills: [Step back jump shot (advanced)】、【King of Touching Porcelain (Advanced)】、【God Cutting Hand (Advanced)】、【Lightning Breakthrough】、【Wonderful Transmission of the Heavenly King (Intermediate)】、【Fader (Intermediate)】、【Mr. Key (Intermediate)】、【Trash Talk Expert] (Primary)

Overall Strength Rating: S-level

Remaining attribute points: 0 points.

Looking at his own attributes, Li Zhen gritted his teeth!

He was ready to face this cruel playoffs..............

In another room in Li Zhen's house.

Reba was lying on the bed thinking about her future development.

The relationship with Li Zhen made Reba enjoy the sweetness of love.

But in her career, Reba also encountered some small troubles.

She doesn't have any resources in the entertainment industry.

The magazines that asked her to shoot are all third- and fourth-tier magazines, and there are no first- and second-tier ones.

These resumes of third- and fourth-tier magazines are not worth talking about, and they are not of much help in improving her status and popularity.

Generally speaking, when a magazine chooses a star to appear on the cover, it also means her current status.

This complements each other, which also shows that Reba's fashion resources have not been opened at all, and she is only well-known in a very small advertising circle.

She can't get any TV dramas or movie roles like this.

Reba doesn't know when there will be changes, and she doesn't know if she can really find her position in the circle............

Living room.

Reba, who came out to get water, met Li Zhen who had just finished drinking water.

Li Zhen was training these two days, and the two were not together during the day, but only had dinner together at night.

Seeing each other at this time, they smiled at each other.

"Can't sleep?" Li Zhen asked

"Well, it's a bit annoying. Reba lifted his hair

"Let's chat for a while?" Li Zhen pursed his lips, indicating to go to the sofa in the living room.

Reba nodded.

Li Zhen's ideas are very mature, his experience is inspiring enough, and Reba is willing to discuss each other's careers with him.

Reba leaned her head on Li Zhen's shoulder and confided her troubles to him.

There was a light shampoo smell on Reba's hair, which was very pleasant.

Li Zhen enjoyed it very much.

After listening to Reba's confession, Li Zhen thought for a while.

He carefully thought about how he knew Reba in his previous life.

Well, it was the variety show"Running Man".

And Reba's development in the entertainment industry seems to have always followed Yang Mi.

Yang Mi's agency has given her a lot of resources. Although she doesn't have any signature masterpieces, it is enough to make her a top star.

The reason why troubles are troubles is that they are for people who have no money.

For Li Zhen now, the way to solve Reba's troubles is very simple and crude.

Spend money!

Li Zhen said:"I am setting up an investment company. In the future, the investment direction will also develop towards the entertainment industry. Invest in variety shows and TV dramas. Don't look at me, this is not just for you, but mainly to make money."

Li Zhen did all this in the hope of helping Reba, that's all. Of course, she didn't say that because she had a strong sense of self-esteem.

Although Li Zhen said that, Reba was not a fool and she was also touched:"Thank you." She said she didn't need Li Zhen's help, but when she really encountered difficulties, Li Zhen would not stand idly by.

"What you need to do now is to stick to your dream and accumulate your own capital."

"Although persistence may seem easy to say, it is very difficult when you actually go through this process."

"Maybe you will experience setbacks one after another, blows again and again, and many people will say that your dream will never come true. When you experience these setbacks, you need to make yourself strong inside."

"I believe that success in everything should first favor those who work hard."

Li Zhen's attitude is very positive and sunny, and Reba was infected. She smiled and said,"Hehe, I know, you are like a nagging old woman."

Is this love?

Reba felt sweet in her heart.

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