
The Spurs attack.

Parker passes the ball to Ginobili, and Duncan sets a screen to block Li Zhen.

Ginobili sets a screen to pass the ball to Duncan, who wants to force Li Zhen's mismatch.



Li Zhen's ability to fight was a little beyond Duncan's expectations. After the fight, Duncan's hook shot hit the front frame.

The rebound was taken by Nowitzki.

Nowitzki passed the ball to Kidd.

Kidd passed the ball to Li Zhen on the right after crossing half court. As soon as Li Zhen had the ball, the Spurs double-teamed him, not giving him any singles chance.

Indeed, the double-teaming of Li Zhen did limit his personal offense.

But the Mavericks are still a team-oriented team!

Li Zhen quickly passed the ball when he was double-teamed, and he returned it to Kidd.

The Spurs' double-teaming of Li Zhen meant that the Mavericks had another One of the four players must be open.

As a top organizer, Kidd naturally knew this, and he easily found a suitable receiver.

Kidd broke through and passed the ball to Terry who ran into an open position.

Terry shot the ball outside the three-point line!! Terry

, nicknamed the Jet, averaged 14.6 points per game this season. After Li Zhen came, his score dropped significantly. Terry's shooting percentage was 44% and his three-point shooting percentage was 37%. Considering his height, this shooting percentage is very good.

He firmly grasped this open opportunity.


The knife came down with his hand, three-point and two-point combo!! After scoring


, Terry opened his arms and ran over to high-five his teammates!!

In just one minute, he completed two consecutive three-pointers. The Mavericks' passing and Li Zhen's deterrence played a key role. Their lead reached 9 points.

Ginobili of the Spurs quickly responded to Terry with a three-pointer outside the three-point line with the help of McDyess and Duncan's screen!!

But Li Zhen's presence still made the Spurs breathless.

In the next round, the Spurs just relaxed their double-teaming on Li Zhen, and Li Zhen resolutely took the ball and broke through with the help of Nowitzki's pick-and-roll. Li Zhen performed a European step, raised his hands high, passed Duncan and made a layup!!

This European step caused a tsunami-like cheer in the Airline Center.

Li Zhen's personal offensive ability is like a sharp sword that threatens the Spurs from time to time!

He is always vigilant of the Spurs. He is an assassin who will stab you to death if you are not careful!!

The offense of both sides was back and forth. Although the Mavericks did not expand the point difference, the Spurs did not approach score.

Li Zhen sometimes plays point guard, and sometimes cooperates with Kidd to play without the ball!

This keeps the Spurs' defense in a tight state, and Li Zhen's offensive ability puts great pressure on them.

The Spurs players have to play more cautiously, because they know very well that if their offense is out of power, the Mavericks will take this opportunity to open up the score!

Judging from the first 6 minutes of the third quarter, Li Zhen did a good job. He did the task assigned to him by Carlisle, and even exceeded it.

With Nowitzki in average condition, it was his presence that made the Spurs a little breathless!

After playing for half a quarter, Carlisle began to make substitutions, but Li Zhen was still on the court.

The Spurs let the younger George Hill play against Li Zhen.

In order to deal with the Mavericks' three-guard lineup, they also took Jefferson and played three guards.

George Hill was in good condition. In the first round he came up, he received a pass from Duncan and hit a steady high-post mid-range shot, which relieved the pressure on the Spurs a little!

"Don't be careless, cheer up! Dirk, make up for it, don't just stand there."Carlisle roared at Nowitzki.

Li Zhen was blocked by a screen just now, and it should be Nowitzki who was chasing Hill!

But today, King Nowitzki's condition is really not very good. His defense is not good, and his offensive efficiency is not high.

King Nowitzki also looked at Carlisle apologetically. Duncan's defensive intensity was a little beyond his expectations.

Li Zhen was not stunned by Hill's mid-range shot. He immediately called for Dampier to make a quick shot.

After receiving the ball, Li Zhen sprinted straight, passed Hill with a change of direction, and then after passing half court, he turned around and passed Ginobili outside the three-point line!!

Duncan stood in the three-second zone waiting for Li Zhen to attack the basket.

But Li Zhen chose a long-distance lob after turning around and taking a step before the free throw line!!

The distance of this lob was very far, and Duncan couldn't block it!

Li Zhen's touch was also very soft!

The basketball has a wonderful parabola, going straight into the basket


People around could hear Popovich swearing on the sidelines.

The Spurs had no way to limit Li Zhen.

Li Zhen had too many ways to score.

In the last 30 seconds of the third quarter.

The Mavericks were still leading by 9 points!

The Mavericks had been leading for a whole quarter, and the pressure of the long-term lag on the Spurs was very great.

This 9-point difference was too big for the rhythm of the two teams. It was very difficult for the Spurs to easily reverse the momentum.

In adversity, it was still up to Ginobili!

This time, Ginobili suppressed the offensive time to 10 seconds and called Duncan out to block Li Zhen.

Ginobili singled out Novi Ski!

Ginobili is very smart. He never plays one-on-one against Li Zhen. He always sets up screens and mismatches, which makes Li Zhen's defense ineffective.

Ginobili changed direction and stepped back continuously and successfully set up Nowitzki. He shot a three-pointer against Nowitzki's defense!!

At the same time, the ball went in and caused Nowitzki to foul!!

Ginobili contributed an excellent three plus one!!

Nowitzki was replaced by Carlisle in regret. Although the King of Nowitzki was in average condition, he still needed to be protected.

Ginobili made the free throw, and the difference between the two sides instantly reached 5 points!!

5 points means that although the Mavericks played in this quarter and seemed to have the advantage, they actually did not win.

There are 11 seconds left in the third quarter!

Li Zhen calmed down and looked at the time. He took a deep breath.

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