With 2 minutes and 55 seconds left in the game, Li Zhen broke through into the three-second zone and attracted three people to double-team him, then passed the ball to Nowitzki at the free throw line. Nowitzki made a mid-range shot from the high post!!

This mid-range shot was only Nowitzki's second score in this quarter. It is conceivable how much offensive pressure Li Zhen took on in this quarter!

This goal seemed to open up Nowitzki's touch.

30 seconds later, Li Zhen directly passed the ball to Nowitzki for a single shot. After Nowitzki took a step back and took a step against Duncan, he made a one-legged shot!

Duncan blocked Nowitzki's face, but Nowitzki made a stable shot!!

Li Zhen was very excited and bumped his chest with Nowitzki. At the critical moment, Nowitzki came back.

Nowitzki's timely outbreak also made the game lose the final suspense!!

Li Zhen grabbed the backcourt rebound with 7 seconds left in the game, and he was fouled by Parker and sent to the free throw line!

This key backcourt rebound also helped Li Zhen's number of rebounds to double digits.




"The audience shouted"MVP". I think this is the best compliment for this rookie."

"Although Nowitzki's last-minute recovery helped the Mavericks to win, it still couldn't shake the fact that Li Zhen was the best player of the game. Without him, the Spurs might have taken over the game."

Reba also followed the fans on the scene to shout MVP. She saw how good Li Zhen was.

Li Zhen made two free throws steadily at the free throw line!

108 to 117, completely locking the victory.

There was no suspense. The Spurs announced that they would give up the game and would not play.


As the electronic buzzer sounded, Nowitzki hugged Li Zhen and pressed him hard in his arms.

When he was in a bad state, it was this rookie who helped him to bear everything!!

More and more teammates surrounded Li Zhen and Nowitzki, celebrating the victory of G1!.....

"With 45 points, 11 assists and 10 rebounds in a single game, Li Zhen announced his arrival to the world with a perfect performance. This was his first playoff game in his career and also the most exciting individual performance among rookies in the NBA playoffs!"Kenny Smith shouted wildly.

"In an incredible game, Dirk Nowitzki welcomed his best helper in winning the championship!!"Barkley also gave praise to Li Zhen without hesitation.

This year's Mavericks seem to have a lot of hope!!

The first player to get a triple-double in the playoff debut was not Li Zhen, but James.

In the 2005-06 season, James, a third-year player, led the team to the playoffs for the first time. Facing the Wizards, James got a triple-double of 32 points, 11 rebounds and 11 assists.

James was also excellent, but he was a third-year player!

The most recent player to have an excellent playoff debut in his rookie season was Rose.

Rose made it to the playoffs in his rookie season. At that time, the Bulls faced the defending champion Celtics. The Celtics had a strong defensive point guard Rondo. Under such circumstances, Rose made 12 of 19 shots, scored 36 points, 4 rebounds and 11 assists, and led the Bulls to defeat the defending champion.

But even Rose is slightly inferior to today's Li Zhen!!

40+ triple-double, dominating the whole game!!

Li Zhen showed his S-level strength in his first playoff game!

Popovich simply shook hands with Carlisle and left the court with a gloomy face.

With Nowitzki playing so badly, the Spurs still couldn't take away a victory at the Airline Center, which was extremely frustrating for him!!

The cheers at the scene could not be calmed down for a long time.

The flood of praise on the Internet also came as expected

"Is Li Zhen a superstar?"

"It's a bit early to say he is a superstar now. The Mavericks only have one superstar, and that is Nowitzki. Li Zhen's strength is not enough to be a superstar."

"Li Zhen is so handsome tonight!"

"40+ triple-double, awesome!"

"Even a strong man like Parker was defeated by Li Zhen in one step"

"There is no player that Li Zhen cannot play singles against!"

"To be honest, I still want to see Li Zhen and Ginobili's show of bragging, these two are so funny!"

The Li fans on the Internet started to act again. This game gave them the capital to brag.

The playoffs have boosted Li Zhen's reputation.

No matter how well he plays in the regular season, only by putting on a beautiful personal show in the playoffs can he not be underestimated by the fans.

After the crazy celebration, Li Zhen walked back to the locker room.

"Ding, get your first win in the playoffs, and get 5 attribute points as a reward"

"Ding, get a triple-double in the playoffs, and be rewarded with 5 attribute points."

The rewards for this game are not much, but Li Zhen is already very satisfied, and victory is what he values.

At the press conference after the game.

Popovich expressed his disappointment to a group of reporters:"There is a rookie on the opposite side who we can't defend. This poses a huge challenge to our defense. Defending him is more difficult than defending Kobe. Our players have played very well. Let's continue to adjust in the next game and try our best to win."

Defending Li Zhen is more difficult than defending Kobe. This is Popovich's definition.

The reporter asked Popovich:"What do you think of Li Zhen?"

Popovich said:"Didn't I just say it? This rookie can't be defended alone! He is the most underestimated point guard in the league."

Popovich was in a bad mood after losing the game. After answering this question, he turned around and left.

Compared with Popovich who was unwilling to accept interviews because he couldn't afford to lose, the Mavericks were much happier.

Carlisle brought Nowitzki and Li Zhen out.

The media raised their hands and asked Li Zhen questions at the first time.

"Li, how do you feel about your first playoff game?"

Li Zhen moved the microphone and said to the reporter calmly:"The competition in the playoffs is greater than that in the regular season, and the opponent's attention is more focused. We encountered some difficulties during tonight's game, but fortunately we got a perfect result in the end."

"Lee, you got a 40+ triple-double tonight, which is the best playoff debut in the last 30 years. What do you want to say?"

"I am honored, but I am not very concerned about my own statistics. Compared with this, I care more about the team's victory!"

Li Zhen's answer was very official and decent. It was obviously impossible for reporters to find too many contradictions in his words.

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