After Zhou Chen’s interview, the league’s superstars or legendary superstars also stood up and boasted again.。

Magic John said: “This guy is a scoring machine at the point guard position. To a certain extent, he is no worse than Michael.。”

Wade was even more direct: “It’s too easy. It’s easy for him to score.”。。”

James tweeted directly with a thoughtful emoticon.。

Kobe said to reporters: “Seventy points is very difficult, especially in the playoffs. Of course, 81 points is even more difficult. This guy may be able to break my record one day.。”

Dayao also said on a program: “Zhou Chen has inspired many fans and players in the country. On the highest stage, our players are no worse than anyone else. This game is destined to be a classic in the history of basketball.” There will be countless people watching this game in the future. The fighting spirit brought by Zhou Chen is worth learning from all young people.。”

Dayao has viewed Zhou Chen’s attack from a higher perspective.���It’s a divided event。

As a top player in the NBA, Dayao also knows how difficult it is to score such high scores in the NBA.。

Zhou Chen’s performance will definitely make him the best player in domestic basketball.。

Zhou Chen once again swept the hot searches, forcing the official media to temporarily interrupt his news。

《Sports News” changed its plan during the live broadcast and included news about Zhou Chen。

The host said: “Basketball player Zhou Chen personally scored 70 points in today’s NBA Eastern Conference Finals. This is also the second time he has scored more than 70 points in the playoffs….”

Very short news, but enough to shock the audience watching the news again。

Zhou Chen, who returned to the locker room, enjoyed the shower from his teammates。

Beasley directly poured a bucket of water on Zhou Chen from above, and Wade also opened the champagne.。

After a long period of commotion, Zhou Chen went to attend the press conference。

The reporters had been waiting for a long time at the press conference.。

Everyone else has left, the camera is all Zhou Chen’s。

Zhou Chen talked about his mentality in front of the camera: “Tonight’s victory is very special. It is on the road. Of course, in my opinion, we have won on the road many times and are now in the midst of a winning streak on the road in the playoffs.” , I don’t want this record to be ended easily, so I tried my best. This is just the best use of my current strength.。”

Zhou Chen talked eloquently in front of a group of reporters。

That night, almost all sports media around the world were spreading the news like this。

But this is not the first time Zhou Chen has done something like this, and the sensation is much smaller than the last time.。

The next day, early in the morning。

Zhou Chen received a call from his agent Thomas。

“Haha, Zhou, congratulations on scoring 70 points again! Thomas smiled happily。

The better Zhou Chen performs, the higher his advertising price will be, and the higher Thomas’ income will be.。

“Hey, thanks, what’s up? Are you looking for something from me?”

“Airbus and Boeing both want you to endorse them。”

“Farke, am I going to heaven?”

“Haha, of course, there is also “Asian Men”》、《strong man》、《These magazines “Fashionable Men” will shoot covers for you. You can check the time and I will send the arrangements to your email.。”

“No problem, just handle it。”

Thomas is very dedicated to his work, and Zhou Chen also trusts him。

Zhou Chen only needs to think about things

Just hung up the phone on Thomas。

An investment manager who was on a business trip in China called Zhou Chen.。

“Boss, hey, Zhang Yimin is willing to accept our capital injection. We will invest 2 million US dollars and occupy 15% of the original shares of the “ByteDance” company he is about to establish. Of course, the condition is that you become the spokesperson of the company.。”

“No problem, well done。”

Many people may not know about ByteDance, but when it comes to Douyin and Toutiao, many people know about it。

This company is a unicorn in the future。

“And Didi, we have also negotiated and they are willing to cooperate with us.。”

“Well done。”

“Next I plan to meet Musk from Tesla。”

“Okay, ask him for me if we can go to Mars together.。”

“Hahaha, by the way, boss, these founders want to communicate with you on the phone, is that okay?”

“Okay, please confirm the time for our phone call.。”



The next morning, Zhou Chen was in contact with the founder of his investment company。

Since you want to invest, you definitely need to strengthen your contacts.。

Zhou Chen’s knowledge and structure impressed these founders, thinking that Zhou Chen was not just playing around, but had the confidence to grow with them.。

Zhou Chen’s investment direction has roughly three sectors.。

high technology, internet…

As for real estate, although it makes money, Zhou Chen doesn’t do that kind of thing。

Zhou Chen thought that even if he was reborn, he would have to do more things that benefit the country and the people instead of continuing to suck blood.。

In the overwhelming news dissemination by the media, Zhou Chen’s own influence is also constantly improving.。

One morning later, Zhou Chen’s investment finalized several partners。

These partners, without exception, are companies that can bring huge benefits.。

Of course, Zhou Chen’s next plan is to invest in companies in Silicon Valley and make money here.。

While news about the G1 war continues to ferment, the G2 war is also coming。

The Magic lost a home-court advantage, putting tremendous pressure on them。

At the pre-game press conference, everyone in the Magic shouted that they would come back.。

After the first game, they held a players meeting。

The content of the meeting was how to avoid repeating the mistakes of the Celtics and Cavaliers and how to restrict Zhou Chen.。

The Magic are facing tremendous pressure。

heat locker room。

Spoelstra found Zhou Chen and said to Zhou Chen: “The team doctor said that your body is overloaded and you need some rest. I will control your playing time in this game to avoid injury.”。”

Zhou Chen nodded. Indeed, he was too tired.。

Although it feels good to explode in [zone], it consumes too much physical energy. Zhou Chen even forgot how many times he exploded in the playoffs.。

This kind of explosion comes at the expense of physical energy。

Coach Spoelstra would rather give up G2 than see Zhou Chen get injured in one game and cause problems in the entire series.。

The Heat now rely too much on Zhou Chen。

“Farke! ! “Wade cursed after hearing the news about controlling Zhou Chen’s playing time.。

The Heat’s lineup is still lacking in depth. They have been able to defeat the Celtics and Cavaliers against the odds, all thanks to the personal abilities of him and Zhou Chen.。

It’s very difficult to play this way until the end

Zhou Chen himself frowned, G2 was in trouble.

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