Chapter 0128: Find me a team for next season, I won’t go without a superstar!!!!

Tonight’s glider hit 2-of-17 sinkhole stats under Peyton’s mad devil!

Just 7 points in the game!

Rain Man Camp even sent 6 caps, with the unsolvable bullet speed blood cap Olajuwon 4 times!

The whole game slammed 39 points!

Directly extinguish the idea that Team Rocket wants to sweep the Jin~ level! Throughout the game, the rocket was directly crushed!

Although it caused a lot of fluctuations, the fans were still very calm, thinking that the Supersonics were just returning to the light, after all, it was indeed too humiliating to be swept 4-0 at home!

In the East, the G4 battle between the Magic and the Bulls was in a scorching situation, O’Neal fell into a foul dilemma at the beginning, and six fouls left the court at the key moment of the fourth quarter, and finally the Bulls won the game, and the two sides tied 2:2!

On the Knicks’ side, the Pacers won the battle of Tianwang Mountain, leading the Knicks 3:1!

Michael once again ran off the ball with his own and shot a bag of New York gangsters! The Knicks, known as the defensive bandits, have no way to be tortured by Michael in this series!

In addition to Michael, there are only two people in the alliance who can fight the Knicks so embarrassed!

One is Jordan, the other is Zhang Fei!

The next day, the Nuggets, who held a 3:1 lead, were naturally wildly praised and praised by the media, and their chances of winning the championship in the major media soared!

And ESPN, as a famous Zhang Blowing program, has directly reduced the Sun’s chance of winning the championship from 32% to 1%!

This made Barkley very dissatisfied!

We are 3:1 down, but not a little bit hopeless! Who does one percent look down on?

It’s five percent, right?

He turned off the TV hard and said to AC Green: “Damn, these guys know to tout Zhang Fei!” ”

“Deflate and see why ESPN gives.”

AC Green handed over a newspaper.

Barkley glanced at it, and his nose was crooked!

You let me see this thing, you are deliberately angry with me, right?

“No wonder ESPN has never been given the rights to the NBA Finals, it is not worthy at all, it is too unprofessional, if I am a commentator in the future, I will definitely not go to ESPN.”

Barkley said indignantly.

“Charles, why did you suddenly say you want to be a commentator? Are you retiring? ”

AC Green said in surprise.

If Barkley retires, the Suns will be completely reduced from league powerhouse to a second-tier team!

“Of course not, I’m just going to change… Well, change the way to continue loving basketball. ”

Barkley almost slipped his mouth, and although he still had hopes of a turnaround, he was already thinking about changing teams in the offseason.

Aс Green glanced at Barkley suspiciously and did not continue speaking.

May 20th, game day, there are two games today, one is the Nuggets vs Suns game and the other is the Magic vs Bulls game!

This game is the last home game of the Bulls series!

“Michael, who do you hope to meet in the finals?”

The reporter interviewed before the game asked.

“Denver Nuggets!”

Jordan said without any hesitation, with an inexplicable meaning flashing in his eyes, with a touch of ruthlessness!

Being killed by Zhang Fei was the biggest humiliation he received

The hostility between Jordan and Zhang Fei, the whole country knows, with this interview broadcasting, people are looking forward to the two meeting in the finals!

Although Zhang Feigan flipped the Bulls in the regular season, it was only the regular season, which was completely different from the playoffs!

People are still not optimistic about the dialogue between Zhang Fei and Jordan in the playoffs!

This interview also put a lot of pressure on the Nuggets, but Zhang Fei smiled disdainfully after seeing it, and smiled at the reporter: “I think he still worries about himself first, after all, whether he can advance is not certain!” ”

This interview directly infuriated Jordan, which was a thick contempt for him, and he vowed to get the match point in this game!

Reach the finals and fight Zhang Fei! At eight o’clock, the game begins!

This time the Suns fans are particularly crazy, this is the last time in their series to host Ding no Wako Yiken Naka Sha Suichi

Roar madly!

“Get excited, get excited…”

“Win this game and them!”

The Suns, on the other hand, looked sad, including coach Westphal, who was a little unconfident.

Soon the game will begin!

Zhang Fei walked to the field with a solemn face, he must win this game! Supersonic over there doesn’t know how long it will be able to help him drag!

He must not drag to G6!


I saw Zhang Fei carrying Barkley with his left hand, grabbing the ball with his right hand, and the next moment, he slipped down.

A swift turn!

Although he doesn’t have Barkley’s oversized ass, he has S+ level power!


Under the physical confrontation between the two, Barkley exclaimed: “Oops! ”

Seeing that his body flew out directly upside down, Zhang Fei smashed into the forbidden area from him.


Not to be outdone, he directly grabbed Zhang Fei’s arm, ready to drag him down, but it was obviously useless!

Zhang Fei grabbed the ball with one hand and soared into the air!


Between the basket trembling, the West Arena was instantly quiet!


Even a foul can’t stop Zhang Fei from dunking! After landing, Zhang Fei beat his chest excitedly!

This time he did not hesitate, and the opening game directly began to erupt! If you can finish the game early, you can do it early!

After hitting the free throw, Barkley advanced to the front court with the ball in the next round, and the flying pig in the air, who has always flown into the sky, is almost a shooter than Zhang Fei in this series!

It’s either a big jumper or a zombie shot!

Don’t dare to fight in at all!

At the end of the first half, the Suns team had already used all their strength, but they couldn’t stop the crazy Zhang Fei!

Throughout the first half, Zhang Fei played for 24 minutes, slammed 27 points, 11 boards, 3 blocks and 3 assists!

Not a minute!

Looking at Zhang Fei, who has hit the forbidden area again and again, the sun crowd will really have a headache!

“Made, this kid is crazy!”

Barkley roared and threw his towel!

“I feel like I’m going to be killed by him! He’s like a Tiger tank! ”

AC Green said as he covered his chest in pain.

“Don’t say it, brother, I was elbowed by him, and it still hurts! I feel like my ribs are broken! ”

Dan Malley said.

Coach Westphal looked at the room full of wounded soldiers, and also felt a little headache, this Nima is playing? Or did the war go?

How many players are available!

Barkley cheered: “Hold on, brothers, never give up, continue in the second half!” I’ll go to the toilet first! ”

With that, he turned and walked into the toilet.

Looking at Barkley’s back, Westphal is very relieved, well, fortunately there is Charles, although people are more funny, but the key moment is still so reliable!

At this time, Barkley was hiding in the toilet and busy texting the agent.

“Did you watch the game? We can’t do it, we can’t play it, find me a team for next season! I don’t go to the factory without superstars! ”

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