Beyond Jordan?

Even top players like Kobe and James dare not say such things.

Such a lost draft, just played two better games, and actually said such a joke.

Although the United States advocates individual heroism.

But in basketball, I want to surpass Jordan.

It’s like climbing into the sky!

So when everyone heard Lin Dong’s answer, they just felt that this player didn’t know the sky.

Beyond Jordan? Isn’t that hilarious?

There were even reporters who laughed directly.

“Do you know how hard it is to surpass Jordan?”

A reporter asked directly.

But Lin Dong didn’t care.

Instead, his gaze is like a torch, as if there is a flame in his eyes.

“Of course I know! Jordan is God in basketball! He has done a lot of miracles! ”

When the reporters listened, the ridicule on their faces was even better.

Now that he knows, he still says such things.

However, Lin Dong continued: “Before Jordan, no one had ever thought that such a player would appear! ”

“So surpassing Jordan is not impossible!”

“And I’m the one who will do that!”

Oh, yes! Before Jordan, who would have thought that such a god would come out.

Some reporters questioned Lin Dong before.

But seeing Lin Dong’s eyes at this time, somehow, he actually felt that Lin Dong could really do it.

“I must be crazy to think he will succeed!”

Of course, most people still don’t believe it.

“Forget it, young man, it’s arrogant!”

“yes! Young people don’t know how high the sky is and the earth is thick, so they love to talk! I used to be the same, I thought we were the richest man! ”

“He just played fewer games, so he swelled and suffered a little more beating, and he knew that the NBA is not such an easy place to get a foothold!”

When D’Antoni saw Lin Dong, he didn’t know what to say.

This player is good, but it seems to float a little.

However, having himself at the helm will not let him run far.

He shook his head, but the corners of his mouth still rose slightly.

With a player like Lin Dong, the team’s strength has risen a notch.

Perhaps, the impact of the playoffs, there is really hope.

After the press conference, the reporters all returned to the company non-stop.

Start writing stories.


The office of the general manager of the Knicks at this time.

Mills was frowning.

“The Suns are also the lions who open their mouths, a little Si, actually want me so many things?”

Mills had just spoken on the phone with the Suns’ general manager.

Mills hopes to acquire Smalls through a trade.

Because Xiaosi did not have a good time in the sun, and soon came his contract year.

So Mills thought the deal would be easy.

But who knew that the Suns actually asked themselves that the Knicks exchange David Lee and Gallinari.

And also the following year’s draft pick.

When Mills listened, how could this be done.

Although the team desperately needs a star, it cannot bet on the team’s future.

And I don’t know if Xiaosi’s contract year is coming and whether it will be renewed.

So, he was smiling on the surface.

But after hanging up the phone, I finally couldn’t help but curse.

“I see if you can keep Xiaosi next year?”

“Think I’m stupid? Return David Lee, return the draft pick, dream away! ”

After scolding for a few minutes.

Mills lit a cigarette and turned on the computer.

“I didn’t watch today’s game, I hope it’s good news!”

Mills clicked the mouse, still cursing in his mouth.

Although the Bulls are not very strong, he does not think the team can beat them.

If a team makes the playoffs, he won’t go around asking for a trade for a star.

Result, but when he opened the game page.

The expression froze for a moment.

A burst of euphoria followed.

“I didn’t expect it! You can actually win more than a dozen points against the Bulls! ”

“It’s a two-game winning streak all of a sudden, it’s not bad!”

“Let me see who played well, it should be David Lee!” It’s just because of your potential that I didn’t agree to trade! ”

Mills muttered as he clicked on the statistics.

As a result, again dumbfounded.

“David Lee 10 points, Harrington 8 points!”

“Lin Dong 25 points?”

“How come? This is the second game, just signed so fierce? ”

He thought that he was already surprised when he saw Lin Dong’s score.

However, the surprise continues.

“2 assists, 3 rebounds…”

“6 steals, 5 blocks…”

Mills’ eyes almost widened when he saw the steal and block.

“That’s an exaggeration! Is this defense so strong? ”

Mills even wondered if he had read it wrong.

Because the data is all put together, it’s easy to get it wrong.

All he looked at again carefully.

“Lin Dong… 25 points… 6 steals, 5 blocks! ”

“That’s right! It’s really him! ”

Mills looked up.

Began to recall Lin Dong.

To be honest, he did not have a deep reflection of the appearance of the Xia people.

I only remember Dayao, Chen Gangsheng and others.

Although he only signed a contract with Lin Dong yesterday, he couldn’t remember his appearance at all.

“The value of this contract! Or D’Antoni knows the ball! ”

Mills exhaled deeply.

After a day of troubles, I finally heard good news.

But after the euphoria, Mills still thought about where to trade a star.

“If Lin plays a few more games, it may be a good trading chip.”

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