Even on TNT TV that night, their daily basketball commentary that day specifically analyzed Lin Dong.

The narrators are Elbot and Barkley.

The topic of their analysis today is Lin Dong’s defense.

Albert is a TNT veteran commentator, although not from basketball far.

But the understanding of basketball is really thorough.

“Today’s show, let’s analyze Lin Dong’s defense!”

“Although this player has only played two games, he has shown great defensive ability in both games!”

“Whether it’s Wade or Rose, under his defense, they’re a little overwhelmed.”

“Right? Buckley. ”

Albert finished speaking, looking at Barkley.

After all, Barkley was the commentary for Lin Dong’s second game, and he also lost a bet in the game.

So probably in all the explanations, Barkley knows Lin Dong best.

Barkley tilted his head and smiled wryly.

“Yay! He’s a really good player. ”

“Because of him, I’m going to kiss the cow’s ass for ten seconds, what else can I say?”

Albert laughed.

Barkley’s expression was so funny.

“So we have to analyze today what kind of ability this player has!”

Barkley nodded in agreement.

The two looked at a large screen next to them at the same time.

A video is playing on the big screen, and the content of the video is the defensive highlights of Lin Dong’s game.

“The first goal was Lin Dong’s steal of Wade’s goal.”

“This is the first time Wade faced Lin Dong’s defense, he chose to single, and then made a disguise, but was interfered with by Lin Dong’s long arm.”

“Finally, Lin Dong completed the steal and dunked quickly.”

Albert narrates the content of the video.

But Barkley sneered at this point.

“Hahaha… Wade’s ball was a little embarrassing, and both legs almost split! ”

Barkley and Wade have a good relationship.

The two also often joke with each other.

Hearing Barkley say this, Albert was also amused.

Nodded, very approvingly said: “It’s really a little embarrassing, maybe you should care about Wade, does his ** have any impact?” ”


At this moment, Barkley laughed even louder.

“Man, you’re going a little too far! Hahaha…”

Albert forced back a smile and then analyzed the video.

“This goal, Lin Dong’s defensive position is very good, no matter how Wade shakes, he has never shifted his center of gravity.”

“At the same time, his excellent height and reach advantage is also on display.”

“The more important thing is that he is fast, not even much slower than Wade.”

“At such height, with such speed, I only think of James.”

Barkley also readjusted at this time.

“Indeed! We may have been fooled by his skin color and thought he was a stupid big man. ”

“But that’s not the case at all, he’s fast and he’s strong.”

“Indeed, as you said, his physicality, even in the NBA, is top-notch!”

The video played smoothly.

Albert returned the video to where it started.

“Look, this one steal, Wade didn’t expect Lin Dong’s arm to reach that position at all, it’s too long.”

“He misestimated Lin Dong’s arm span, yes, his arm span is much longer than ordinary people.”

“The advantage of reach is too important in defense, and his defensive area is much larger than the average person.”

Barkley nodded, very much agreeing with him.

After that, he asked curiously: “Is there any data about his body?” You know what I’m talking about, height and span and stuff. ”

Because Lin Dong suddenly came up from the Development Alliance.

So in the NBA, physical testing hasn’t been done yet.

Still, Albert came up with a piece of data.

“This is Lin Dong’s body data in the Development Alliance, with a height of 198cm, a weight of 95kg, and an arm span of 210cm.”

Before he could finish speaking, Barkley preemptively questioned.

“Wait, this data sounds great, but I think it may still be a little inaccurate.”

Professional basketball players like Barkley, when it comes to physical data.

All very sensitive.

Although you can’t see the specific data at a glance, you can also see a rough idea.

Albert also agrees with this view.

“Yes, I think so too.”

However, because he has not done the latest physical data test since he entered the Knicks, this is still the data of half a year ago.

“Maybe in the past six months, his height has grown taller again.”

Barkley was slightly disappointed.

“Okay then! Although there is no latest data, at least we already know how good his physical fitness is! ”

At this time, Albert played other defensive videos later.

Then the analysis began.

About twenty minutes later.

The two finally finished talking.

“A defense like Lin Dong, I really rarely see. There is a feeling…”

Albert stopped halfway through speaking, he didn’t think of a suitable word.

And Barkley, at this time, spoke up.


“That’s right, it’s robbery!” Albert’s eyes lit up when he heard this word.

“Lin Dong’s defense is often facing the attacker, and then the upright, tough opponent’s hand snatches the basketball, this is robbery.”

“His big hands are very powerful, like a big pincer, able to firmly control the basketball!”

Because of this show, the ratings in the United States are relatively high.

All the fans are also watching this show at this time.

Some fans already know Lin Dong, and some fans don’t know him yet.

Hearing the two hosts blow like this, the fans also sparked a heated discussion.

“Who is this Lin Dong? I haven’t seen it! Is it so powerful? ”

“I watched a game of his, it was a bit fierce, that game, the Bulls couldn’t find the north!”

“Robbery defense, this term is a bit exaggerated! But it’s really graphic, he is robbery! ”

“It’s the first time I’ve heard a description that a person’s defense is robbery, and I am a little curious about this rookie in this Xia Kingdom.”

At the end of the show, Albert asks a question.

“Lin Dong’s defense targets were breakthrough players before, so if he faced shooting players, would his defense be so magical?”

Barkley seemed thoughtful.

“It’s a good question, it’s true that he has too few games to see now.”

“But the next game against the Knicks is the Thunder, and if nothing else, he will defend Durant.”

Speaking of Durant, in the show the other day, they also talked about an episode.

This season, Durant has improved again.

So far, he is provisionally at the top of the scoring list.

The height of the inside line, the dribbling and speed of the outside player.

This makes him almost always misplaced when attacking.

“So be it! Let’s predict that in the next game, will he be able to limit Durant’s scoring to less than twenty points? ”

Albert said again.

Then looked at Barkley, “Barkley, do you think he can do it?” ”

Barkley didn’t give an immediate answer this time.

After all, the previous two predictions about Lin Dong were all wrong, and he still had to pay the corresponding price for it.

But, Barkley is Barkley.

After thinking about it, he said quite confidently.

“Although Lin Dong’s defense is very strong, I still think he can’t do it!”

“Okay, tell me about your analysis.” Albert asked more seriously.

“As we said, Lin Dong has not faced a shooting attacker, and from this season, Durant is one of the best.”

‘His shooting percentage is improving every season, his ability to read games, and he’s strong.

“It can almost be said that he has no offensive weaknesses now.”

“It’s not that Lin Dong’s defense has problems, it’s just that I think Durant’s offense is a little stronger, and no one can limit him!”

Albert nodded thoughtfully.

Then a bad smile appeared.

“So do you want to make a bet?”

Barkley nudged Albert for a moment, then laughed, “No, no, no! I wouldn’t do anything like that again! ”

“I’m going to find a more docile cow!” Haha…”

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