The final whistle sounded.

The final score was fixed at 111:102, and the Knicks won the game by nine points.

Although the final score difference is only 9 points, fans who have watched the game are well aware.

The game, from the second quarter, has been in a one-sided form.

The Thunder had no way to solve Lin Dong’s point, but Lin Dong was able to suppress the Thunder’s main scoring point alone.

If it weren’t for garbage time, the Thunder’s benches chased some points.

The difference between the two sides will be ugly.

After the game, Thunder’s press conference was also crowded.

The battle of contradictions, which was lively before the game, ended with the victory of the shield.

And Lin Dong’s score is one point higher than Durant, which is a bit embarrassing.

They now want to know Brooks and Durant’s opinion about the game.

and his views on Lin Dong.

At the press conference, both D’Antoni and Durant did not look good.

Together with the head, there is also Wei Shao.

“Coach Brooks, did you expect this to be the result before the game?”

Brooks glanced at the reporter.

He replied angrily: “If I could have predicted this outcome, I would have let Durant sleep at home today.” ”

After a cold joke, he began to answer the question seriously.

“The result was a bit of a surprise, they [the Knicks] played well today and defended well.”

“And our players are in a bit of a hurry, some of the balls are not played well, which leads to some problems with the mentality behind them.”

Brooks’ answer was official.

But the reporter still recorded it intact.

At this time, another reporter asked a question.

“Then what do you think of Lin Dong as a player? His numbers for tonight are good. ”

After asking this question, the reporter was ready to be scolded.

If you lose, you have to ask others what they think of their opponents.

Is it a boast? Or praise?

Sure enough, a hint of impatience appeared on Brooks’ face.

Just as he was about to speak, Durant took the microphone.

“He’s an admirable opponent and he’s very focused on the pitch.”

“You can see it too, he put a lot of pressure on me tonight and stole a couple of shots.”

“I wasn’t in a good mood after the loss, but his performance really conquered me!”

Durant finished and glanced at Brooks.

Seeing that Durant has accepted the result of defeat, Brooks is no longer blackfaced.

Position the microphone a bit and start answering.

“As Durant said, he is an admirable opponent and his concentration on the court is something to learn from all players.”

“Although he has only come from the development league, he has enough strength to survive in the NBA and will achieve good results.”

Brooks was very general.

However, it was still a little surprising for reporters to hear such praise from his mouth.

Since Durant has just answered the question, the reporter simply asked him directly.

“May I ask Durant, you have a lot of opportunities to face Lin Dong tonight, how does that feel?”

Durant pursed his lips and thought for a moment.

Then slowly speak.

“To be honest, I don’t really want to recall that feeling!”

“When Lin Dong defends me, I can feel a strong sense of pressure, and the last player who gave me this feeling was Lebraun.”

“He has the same length of arm span as I do, so he can always interfere with my dribbling.”

“His body is very strong, I tried to knock him away through my body, and after trying, I knew that I thought too much, he was almost as strong as Ibaka.”

“So, what else can I say?”

Durant said a lot, and the reporter remembered it very seriously.

The league scoring champion can make such a high evaluation of a rookie, which is definitely a thing worth reporting.

In the middle, the reporter asked a lot of questions about Lin Dong.

After asking, Durant was even a little impatient.

Our press conference, what do you always do?

Seeing their impatience, a young reporter asked another question.

“May I ask Durant, the scoring title this season is almost in your pocket, how are you feeling at this time?”

Durant smacked his lips.

“I’m sure I’m happy to be the top scorer, it’s an affirmation of my progress.”

“But the current situation of the team is not very good, and we are still working on a ticket to the playoffs.”

“So I’m more concerned about the results of the team, we still have a long way to go.”

After listening to this answer, the reporters came to you and nodded repeatedly.

“Last question? Who is the first person in the alliance in your heart? Which team do you think might win the championship? ”

“Kevin Durant!”

As soon as Durant wanted to answer, someone said the name “Durant”.

Everyone looked towards the source of the voice, and it turned out to be Wei Shao.

I saw Wei Shao’s serious face.

Perhaps this answer is the truest thought in his mind.

Durant also threw a smile at Wei Shao.

Then looked at the reporter, nodded and replied: “Kevin Durant!” ”

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