“The two teams are now playing back and forth, and it seems that they have entered a period of stalemate.”

“Watching Harrington play lively, roaring and showing muscles, but the score was chased back by the Spurs.”

“Lin Dong is no more, the Knicks’ bench doesn’t know if it can withstand the Spurs’ counterattack?”

Looking at the form on the field, the commentary said.

In the later game, Harrington was no longer magical.

Because the Spurs adopted a policy of joint defense.

The space of the inner line is compressed to a small size.

But Harrington didn’t want to pay attention to that much, he just knew that he was feeling just right now, and he should continue to fight.

Popovich had anticipated this for a long time, so he was just full of confidence.

For three consecutive offensive rounds, Harrington shot deflected.

The Spurs’ offense is very patient, and the players are constantly passing the ball.

Basketball is always the first to reach players with relatively empty slots.

Then score or move on to another better chancer.

Five minutes into the second quarter, the Spurs tied the gap.

In desperation, D’Antoni had to send Lin Dong and Gallinari again.

Hope to break the Spurs’ joint defense through the outside shooting of the two.

Seeing Lin Dong playing, Harrington was not only not happy, but a little dissatisfied.

However, he had a plan, pulled Du Hong to his side, and whispered to him.

After speaking, he looked at Lin Dong with a bad smile.

“Aren’t you strong? Let’s see how you behave! ”

Lin Dong didn’t notice that something was wrong, and as soon as he came on the field, all his attention was on the field.

Seeing Lin Dong return to the field, the scene immediately burst into cheers.

“Lin Dong is back on the field, I don’t know if the break just half of the quarter has affected his feeling?”

“If you can continue the feel of the first quarter, then tonight is Lin Dong’s scoring night.”

“At this time, the Knicks should hit Lin Dong more to let him continue to feel.”

It is to explain, seeing Lin Dong put on the battle again, it is also the spirit.

The first offensive round was the Spurs offense.

After a few passes, Parker and Bonner played a block.

After Bonner finished blocking, he quickly went down to the inside.

Parker raised the basketball high and passed it first.

Bonner received the ball and held it high above his head.

Immediately attracted by the pockets of the two, he turned around and passed the ball into the hands of Ginobili in the bottom corner.

The latter has an empty space and is about to shoot the ball when he catches the ball.

At this time, Lin Dong gave up Jefferson and flew sideways.

The fingertips rubbed the basketball.

Changed the trajectory of basketball.

Basketball out of bounds.

“The Spurs’ offense is still so fluid, and basketball is always where it should be.”

“However, Lin Dong’s sensitivity to defense is too different from ordinary people.”

“He kept an eye on his defender and kept watching the basketball running, and when he saw that the opponent had a shot, he immediately went over to make up for it.”

“This kind of defense requires a high degree of concentration, and at the same time it is a test of considerable reaction, and Lin Dong has done it.”

The on-site commentator, for Lin Dong’s defense, expressed his opinion.

Lin Dong was like this, staring at his defenders while paying attention to the operation of the basketball.

As long as he finds that the opponent may want to shoot, and his own defender cannot interfere, he will choose to fill in the defense.

Of course, this is within his defensive range, too far away, he can’t do anything.

It was the same before defending Duncan.

Although doing so requires a lot of physical strength, there are also certain risks.

But for now, his strategy has worked.

Because the previous offense had consumed a lot of time, although it was still the Spurs possession, there were only two seconds left for them.

Eventually, Ginobili catches the ball.

Facing Lin Dong, he came to a jump shot after disguise, but was seriously interfered with by Lin Dong.

The basketball was directly confiscated by Harrington.

It’s time for the Knicks’ offense again.

Defending Lin Dong is Ginobili.

Lin Dong must continue to fight strongly, so that even if he can’t score, he may get a foul.

But no matter how Lin Dong asked, Du Hong just wouldn’t give it to him.

He then passed the ball to Harrington on the inside.

However, Harrington’s chances were not good, and the offensive efficiency of the first few rounds was also low.

It is obviously not a wise move to beat him now.

Harrington didn’t care so much and continued to sit on the inside.

It quickly attracted the bag.

The best way to break the joint defense is to shoot three points, and once the three points are shot, the joint defense will not work.

No team has ever dared to play against the Warriors and defend together, because that would be dead.

When joint defense, the overall defense line is biased.

So there are opportunities on the outside of the attacking side.

Now the Knicks are like that, Lin Dong and Gallinari have a chance.

But Harrington turned a blind eye.

The Spurs seem to have expected Harrington to play like this, so the bag is very firm.

Harrington ran out of shooting space, but he still forced a turn and leaned back to shoot.

The final result is naturally a partial basket.

Gallinari was a little helpless and sighed.

He’s been experiencing situations like this for most of the season.

Now it is becoming more and more intolerable to bear such a situation.

D’Antoni also shook his head, thinking that the ball was unreasonable.

So he shouted to the court: “More passes!” Hit the ball to the outside! ”

However, Harrington did not care, but looked indifferent, and then slowly walked to the backcourt defense.

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