Personnel adjustment?

Lin Dong heard this word and thought for a while.

He thought of a rough idea, but he didn’t say it directly, but asked Mills.

“I don’t quite understand what the word personnel adjustment means.”

Mills said seriously: “I asked too broadly. ”

“So let me ask you differently, if the team is going to build a team around you now, who do you want in the league to be your teammates?”

Now Lin Dong understood.

If it’s true.

The team now has to start building the team around itself.

Who you want to be your teammates is a serious question.

So Lin Dong did not answer immediately, but thought for a long time before he spoke.

“First of all, I feel that the team lacks a good point guard, who can organize and score, and I have a candidate in mind.”

“Tell me, which player?”

Mills looked at Lin Dong curiously.

He also knew the team lacked a good defender, and he liked Nash in his own words, but trading Nash was almost impossible.

“Stephen Curry! A first-year student with the Warriors. ”

“He has a good three-point hand, he’s very well organised, and his style of play is perfect for small-ball play.”

Lin Dong directly said the name.

For Curry, he thinks the team can fight for it.

Although the current Curry does not have the strength of an MVP, his strength is not bad.

Mills narrowed his eyes and fell into thought.


He has a little impression of this rookie and is also a strong contender for the best rookie this year.

“And?” Mills looked up and asked again.

“UAE! Summer player UAE League, now with the Nets. ”

“I didn’t say his name because he and I were from the same country.”

“He’s a very athletic-talented player, he’s fast, he bounces well and he has a good shot.”

“If the team has him, it can open up space for the interior and be a good defender at the same time.”

The moment you hear the name of the UAE.

Mills only thought that this was brought up by Lin Dong who wanted to be teammates with the UAE.

However, the commercial value of the UAE is not too high, in order to make Lin Dong happy, it is not impossible to trade to the UAE.

Mills nodded, “Is there anything else?” ”

“Boris Dior! Dior of the Bobcats, the others did not expect for the time being. ”

The three players Lin Dong said are not the bosses of their respective teams.

So if the Knicks want to really trade, it is feasible.

Dior is a ball-type power forward, has an excellent view of the big picture, has a three-point range, and can single short opponents in the low post; The defense is underestimated, the confrontation and movement are good.

And in the 13-14 season, he won the championship with the Spurs.

“Curry, UAE, Dior.”

Mills whispered three names.

“Okay, I see, you go back to training first! Don’t make Nate wait long. ”

Lin Dong stood up, said hello, and left here.

After Lin Dong left, Mills called D’Antonis.

For the understanding of basketball, D’Antoni is a little more professional.

He didn’t know much about all three players, just about their approximate value.

As for whether these players are suitable for the Knicks, he still has to ask D’Antonis.

If D’Antoni says yes, he’ll start preparing to seek a deal right away.

After a while, D’Antoni arrived here.

“Mills, is there something looking for me? I just called Nash at home. ”

“Why did you call him?”

“It’s like this, after yesterday’s game, Lin Dong mentioned at the press conference that he wanted to train with Nash, study, and I want to arrange this.”

Mills nodded and said happily: “Good! You did a good job, we can try our best to cultivate Lin Dong now. ”

‘He’s a good player and deserves it.’

After speaking, he beckoned towards D’Antonis.

“Come and come, I also have something here to discuss with you, it is about Lin Dong, and it is also about the team.”

D’Antoni widened his eyes and walked over quickly and sat down in the chair in front of him.

Curiously asked, “What’s going on?” ”

Mills began: “I just called Lin Dong into the office and asked him which players the team could trade, and he gave me three names. ”

“Which three?”

D’Antoni’s eyes lit up, and Lin Dong had always given him the feeling of being steady and mature.

The players he said must have been decided after careful consideration.

“Stephen Curry of the Warriors, UAE of the Nets, and Boris Dior of the Bobcats.”

“These three players, except for the UAE League, I am confident that I can trade, and the rest need to do some work.”

“In the case of the UAE League, the overall performance of this player is not very good, but since you want to cultivate Lin Dong, it is not impossible to sign one more him.”

After hearing these three names, D’Antoni began to think quickly in his mind.

Thinking back to the performance of these three players.

Curry is very accurate on three-point and has good passes, but his figure is a little thin and his defense is poor.

UAE United has good physical fitness, and there are also three points that are quite good, but playing inside is a bit of a loss, and the positioning is not clear.

Dioze is responsive inside, can pass the ball, has three-pointers, but moves more slowly.

After a while, D’Antoni nodded.

“Good, all three players are good.”

“Lin Dong should have thought of shelling tactics to say these three players.”

“All three of them are very suitable for shelling.”

When D’Antoni said all three players were good, Mills slapped the table.

“Okay, then I’ll try my best to get these three players over and build a new Knicks team around Lin Dong.”

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