
John Boglin didn't expect that the young player in front of him, who was only 20 years old, would have so many requirements!

According to the calculation formula he designed, James' PER value can already be ranked third in the league's history!

Second only to Jordan and Wang Ke!

And Wang Ke only had last season's data as a reference, which can actually be ignored!

Too few game samples!

What John Boglin didn't expect was that James was very dissatisfied with such a result!

He seemed unable to tolerate Wang Ke being ahead of him!

Even if Wang Ke could be excluded with the excuse of [too few game samples]!

But Wang Ke's data is good!

John Boglin referred to James' data dimension distribution and tried to design the calculation formula from a comprehensive perspective!

In this way, since James's score + rebound + assist data are very comprehensive, he appears to be very high in calculating the score!

And other players like Anthony, Wade, Kobe, O'Neal, etc., are not good at these three data at the same time!

Often only two are more prominent!

In this way, James' advantage comes!

But Wang Ke is not!

Wang Ke is comprehensive in three, no, five data items at the same time!

Last season, Wang Ke averaged 23.9 points, 15.4 rebounds, 7.1 assists, 3.4 blocks and 1.1 steals!

James averaged 27.2 points, 7.4 rebounds, 7.2 assists, 0.7 blocks and 2.2 steals!

Each of them has data advantages!

And because Wang Ke's average rebounds and blocks per game are obviously much higher than James, this leads to Wang Ke's PER value ranking ahead of James!

Isn't this normal!

People are just better than you, you can't deny it!

You can try to make the data more awesome!

John Bollinger also complained a few words in his heart, feeling that this money is not easy to make!

"I don't care how you modify this calculation formula!"

"The effect I want is that Michael ranks first, but I must rank second!"

James said lightly.


"We can talk about money!"

"I think you can solve this problem perfectly!"

Rich Paul said with a smile!

One of them played the good cop and the other played the bad cop, and they played very well!

"Let me think about it!"

John Bollinger fell into thought!

The difference between Wang Ke's current average data and James's is not that big!

Perhaps by adding [weight] to a certain data, James' PER value can exceed Wang Ke's!

"Got it!"

John Bollinger slammed the table in front of him!

Before the CPU burned out, he thought of a brilliant way!

"I will make changes based on the position of small forward!"

"All data of small forward [weight] is 1! No points will be deducted for any data!"

"And guards will be deducted for rebounds! Centers will be deducted for assists! Because they are not doing their job!"

"Similarly, guards can also be deducted for blocks! Centers can be deducted for steals!"

"In this way, as long as LeBron is the most comprehensive in the small forward position, he can ensure that the PER value will firmly occupy the first place!"

"Even, it can surpass Michael!"

John Bollinger said excitedly!


I am a genius!

John Bollinger was very excited about his flash of inspiration!


"This is great!"

James touched his chin and his eyes began to shine!

In this way, James is firmly ranked first in PER value!

As long as the momentum is good enough and the player's real combat power is strongly linked to the PER value, then James' status in the league will soar!

Then who will be the No. 1 player in the league in the future will not be determined by who can lead the team to win more championships, but by who has a higher PER value!

Of course, the championship is still necessary!

If James really does not win a championship throughout his career, he will face a strong backlash when he is about to retire!

The media and fans will react!

If the [No. 1 player in the league] never wins a championship, it will become a joke!

But you can do this for the next 10 years!

No problem!

Because James can always keep the media and fans looking forward to the championship!

Didn't Jordan win the championship at the age of 28?

Except for alternatives like Magic, most of the older generation of superstars won the championship at around the age of 30!

James is still 10 years away from turning 30!

At least in the next 10 years, you can rely on PER value to sit firmly in the [League No. 1 Player].No. 1] position!


John Bollinger is indeed a technical party!

After modifying the formula, the new ranking was quickly calculated!

Jordan is still ranked first with his super average points and hit rate!

This is what James expected!

It is easy to cause unnecessary trouble if Jordan is stepped on now!

That old rogue is currently very concerned about others being better than him!

What if Jordan jumps out and confronts James, then James will have to show his true colors?

James ranks second!

Wang Ke ranks third!

Even if he was deducted points by weight, Wang Ke was still able to rank in the front with his comprehensive and powerful average data!

James curled his lips. If possible, he would like to let Wang Ke rank behind!

But unfortunately, he can't do it!

Even though Wang Ke lost a lot of points because of his assists, his average rebounds and blocks are there, which still has a huge bonus!

"Damn it!"

"How come I met a monster like me?"

James cursed in a low voice!

James' average stats last season were close to a triple-double!

27+7+7, such stats are dazzling enough!

Except for the ancient [Big O] Robertson, there are very few players who can play such stats!

But Wang Ke played it last season!

Wang Ke still scored 23+15+7!

This is when Wang Ke didn't score much!

If Wang Ke really wants to brush up his stats in the Bobcats, it's not difficult at all!

It's even easier than James brushing up his stats in the Cavaliers!

Because Wang Ke really twisted the Bobcats' locker room into a rope!

No player will hold Wang Ke back!

But James is not so peaceful in the Cavaliers!

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