
"The Heat are so great!"

"How dare you bite back?"

"I support you, fight back!"

"I don't believe the league officials dare to blatantly favor the Heat!"

"I am also the owner of the team!"


In the Charlotte Arena, the owner Robert Johnson, who had not appeared for a long time, appeared in the office.

Robert Johnson came to deal with the major conflict that occurred in the G3 game between the Bobcats and the Heat!

Stern was furious after receiving such news!

Isn't this season chaotic enough, and there is another conflict?

Wasn't the punishment for the Palace of Auburn Hills incident in the regular season severe enough!

Now there is such a thing in the playoffs? !

However, after Stern calmed down and analyzed it carefully, he found something embarrassing!

The occurrence of this conflict was actually due to his [connivance]!

After receiving the emails from Riley and Cuban, Stern gave relevant instructions!

The Rockets executed it very smoothly, even if they suffered a loss, Yao Ming could only bear it!

Unexpectedly, the Bobcats had an accident!

Wang Ke's resilience and ability made it impossible for the Heat to completely open up the score!

The somewhat anxious Heat took the lead in injuring Wang Ke!

Playing at home, but encountered unfair whistles!

Then the core players were kicked off by the opponent!

All these factors intertwined, causing the Bobcats players to run away!

Thinking of this, Stern actually felt that he understood the Bobcats a little!

But understanding is understanding, what to do next is the most important!

Heavy penalties are certain!

Rafael Aluyu will be suspended for the entire next season!

But how should the Heat be punished?

And Wade's injury, I don't know how it is!

Stern is indeed ready to promote the 03 golden generation!

Wade is one of the pawns!

In the case of James's failure, it is right to lean towards Wade appropriately!

And Wang Ke!

Stern has just reached a further cooperation intention with Longguo this season and will further develop the Longguo market!

As a result, Yao Ming and Wang Ke were both named by Stern!

Wang Ke is also injured!

Longguo must be strongly dissatisfied!


Stern took off his glasses and rubbed his temples!

The team owners only need to wait for the benefits, and he, the president of the league, has too many things to consider!

The balance between the internationalization of the league and the interests of the United States is a major difficulty!


"Longguo called! Expressed strong dissatisfaction!"

"They are very concerned about Wang Ke's injury!"

Xiao Hua knocked on the door, then walked in and brought such news to Stern!


On the Internet, Rafael Aluyu was fiercely criticized by fans from all sides!

Riley also directly called Rafael Aluyo a criminal and should be thrown into jail!

However, in Charlotte, Rafael Aluyo was treated like a hero!

Even when Rafael Aluyo met Mike Robert, a gang leader he had dealt with before, on the street, he also said to him, "Well done!"

At this time, the media and fans were most concerned about the injuries of Wang Ke and Wade!

Wade's injury was announced first, and he was out for the season!

There is even a risk of being out for the next season!

As soon as this news came out, the fans of the Heat became even more angry!

Without Wade, can O'Neal alone lead the Heat to go further in the playoffs?

I'm afraid it's difficult!

The good situation of the Heat this season has been completely ruined!

Even next season will be greatly affected!

If Wade is still out next season...

If Wade's form deteriorates after his return next season...

In extreme cases, Wade will be just like everyone else after his return...

The Heat will suffer a huge loss!

The next few years will be ruined!

It's all the fault of the Bobcats!

The Heat's diehard fans want to go to Charlotte to beat Rafael Arruyu to death!

Compared to the fight at the Palace of Auburn Hills in the regular season, the league's official response was a little slower!

But the penalty was announced before the start of Game 4 between the Bobcats and the Heat!

Rafael Arruyu was suspended until the end of next season without any suspense!

For a whole season, he couldn't play and had no salary to collect!

At the same time, Rafael Arruyu was fined 200,000 euros!

This is a very heavy penalty!Mourning was suspended for 50 games, starting from this season!

Eddie Jones and Haslem were suspended for one game each and fined 50,000 yuan!

This is a bit too easy!

However, Stern still guaranteed one thing!

The next game between the Rockets and the Bobcats will not be affected by any other factors!

In this way, the beneficiary has become Yao Ming!

Because Wang Ke is already injured!

Although the Heat also lost Wade, O'Neal can still beat the Bobcats without Wang Ke with a single core!

The Bobcats' playoff situation is still very bad!

They have even been sentenced to [death]!

These two days, all kinds of information are too messy!

Heavy news is one after another!

This also made the media and fans ignore a piece of news:

What is Wang Ke's injury like?

Subconsciously, they all think that Wang Ke will also be reimbursed for the season!

But the Bobcats official has never released accurate news!


"Are you really going to force your way out?"

"Oh! My.god!"

"I think you've overturned my worldview and perception!"

"No need... to risk your life like that!"

In the Charlotte Arena, head coach Bernie Bickerstaff is persuading Wang Ke!

Wang Ke's right scapula is fractured, causing his right arm to be completely unable to lift!

As for the recovery time, it will take at least two or three months to recover!

In other words, Wang Ke is done for this season!

But it shouldn't affect the next season!

This is already a blessing!

However, what Bernie Bickerstaff didn't expect was that Wang Ke strongly requested to continue playing!

Currently, the Bobcats are leading the Heat 2:1 in the series!

Still in the lead!

In Game 4, Wade, Eddie Jones and Haslem of the Heat are all unable to play!

Wang Ke thinks this is a great chance for the Bobcats to win!

Once they win, the Bobcats will get the match point and lead the Heat 3:1!

"But you can't lift your right arm, your dominant hand, at all. How can you play?"

Bernie Bickerstaff is still trying to persuade Wang Ke!

If Wang Ke wants to play, he must get Bernie Bickerstaff's permission!

The team doctor believes that if Wang Ke's right shoulder and right arm are completely bandaged along the body, he can play!

However, Wang Ke can only complete the game with his left hand!

"This is really too exaggerated!"

Bernie Bickerstaff looked at Wang Ke's extremely determined eyes and hesitated!

Is it really necessary to let Wang Ke play with one hand...

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