In the end, Milicic switched to basketball with a better bounce.

Yang Xu immediately stepped forward to pick up the basketball and passed it to Robinson.

Robinson dribbled the ball through the half, and the coach arranged for Yang Xu to stand in the bottom corner of the two sides.

Gallinari stepped forward to give Robinson a cover, Robinson used his cover to accelerate forward and break through, and Harrington, who was originally defending Gallinari, stepped forward to stare at Robingson.

Du Hong, who defended Luo Bingson, was pulled away to defend Gallinari.

175cm Robinson singles 206cm Harrington, everyone else pulled wide, looking at Robinson singles.

Robinson has an absolute advantage in speed, and a breakthrough is certainly the best option.

I saw that he made two crotches, a ball in his right hand, and a cushion step, ready for starting.

Harrington also concentrated, but the speed was much worse after all, and Robinson directly got rid of Harrington with a right-hand acceleration.

Although Harrington was cleaned, he still did not give up the defense and followed behind.

Robinson, who entered the penalty area, took three steps directly.

But as soon as the ball was shot, it was slapped to the rebound by a big hand, it was Jeffries.

Harrington, who was behind Robinson, immediately followed and took the rebound.

On the other side, as soon as Du Hon dribbled through the half, Lee and Harrington were in good positions in the bottom corners of either side.

The ball passed to Chandler first, and Yang Xu stared at the ball with his eyes shining.

The next moment, Chandler held the ball high and passed it to Lee again.

Lee leaned against Hill, took two steps in, and rolled over to make a jumper.

Hit it steadily!

The next few balls, almost the same.

Opportunities always came with Robinson, but he was too short and targeted.

The substitutes quickly fell into passivity, and the point gap was quickly widened.

The starting team taught the substitutes a lesson.

In D’Antoni’s squad, chances are always in the hands of defenders, and even Gallinari doesn’t have good chances.

Yang Xu, who was arranged to stand in the bottom corner, did not achieve anything during this time, and only passed the ball a few times.

In the next round, Gallinari ran directly outside the three-point line and began to ask for the ball.

Robinson failed several attacks in a row, and was also a little embarrassed, so he passed the ball to Gallinari.

And he immediately gave him cover, Harrington was not an outside player, and he did not follow out to cling to Gallinari.

As a result, Robinson covered and Gallinari had a direct opportunity to get a three-point opening.


Empty three-point hit!

This three-point was the first three from the bench.

Gallinari, who scored three points, was excited, and the next round, he shot again.

Harrington still did not step forward, and once again released Gallinari’s empty seat.


Three points again!

Two consecutive three-point hits!

Gallinari ran to Yang Xu and said with disdain, “Rookie, did you see it?” That’s ability! ”

Yang Xu didn’t want to deal with him, and didn’t even look at him, but quickly landed in position, ready to defend.

Gallinari’s good fortune came to an end, and Harrington, who was shot twice in a row, changed his defensive strategy.

This time for cover, he chose to follow out.

Gallinari, who was suddenly closely followed, was suddenly a little unaccustomed, but two consecutive three-point shots gave him a boost in confidence, and he was not afraid to defend and forced his shot.

But the three-point shot was deflected, and Jeffries collected the rebound.

Finally, in an offensive round, Robinson passed the ball to Yang Xu.

The space given by Chandler was large, and Yang Xu looked at it for a while and found that Chandler did not step forward to seal it.

So he shot three points directly and hollowed into the net.

Scoring a goal did not change the attacking tactics of the substitutes’ side.

Yang Xu felt that he couldn’t go on like this, and he had to take the initiative to attack.

Against the will of the coach, it is a good goal to score, and if you can’t score the coach, you can’t do without a reprimand.

But he had to do it.

The bench attacked the round, and Robinson looked for opportunities on the outside.

Yang Xu ran over and asked with both hands.

Robinson glanced at him, hesitated for a moment, and still passed the ball to him.

D’Antoni looked confused and spread his hands, “What is this kid going to do?” ”

When Chandler saw Yang Xu holding the ball, he also came energetically, and shouted at Yang Xu: “Little fellow, let me see your skills?” ”

In the face of Chandler’s provocation, Yang Xu was indifferent, he just wanted to score this goal.

He dribbled the ball slowly closer to Chandler, and suddenly the ball holder was wide open, and there was a pause in the air.

Chandler was thinking that this was a breakthrough, and his body did not move.

But in the next second, Yang Xu suddenly started.

Before Chandler could react, Yang Xu had already passed by him.

Jeffreys guarded the inside line, full of confidence, this ball he wants to cover Yang Xu and give this rookie a taste.

Yang Xu was very fast, and when he arrived in front of Jeffries, he suddenly jumped with both feet at the same time.

Jeffries straightened his hand and jumped straight up.

Yang Xu floated over the right side of Jeffries’ body as if he had pressed a spring, holding the ball into the basket with one hand.

The goal was short-lived, so short that D’Antoni’s expression didn’t have time to change.

Originally, he was a little angry, but after seeing Yang Xu score this goal, he paused for a while and applauded, “Good ball!” Nice job! ”

Chandler also did not skimp on his praise, and when attacking, he said to Yang Xu: “The goal just scored beautifully!” ”

But the conversation suddenly changed, “But you won’t score a goal like this tonight!” ”

Before he finished speaking, Yang Xu took advantage of his distraction and stepped forward directly and stabbed the ball in his hand.

Yang Xu immediately rushed to pick up the ball, picked up the ball towards the empty basket, and he jumped high.

Holding the ball in both hands, he drew a large circle in the air, and then slammed the ball into the basket.

Big windmill slam dunk!

When the teammates saw this ball, they all exclaimed.

The physical quality shown by this ball is definitely the first in the team.

Even D’Antoni couldn’t help but applaud when he saw the ball.

“Just do it!”

After scoring two goals in a row, the substitute team also intended to hit Yang Xu’s side.

Faced with the opportunity, Yang Xu did not relent.

The ball was held in both hands on the right wing, swaying left and right, and once again passed Chandler.

This time, in front of him was David Lee.

Li was positioned very far forward, Yang Xu put away the ball, and extended his left foot to the outside of Li’s body.

With a hard step, he passed Li again, holding the basketball high in his right hand.

Easy dunk! Take two more points!

This time, Yang Xu passed the two.

Lee gritted his teeth, a little annoyed.

Chandler, on the other hand, was a bit faceless, and was scored by a rookie in three consecutive rounds.

The starting team attacked, Chandler took the initiative to ask for the ball, he wanted to single Yang Xu and regain face.

“Boy, I despised you just now, let me teach you this time!”

Chandler kept dribbling the ball under his crotch, trying to shake Yang Xu’s center of gravity.

But he found that no matter what he did, he couldn’t get rid of Yang Xu.

Even if he threw off Yang Xu, Yang Xu could immediately return to a defensive position.

Gradually, he felt a terrifying sense of oppression.

Several times, Chandler nearly missed the ball and ended up making a rush to make a three-point shot when there was little time left on the offensive side.

The basketball didn’t even touch the basket.

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