Yang Xu took a shower before setting off with Robinson.

Moving around in the car, I feel a little more tired than in previous days.

“It’s still a little tired of bullfighting, I trained alone before, and my body has never been so sore!”

Robinson drove the car, turned his head slightly to look at Yang Xu, who was sitting in the co-pilot, and quipped.

“It turns out that you will also be tired, I thought you would always be full of vitality and don’t need to rest!”

“How is that possible? I also sleep a long time every day. ”

Yang Xu kept rubbing his shoulders, and as soon as he finished speaking, a “cooing” sound came from his stomach.

“Oops! I’m hungry! Yang Xu said with a smile.

“I’ll take you to dinner!” Robinson said generously.

“Really?” Since coming to New York, Yang Xu has not eaten a few meals outside.

The prices here in New York are too high, and Yang Xu’s salary has not yet arrived, so he is usually extra frugal.

If you can eat on the team, you never go home to eat, and when you come home, you can buy something to cope with.

“Hey! Yang, said that you can still have a leave to eat? Let go of your stomach and eat as you like! ”

“Then you’re welcome!” Yang Xu rubbed his hands, and his stomach rang again at this time.

The two laughed at the same time.

Robinson took Yang Xu to a hotel, which is not very luxurious, but not cheap.

Led by the waiter, the two walked towards the table.

During this process, many people cast their eyes on the two.

“This yellow-skinned boy is so tall! He looks quite handsome! ”

“These two guys seem to be Knicks players, the short man is Robinson, I remember him, he also won the Slam Dunk Contest!”

“I remember this yellow man, I went to the scene yesterday to watch the Knicks game, he scored 35 points alone, he was handsome.”

Facing the discussion of the people around him, Yang Xu encountered this situation for the first time, and he still felt a little uncomfortable.

Robinson was very casual, but ridiculed Yang Xu: “Brother, did you hear that?” Someone recognizes you, you’re famous! ”


It exceeded his expectations, but it was good.

The two sat down, and the waiter brought the menu.

“Something to eat, just order!” Nate said.

Yang Xu looked at Robinson with an evil smile, “What you said, then I won’t be polite.” ”

After speaking, he immediately looked at the menu carefully, “Deep sea cod fillet, cheese steak, lobster, and a pasta.” ”

After Yang Xu finished ordering, he handed the menu to the waiter, “That’s all.” ”

Both the waiter and Robinson were stunned.

“Are you sure you can eat so much?” Robinson looked at Yang Xu incredulously.

“I’m too hungry to walk, believe me, I’m definitely done!”

Robinson swallowed, “Alright! ”

While still waiting for the dish, a bald middle-aged man walked over.

“You are?” Yang Xu asked.

Robinson looked at the man with a frown, he didn’t really like being disturbed by strangers.

“Hello, I took my son to the Knicks yesterday and then he saw you playing and liked it very much.”

When the bald man spoke, his eyes looked at Yang Xu peacefully.

“Really? That’s wonderful”

Yang Xu smiled.

“So I want to help my son get an autograph, it’s a little abrupt, it’s really embarrassing.”

When the bald man made the request, he was full of anticipation.

“Very happy, do you have a pen for that?” Where is it signed? ”

Hearing Yang Xu’s cheerful agreement, the bald man was also very happy, and then returned to his seat and took a pen and a T-shirt.

“This is the t-shirt I just bought for my son, plus your autograph is perfect.”

Yang Xu smiled, took the thing, and signed his name in Xia Guo script.

“This is my Xia Guo name!”

Although the bald man couldn’t understand it, he was still very happy and took the T-shirt and pen.

When leaving, he thanked Yang Xu one after another.

The bald man’s excessive enthusiasm made Yang Xu embarrassed.

At this time, Robinson, who had been quiet for a long time, spoke, “See, you are your first fan, and you will have more fans in the future!” ”

It turns out that this is a fan, and I actually have fans.

With fans, it means that you are beginning to have commercial value.

Perhaps, after a few more games, advertisers will start to find themselves.

Then there is money and you can eat something good.

“It’s nice to have fans, if only the dishes could be served faster!”

As soon as the words fell, the waiter came up with the dish.

A table was full, and Yang Xu’s saliva was about to flow out.

“What a blessing!”

“Is this happiness?” Robinson asked.

Yang Xu forked a knife noodles and stuffed them into his mouth, “When I see what I eat, I feel happy!” ”

Yang Xu didn’t lie, he was a foodie, he felt happy when he saw the food, and he always wanted to eat a few bites.

Another thing is that he is easily satisfied.

Although Yang Xu was hungry, he ate slowly.

So much so that Robinson had eaten it all, and Yang Xu ordered many more dishes.

“Yang, can’t you eat?”

“Isn’t it? I can eat all of this, but I think things should be eaten slowly and enjoyed! ”

Yang Xu’s unique reason made Robinson difficult to refute, and could only watch him eat slowly.

After a long time, Yang Xu stuffed the last lobster tail into his mouth, and the entire table was wiped out.

Robinson was stunned, “You’re the biggest eater I’ve ever seen!” ”

With a hiccup, Yang Xu smiled, “Many people have said this to me!” ”

Robinson called the waiter to settle the bill, and the waiter saw that the dishes on the table were slowly eaten.

Also stunned.

“Hello! A total of 180 meters. ”

After paying the bill, Robinson did not forget to joke, “It was a wrong decision to invite you to dinner.” ”

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