In the summer of 09, NBA broadcasts were mainly through the two main channels of CCTV and the Internet.

However, CCTV’s broadcast matches are not too much, and they are not broadcast every day.

There are two main online broadcasts, Tengxu and Xinglang.

However, in the preseason, neither channel was broadcast.

At this time, basketball pioneer newspapers and dunk magazines were also popular.

Many fans will buy an issue of the Basketball Herald every Wednesday, watch it while walking, and when they get home, they have basically watched it.

However, I usually re-read it.

At this time, the Sports Vanguard newspaper used a Xia Guoren as the cover for the first time.

Yang Xu!

And what is even more exaggerated is that a dozen pages of pioneer newspaper, half of the content is about Yang Xu.

“See? There is a Xia Guo who played perverted data in the NBA preseason! ”

“I must have seen it, now the basketball newspapers are out of stock, as long as it mentions Yang Xu, all the publications can’t be bought!”

“Good thing I bought early! But this Yang Xu is also too powerful! ”

“I really want to see his game live on TV soon!”

In the school, among the boys, the topics discussed were all Yang Xu.

Whoever has a publication about Yang Xu, he will immediately become the “big brother” in the hearts of his classmates.

Publications about Yang Xu circulated among the boys.

Even, some newspapers, were torn apart.

They have been waiting for this day for too long.

Among the Xia Guoren, there are four players who enter there, but all of them are inside players.

Now there is a guard, enough to make the basketball world of Xia Guo excited.

And this player is not yet a substitute, through a few preseason games, he has established an absolute core position in the team.

Every game is very hot.

After the game between the Knicks and the Warriors, Xia Guo published a new dunk magazine.

This entire magazine is all about Yang Xu.

The cover is a picture of Yang Xu playing the kind of dunk against the 76ers, with Iguodala sitting on the ground watching Yang Xu dunk.

The headline is “NBA Blows a Whirlwind!” The Union began to tremble! ”

The content inside records Yang Xu’s performance in every game of the preseason.

There is also the draft time, Yang Xu’s draft situation.

In the future, Yang Xu’s jerseys were sold out of stock, and a series of other things, all recorded in this magazine.

At the end of the magazine, Yang Xu was also compared with the current NBA stars, and the result was that Yang Xu’s data hung the data of all the active jersey rookie seasons.

The magazine, launched in just half a day, sold out.

Magazines, bookstores, all sold out.

Some people who can’t buy magazines go around looking for people to borrow them.

“My God, how can Yang Xu be so powerful, averaging less than twenty minutes per game, can get an average of 33 points per game, if he plays thirty or forty minutes, isn’t it going to break forty?”

“And he also blasted Iguodala and Ellis, both of whom are in the top 10 quarterbacks in the league!”

“What to do, I didn’t buy this magazine, I paid twice the price, can you sell it to me!”

“No, you just go out ten times, I won’t sell it, I’ll put it at home and collect it!”

Yang Xu blew a whirlwind in the United States, and the influence in the Xia Kingdom was even stronger.

In the live broadcast room of CCTV, the two hosts were also chatting about Yang Xu.

Zhang Li and Su Qun!

“Teacher Zhang, what do you think of Yang Xu, this player?”

“Awesome! The game is reasonable, the other party knows that he is going to attack, but he can’t prevent it! It’s horizontal! ”

“I also think Yang Xu is a subversive player, and if he can’t become a player of Kobe’s level!”

The two chatted, and finally felt that the Knicks had too few games in the game broadcast by CCTV.

The two immediately decided to go to the director and increase the broadcast of the Knicks’ games.

The director not only strongly supported their idea, but also proposed the first game of the Knicks’ regular season, sending the two to broadcast it live.

“Director, are you serious?”

“Can this still be fake? Yang Xu is now the pride of our Xia Kingdom, and we must actively show Yang Xu in front of the countrymen. ”

“Okay, Director, we will definitely live up to your mission!”

“And ah! You must not only broadcast the Knicks games live, but also interview Yang Xu more, and also show Yang Xu, who lives privately, in the eyes of fans! ”

Zhang Li and Su Qun looked at each other, and their eyes were full of excitement.

For such a super rookie, they themselves are full of interest, and the main thing is that this person is still from Xia Guo, and they can’t wait to get to the Knicks.

Immediately, CCTV immediately contacted NBA director David Stern and the Knicks.

Stern welcomed the fact that Dayao had just announced his season reimbursement after a cracked left foot in the playoffs in May.

Given Dayao’s age and status, it is likely that this is also a reimbursement for his career.

At this time, the NBA urgently needs a new Xia Guo player to stand up as a bridge to communicate with Xia Guo there.

At this time, Yang Xu happened to appear in his line of sight.

He is also very happy to promote Yang Xu.

And Mills was even happier when he heard the news.

The Xia Guo market behind Yang Xu, he has been peeping for a long time.

He will definitely seize this opportunity.

The sports news of the night, in front of many spectators, announced the news.

And many fans are also happy to hear this news.

They were finally able to see Yang Xu’s live broadcast on TV.

“NBA, hurry up and get started!”

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