In the first game of the new season, the Knicks will face the Miami Heat.

The game between the two teams will be played on October 28, US time, at the home of the New York Knicks.

Last season’s Heat, who lost 4-3 to the Atlanta Hawks in the playoffs.

Wade, the core of the team, despite his best efforts, still can’t resist the Hawks, who are stronger overall.

So last season, Wade, who played the best regular-season stats of his career, ended his madness in the first round of the playoffs.

This season’s Heat, there is basically no change in the roster.

Therefore, the major media and experts are not optimistic about the Heat.

But the confrontation between Wade and Yang Xu really attracted the attention of many fans.

One is the top three superstars in the league and the top two quarterbacks.

One is a rookie who has just gained momentum.

The same shooting guard, this direct collision is really exciting.

Fans also expect that Yang Xu, who was invincible in the preseason, can play the same amazing performance when he comes to the stage of the regular season.

This game, the league also attaches great importance to it.

Directly set this line of competition as a full-meter live broadcast.

At the same time, on the other side of the distant ocean, Xia Guo fans are also looking forward to this game.

“Finally, it’s almost time for the regular season to start, and I can’t wait to watch Yang Xu’s game!”

“The first game or against Wade? Wade also won the scoring title last season, which is definitely not good! ”

“If you don’t look at Yang Xu’s preseason data, it’s a historical level, it’s not good!”

CCTV reporters have rushed to Nix to prepare for the live broadcast.

And the protagonist, Yang Xu, they also can’t wait to interview.

However, because the Knicks were training behind closed doors, even if they came from afar, they did not interview Yang Xu at the first time.

Tai Li attached great importance to this live broadcast, and even did not hesitate to replace the original Lakers’ game with the Knicks.

And sports news, which has been running for several days, broadcast highlights of Yang Xu’s preseason.

But that’s it, the nightly ratings are still high.

In order to perform in the new season, Yang Xu also pulled his teammates to practice every day.

From tactics to strength, it is impossible to say that it is not a fight.

The last game of the preseason, the game with the Blazers, made Yang Xu deeply feel that he was only strong alone, and it was too difficult to win the game.

Only if the overall strength is strong, can you easily win the game.

At the same time, you must fully trust your teammates.

The Blazers’ sudden pocketing during that period, if not for the strength of Robinson and Gallinari, would not have dominated the game themselves.

Therefore, he must lead all his teammates to train together and improve the strength of the whole team together.

I thought some teammates would complain and be reluctant to train.

Unexpectedly, the result was unexpected.

Almost everyone is full of energy and fighting for the new season.

The day before race day, the giant billboard was finally ready.

You can see it from a long distance on the way to Madison Garden.

Above the billboard, there is no single person image selected.

Instead, he chose to put the whole team on it, but Yang Xu firmly occupied the C position.

His image is also much larger than the others.

This has completely demonstrated the Knicks’ current attitude, and Yang Xu is their core.

Yang Xu is their signature.

Local fans are also very satisfied with this billboard.

“Nix is still discerning and puts Yang Xu in the middle, if it is everyone else, I want to scold them!”

“Yang Xu is really handsome! Not only does the ball play well, but it also looks cool! ”

“It’s amazing to see Yang Xu every time I come to Madison Garden! Even this road, I want to walk several times! ”

Because of Yang Xu’s relationship, the Knicks’ season passes have all been sold out.

Tickets for the first regular season game were sold out on the first day of sales.

Mills never expected that the rookie sent by the Blazers would become the savior of the team.

He also became his own savior.

Even without playing a regular season game, Mills was already planning.

How to better package Yang Xu.

As soon as the day’s training was over, the players walked out of the stadium.

Because the next day is the official competition, everyone did not practice tonight, but got ready to go home and sleep.

Harrington was the first to come out of the arena, only to see the giant billboard as soon as he went out.

Because the billboard is seen in front of people who rush to the stadium, you cannot see the front of the billboard when you go out of the stadium.

The billboard that Harrington had been thinking about since the beginning of the season was finally ready the day before the regular season.

Whether it is the status of the team or the popularity, Yang Xu has become the absolute first in the country.

Harrington himself knew this, but the billboard was something Mills had promised him.

He felt that he must still be the main one in this.

So I drove excitedly and ran into the distance, just to see this billboard.

As a result, as soon as he turned around, his heart broke.


This was his only hope, and he looked forward to this billboard day and night.

Mills promised him that it would be his image.

But now, his image is not half the size of Yang Xu.

He has been completely abandoned by the team and completely reduced to a supporting role.

His old dream, shattered.

Harrington’s angry hands slammed the steering wheel, “Why? Why can a second-round rookie climb on my head? ”

At the same time, Yang Xu packed up his things and walked out of the arena.

Seeing a few people with microphones outside the arena, it seemed a little familiar.

It seems to be… Zhang Li and Su Qun.

Isn’t this an NBA anchor on CCTV?

As soon as they saw Yang Xu come out, the two of them and the press group behind them greeted them.

“Yang Xu! We are reporters from Xia Guo Central Sports TV, Zhang Li (Su Qun)! ”

I took a closer look and heard them introduce themselves.

It was really them, and suddenly seeing two foreign fellow countrymen, Yang Xu was still a little excited in his heart.

Zhang Cheng smiled on his face, “We will broadcast the Knicks live tomorrow, and fans throughout the summer country can see your game on TV!” ”

Hearing this, Yang Xu was naturally very happy.

Play ball! Being famous is also one of the benefits.

Zhang Reasonable continued: “Originally, we should have interviewed you on the spot tomorrow, but we were in a hurry, so we found the general manager of the team and discussed whether we could see you earlier. ”

“So we came here, and we also wanted fans across the country to see what you are like in private.”

Zhang Cheng is very tall, and when he talks to Yang Xu, Yang Xu basically does not have to bend over.

In the face of compatriots in a foreign country, Yang Xu was also very happy, and gladly accepted their request for an interview.

“No problem! Or I’ll take you around the stadium and my house! Let’s talk as we talk! ”

Yang Xu’s friendliness made Zhang Cheng and Su Qun a little flattered.

Unexpectedly, Yang Xu was so easy to get along with, and since Yang Xu proposed to visit the stadium and his home, they naturally would not refuse.

And this can also allow fans across the country to see the truest side of Yang Xu’s life, why not.

“That’s great, let’s go!”

And the last chapter, codewording!

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