At this time, the fourth quarter of the game was only 4 minutes on!

The Heat played the Knicks 12-2 during this time.

The players returned to the field, and D’Antoni was cursed!

“What’s going on in your head? The basketball is in the hand, still not shooting? Saved for Christmas? ”

“Can’t prevent Wade, don’t you know the bag? I also watched others break into the inside line again and again! ”

“And you, Jeffries, are you a stake? Wade is like this… Such…… That’s it, you’re still standing! ”

After D’Antoni’s scolding, the atmosphere in the team was reduced to a minimum.

“Now it’s a live broadcast, and the whole country is watching you play! Can you be positive? ”

One by one, the players hung their heads like a child who had done something wrong.

The oppressive atmosphere on the Knicks side is a strong contrast with the bustle on the Heat’s side.

“Guys, we’re only 4 points away from the Knicks now, gritting your teeth! This one will definitely win! ”

“When Yang Xu returns to the field, you will directly step forward to pack the bag, you must not let him have the opportunity to shoot easily, the bag must be decisive!”

Spall is standing in front of the bench, cheering on his players.

With that, he glanced at Wade.

Wade was panting heavily, wiping his sweat with a towel.

Even so, he was still full of confidence in his beloved disciple.

He is a man born for big scenes, and the more scenes like this, the more he can unleash his endless potential.

They have been through too much in a situation like today.

The emotions of the audience all fell on the Knicks’ bench, and they were expecting Yang Xu to be on the court immediately.

After all, it’s only four minutes into the fourth quarter.

Finally, the referee notified the end of the suspension.

The players began to return to the field one by one, and Yang Xu also stood up and walked towards the court.

Seeing Yang Xu on the field, the scene immediately became enthusiastic.

Sweep away the gloom of the first half.

“Yang Xu, come on!”

“Come on Nix!”

Mildew sat in the first row and heard the fans cheering because of Yang Xu’s appearance, which was incredible.

And a little shyness at the same time!

This man is so attractive!

Zhang Li and Sun Qun saw Yang Xu return to the field, and they were already excited and about to jump up at this time.

They spoke in an excited voice and began to explain.

“Audience friends, Yang Xu is back, he is back on the field!”

“The Knicks now have a four-point advantage, and Yang Xu is only four points away from the record, let me cheer for Yang Xu!”

“The main forces of both sides have all returned to the field and started the final decisive battle, Yang Xu, come on!”

Yang Xu returned to the field and returned to the field with the expectations of tens of thousands of fans on the scene.

But the results did not go exactly in the direction that fans expected.

The momentum of the Knicks dropped to the lowest point, and the other players except Yang Xu were still in the state of the previous game.

Lack of concentration and confidence.

The Heat, on the other hand, decisively chose to pack Yang Xu, and Yang Xu had to pass on his teammates.

But the teammate seemed to be absent-minded, and the ball that had already been in hand was snatched.

Or the opportunity to vacate a seat, but dare not shoot!

The Heat are in full swing, with wave after wave of offense.

Within three minutes, the Heat continued to play the Knicks 8-2.

Instantly turned the score back by 2 points.

D’Antoni had no choice but to call a timeout again.

This time, he didn’t curse again, but let the players adjust themselves.

And he made personnel changes, replaced Hill, and once again replaced Robinson on the field.

“Now there are only the last five minutes of the game, and the victory or defeat depends on these five minutes!”

“I hope you will pick up a little spirit and pick up your confidence!”

“In the new season, our goal is no longer to play in the playoffs, but to go further! But this state can’t work, not relying on Yang Xu alone! ”

After D’Antoni finished speaking, the pause was over.

Yang Xu, who returned to the field, his eyes changed.

The Knicks attacked, Yang Xu dribbled through the half, and just after the half, two defenders of the Heat pasted over.

According to the previous tactics, Yang Xu should be passing.

But this time, he didn’t, but accelerated to one side.

Almost using his fastest speed, the Heat players did not expect such a situation, and could only continue to follow Yang Xu.

But Yang Xu, who accelerated with all his strength, was too fast.

They couldn’t keep up, and in the blink of an eye, Yang Xu had already burst into the inner line.

Little O’Neill raised his hands and waited for Yang Xu to come over and give him a big hat.

“What is he going to do? Is he going to dunk again? ”

“It’s little O’Neill inside!”

The live commentator stared at the big screen with a look of disbelief.

Yang Xu continues to accelerate, jump, and dunk!


The basketball was smashed into the basket by Yang Xu from the side of O’Neill’s hands younger.

Little O’Neill had completely jumped up, and the bodies of the two slammed into the air.

In the end, little O’Neill was knocked off and fell to the ground!

After that, Yang Xu hung on the basket with one hand, showing domineering.

The scene is still!

Yang Xu fell to the ground, his face a little angry.

A moment later, the scene boiled!

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