Nba: The Youngest Mvp In History

Chapter 319 The Sound Of Smashing Boards!

At this time, Michael Reid walked to the middle distance, took a step back, and pulled back to the left bottom corner area.

Three-point shot.


Michael Reid first used his own free movement to throw the opponent away, then retreated back, and completed a three-point shot in an area he was familiar with.

This goal emerged in front of everyone, and the fans felt that the Kings must now pay attention to Michael Reid.

"I have sent such three-pointers to others, why don't you pay attention to it?"

"If you don't pay attention to it, I'm afraid Michael Reid can handle the Kings alone."

The fans muttered.

Jiang Hao sneered when he heard this on the sidelines.

He knew the fans were just - exaggerating.

Under normal circumstances, no one person can be compared with an entire team.

Right now, the strength of the five Kings is still enough to crush Michael Reid.

"If you think so highly of Michael Reed, let him blow us up alone." Jiang Hao laughed.

In the next round, it was the Bucks' turn to attack again.

And Williams sent the ball directly to Michael's hands.

He feels that Michael Reid is now capable of completing the offense.

"It's always a good idea to pass the ball to him!"

"Let's see how this guy does.

Williams muttered.


After Michael Reid received the ball, he walked in the left corner.

This is his familiar area, as long as he takes a shot, he can complete a three-pointer.

However, he also knows that he will be strictly guarded in this area, and there is no room for action at all.

"Now their restrictions on me are showing."

"Under this situation, I really have nothing to do."

Michael Reed watched the Kings' Chriss and Swift help out, leaving him completely out of space.

And Jiang Hao is waiting in the middle distance, it seems that he is already ready.

"Look at Jiang Hao's position, as long as Michael Reid dares to break through to the middle distance, Jiang Hao can definitely cause her great trouble.

"And with Jiang Hao's ability, he can definitely cut the ball."

The fans spoke coldly.

At this time, Michael Reid couldn't find a mobile phone opportunity in the bottom corner, and then walked to the top of the arc.

Running around the top of the arc, he then sent the ball to Patterson's hands.

...asking for flowers...

Patterson jumped up from the basket, and after receiving the ball, he sent a layup with a wiper.

His shot selection is suffocating, but people feel that this is also an attempt, even if it doesn't make a shot, it's a pity.


Only the sound of smashing the board was heard, the ball hit the high backboard, and then bounced out.

Fans watch as Patterson hits a layup that goes wide to the left. …

"It's still a very difficult shot to let Patterson catch a layup in the air.

"It's no surprise that he hit the iron this time."

The fans said coldly.

At this moment, Jiang Hao cared most about Charlie Bell and Patterson under the basket.

"Fortunately, Patterson didn't get up at this point. Let's look at Charlie Bell next."

While muttering, he watched the backcourt player Swift send the ball to the frontcourt.

At that moment he didn't move into the front area, and the long pass from his teammate surprised him.

"Why did you pass the ball directly?"

"What the hell is this guy thinking!"

Chris in the frontcourt area is also a little confused.

He didn't tell Swift in advance that he was going to play the fast break factory in the frontcourt. .

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