Nba: The Youngest Mvp In History

Chapter 336: Four Wins In Seven Games!

"If you can join this season, just give me a number.

** Said in a deep voice.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao whispered something to ** and asked him to come to the training hall tomorrow.

"Whether you have a chance to join our Knicks team this season depends on your performance tomorrow." Jiang Hao laughed.

** Hearing this, he was delighted and returned to his position. He then turned around and greeted Jiang Hao before walking into the player tunnel.

"Don't worry! My performance will definitely exceed your expectations!" ** said confidently.

After Jiang Hao left, he was questioned by several teammates.

"Why did you make an appointment with him to meet in the training hall?

"Is it really possible to give him to our Knicks team?"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Hao smiled slowly:

"Could it be possible!"

He thinks the Knicks need a bench player like Matt.

When it reaches the playoffs and reflects the depth of a team's bench, it will be time.

At that moment, if there was no big center like Matt on the bench, maybe Chandler would have to play the whole game alone.

At that time, it will be a huge test for physical fitness.

"Seven games and four wins, how many games do you think Chandler can play?" Jiang Hao questioned Covington.

As soon as this remark came out, Covington suddenly lost his confidence. He realized that even if he was physically fit, he would not be able to play a full 48 minutes in every game.

"And this is four wins in seven games!" Covington muttered.

He looked at Jiang Hao now, and nodded slowly, "Recruiting bench players is the right choice, but it's really useful."

He feels that what the Knicks need now is a reliable inside player.

And ** has just shown his weakness.

His ability to handle the ball at the basket and defensive footwork, these two flaws will be caught by the opponent at any time, and then form a breakthrough...

Once the Knicks find a breakthrough for the opponent, the previously established lead will no longer exist.

Covington asked Jiang Hao to think about this matter carefully before making a choice.

"I'll wait until ** comes to the training hall tomorrow to see if his two abilities can improve quickly in the short term!"

"If he could, he should be on our Knicks team."

Jiang Hao said with a smile.

the next day.

Heat players have arrived at the Knicks arena.

They come early, sit and warm up.

The coach Eric has already explained the tactics of this game to the players by his side.

At this time, Jiang Hao and ** came to the arena, never thought that there would be a group of people who came here earlier than themselves...


Jiang Hao muttered.

As the Heat players turned and looked around, Jiang 167 Hao knew it immediately.

"So they came so fast."

Jiang Hao looked at the Heat players and muttered.

Right now, ** asked softly from the side:

"Will they come to the arena affect the training between you and me?"

As soon as this remark came out, Jiang Hao asked ** to put it down, he would not let the players of the Heat interfere with him.

Then the two came to the half-court area, and Jiang Hao handed the ball to **.

"You first show me your offensive skills at the basket."

"Let me see how many axes you have..."

When the voice fell, ** suddenly froze, he couldn't understand the meaning of the words. .

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