Nba: The Youngest Mvp In History

Chapter 343 Set Up The Machine!

"Are you talking to me? What's the matter?" ** was surprised.

He felt that it was impossible for him to join the Heat, and it didn't work for coach Eric to talk to him.

"Let's forget it." **Te then rejected the invitation of the Heat coach.

At this time, he and Jiang Hao went aside, and then talked with Jiang Hao about his next arrangement.

"I will apply for a trade with the team before the trade deadline."

"Then you have to act faster on your side, and see if you can trade me over."

As soon as this remark came out, Jiang Hao gave a guarantee. He reassured him that he would become a member of the Knicks 113 backup center before the trade deadline.

After a while, he asked ** to leave here first, so as not to cause a lot of chatter after the reporter came over.

At that time, there will be trading rumors, then it will not be very good.

Jiang Hao doesn't want others to take the lead until the Knicks trade plan, when they have a plan to deal with it.

*** Tee is what I plan to keep until the playoffs. "

"When the time comes to put him on the big list, I'm afraid everyone will be surprised."

Jiang Hao is going to use the special as his trump card, and will arrange to play at the critical moment.

In this way, other teams have little time to prepare, so their Knicks have an advantage.

At this time, ** was walking out, just in time to meet a group of reporters coming in.

Before the game has started, the reporters always arrive at the big warm-up venue very early.

"Why is he here?" The reporter was surprised to see ** when he came in.

And they were not surprised, and in this NBA game, this kind of reminiscence is still a common thing.

Maybe **Te came here this time to find his old friend.

At this time, the reporters entered the arena one after another and went to their places to set up the machines.

And when they looked into the center of the arena, they found that Jiang Hao and the players of the Heat team were on the bar.

"What's the situation?" The reporters showed a look of surprise.

They rarely saw this scene, and they never thought that Jiang Hao would have quarrels with others.

"Can you hear (bhej) what they're talking about," a reporter muttered.

"No, we have to get closer, otherwise we won't be able to hear what they are saying." Another reporter said.

After a while, they arrived near the arena, and heard some conflicts between Jiang Hao and the players of the Heat.

"Don't think that you can win our Heat by yourself."

"It's best to take back your bold words."

Whiteside looked very dissatisfied and said coldly.

A player beside him, Chalmers, also added a sentence.

"Our Heat team has always been a very united team. If you want to count on one person to win us, it is simply wishful thinking"

Reporters scratched their heads after hearing the conversation.

"Why are they arguing, do you see any signs?"

After the words fell, the other reporters all shook their heads.

They just felt that this quarrel seemed to be groundless, and they didn't know the reason.

At this time, Jiang Hao uttered harsh words, saying that he could pick two.

At this moment, the players of the Heat showed a gasp.

"This guy can't be real!"

"One vs two? How can this be won?"

The Heat players muttered.

Chalmers and Whiteside said in a cold voice, "Since you have said that, let the two of us defend you.

The two of them talked, and then walked up. .

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