Nba: The Youngest Mvp In History

Chapter 349: Downward Route!

"Now that your offensive intentions are so obvious, even a fool would know how to defend this round.

Dwyane Wade said, and then watched teammate Chris Bosh jump up, block sideways, and stop Middleton's offensive frame...


Middleton was completely dumbfounded. He sent a dunk, but the route was blocked by Chris Bosh.

Intercepting with both hands, seeing the dunk come down, Middleton was unable to complete the save.

"I didn't expect Middleton's strength to be so different from Jiang Hao's."

"Just now Jiang Hao successfully played 1v2 for the first time, but Middleton made a mistake as soon as he shot.

The fans said coldly.

At this moment, Middleton was unconvinced and walked towards the top of the arc. He looked at the opponent with a smile and let them pass the ball.

"This time is the second attack, I don't believe you can restrain me this time.-"

Middleton said, then stunned the offense.

He didn't realize that the moment he leaned against Chris Bosh, Wade cut the ball at his side.


Steal +1.

Middleton still wanted to make a breakthrough kill, but now the ball fell into the opponent's hands.

"When it came to the second attack, there was still a medical error!"

"I don't know how to fight now."

Middleton muttered.

He then raised his hands helplessly, deciding to give up the 1v2 match.

"It's impossible for me to win you." Middleton said to Wade and others.

At this moment, Jiang Hao glared, he never thought that Middleton would give up just like that.

"You can still try again!"

"It was just your own mistake just now, and the opponent's defensive strength is not very good."

Jiang Hao muttered.

Then, after Middleton came over, Jiang Hao glared, "What's wrong with you.

Middleton smiled helplessly, "You didn't see what happened on the court just now, I can't be their opponent.

Jiang Hao pointed to Wade and Bosh, thinking, just these two guys can't solve it.

"You wait!"

"I'll show you how to break through the defense of the two of them."

After Jiang Hao finished speaking, he walked up to the two of them.

And the fans didn't know what Jiang Hao wanted to do at the beginning.

……ask for flowers……

"I didn't expect that Jiang Hao wanted to play one-on-two with Wade and Chris Bosh at this moment."

"Did he feel extremely dissatisfied after seeing his teammates lose?"

The fans muttered.

Wade naturally agreed to Jiang Hao's request.

Immediately afterwards, he settled on the wing and let Chris Bosh follow him.

"We can just stick to the defense and confront directly later."

"The same strategy as defending Middleton just now."

Wade said softly.

The voice fell.

Jiang Hao raised the corner of his mouth, he knew very well that if Wade and Bosh really adopted that strategy, then they would be in trouble...

"Don't take me for Middleton."

"Your strategy against him doesn't work against me.

Jiang Hao smiled leisurely.


He launched the attack frame at a forty-five-degree angle on the left.

I saw that Wade blocked the downward route in time, and at this moment, he quickly cooperated with Chris Bosh to further squeeze Jiang Hao's dribbling space.

"Jiang Hao seems to have no space to dribble."

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