Nba: The Youngest Mvp In History

Chapter 370 Whispering!

Anfernee Hardaway and other main players are all ready to play in the second half.

Chuck Daly coughed and said loudly: "Players, don't be discouraged. In the first half, everyone played well. The main reason is that Jiang Hao on the opposite side played very well. Although we fell behind a bit in the first half , but in the second half we will definitely catch it back!"

Anfernee Hardaway listened and thought you were dreaming big, and you were 3"253" behind.

If you are 30 points behind a weaker team, there may be hope. This is the defending champion Los Angeles Lakers.

Chuck Daly coughed and said: "When I led the Detroit Pistons, I was behind the Chicago Bulls by more than 20 points, and in the end we came back to win!"

The meaning of Chuck Daly is obvious. I have dealt with Michael Jordan back then. I, Chuck Daly, is very experienced in reversing opponents and limiting superstars.

After hearing these words, the players of the Orlando Magic became more or less energetic.

But they still don't believe Chuck Daly's words. Indeed, the Detroit Pistons beat the Chicago Bulls, but the Chicago Bulls and Michael Jordan were still immature.

Later, the Chicago Bulls and Michael Jordan matured, and it was Chuck Daly's Detroit Pistons who were overthrown.

Chuck Daly continued: "I have found a way to limit Jiang Hao. In the second half, you all have to work hard and beat them hard.

Hearing these words, the eyes of the Orlando Magic players all brightened.

Chuck Daly won't talk big words, that's not Chuck Daly's style, he said he can limit Jiang Hao, he is really sure.

Chuck Daly repeated with a sneer: "Don't worry, I've figured out a way, it's easy to restrain Jiang Hao."

Hearing the words of Orlando Magic head coach Chuck Daly, the Orlando Magic players regained their energy and began to whisper to each other, discussing in twos and threes. They were very depressed just now, and under the encouragement of Chuck Daly Some improvement.

You know, even though the players of the Orlando Magic played an ugly game and fell behind by 30 points, they were commendable, that is, they played very diligently in the game

But no fishing......

The players of the Orlando Magic, whether they are the superstar Anfernee Hardaway or Ronnie Secali, played hard enough in the first half.

In fact, the performance of the Orlando Magic in the first half, if it was last year, would have made it to the Eastern Conference semifinals. The Los Angeles Lakers might still be behind.

It's not that the Los Angeles Lakers have never fallen behind. Facing the same stalking Atlanta Hawks, the Los Angeles Lakers once fell behind.

But today Jiang Hao feels good, and the superstar feels good, which is enough to make up for all problems.

After all, the 5.1 Los Angeles Lakers are a strong team. A defending champion-level strong team with a superstar feels good, and the basic team will not face any difficult and desperate situations.

Every time the Orlando Magic get an opportunity to turn things around, they get hit by Jiang Hao, and every time damn Jiang Hao steps up and makes a few simple shots

Suppress the arrogance that the Orlando Magic ball string has just ignited. .

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