Nba: The Youngest Mvp In History

Chapter 420 A Battle Of Wheels!

When Okafor retreated, he could only watch the opponent send a three-pointer.

Durant looked around from the sidelines and suddenly took a deep breath.

He watched Jiang Hao completely play Okafor this round.

"Don't look at Jiang Hao's defensive handling is not very good, but on the offensive end, almost every round has excellent details!"

Durant sighed.

"Then Okafor will definitely explode and turn the score around.

James "Two Eighty" Sputtered coldly from the side.

Durant listened to what James said, and smiled leisurely from the side:

"I know you support Okafor!"

"But I'm afraid it will be quite difficult for Okafor to explode."

Jiang Hao returned to the defensive end, waiting for Okafor's three-pointer.

At this time, James pointed to the left and made his own prediction.

"Okafor will use the switch to get rid of it, hit the ball to the right, and at the same time move to the left, and shoot a three-pointer!"

James said in a deep voice.

As soon as the words came out, Durant squinted his eyes and looked over.

He shook his head to himself, and said softly:

"Impossible! Okafor will never use that trick!"

"He can only use the change of rhythm to shoot three-pointers."

The two had different opinions, and afterward, Okafor took a step forward and suddenly picked up the speed.


Move laterally to the right, while throwing people away, send a drifting three-pointer.

Upon seeing this, Durant smiled slowly:

"See, I guessed right this time!"

"And you guessed wrong."

James looked very helpless and shook his head:

"Why doesn't Okafor do what I want!"

"If he switches hands and gets rid of it, he will definitely be able to complete an open three-pointer now."

On the other side, I saw Okafor make an elegant three-pointer, and finally hit the back frame and bounced out.

Blacksmithing +1.

After seeing Okafor's two three-pointers pop up like this, the reporters sighed aside.

"It's over!"

"If Okafor still wants to win Jiang Hao, unless a miracle happens.

The reporters said coldly.

"Are you still supporting Okafor now?"

Durant smiled at James.

At this time, James slowly sat on the stool, covering his forehead with one hand.

"I'm ashamed to look at Okafor!"

"My expectations are too high, but his strength can't bear to look directly..."

James snorted coldly...


Then, Jiang Hao completed a fadeaway three-pointer and easily won Okafor.

In this three-point contest, he made a total of eleven three-pointers, far surpassing Okafor's three three-pointers.

At this time, the reporters pointed at Jiang Hao and got a close-up of Jiang Hao's expression.

Fans watching the game outside saw Jiang Hao's playful expression emerge on the big screen.

"It seems that for Jiang Hao, it is still too easy to win Okafor."

"I feel that we should find a more powerful opponent for Jiang Hao, so as to threaten him.

The fans muttered.

The next second, they looked at Durant and James on the sidelines walking on the field hand in hand.

They are going to fight Jiang Hao in a wheel battle.

"Just won Okafor, 1.9 is too easy for you, isn't it!"

"Next, accept our challenge!"

Durant said in a deep voice.

Jiang Hao turned around and saw that Durant had brought James over.

"Do you still want to play one-on-one with me?"

Jiang Hao asked.


Durant nodded.

When Jiang Hao heard this, he narrowed his eyes. .

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