The new season is coming.

Chapter 83 Teammates’ Outlook

After the home tour, all the Knicks players were in high spirits.

Sitting on the flight to Cleveland, everyone started talking.

“Steve, I think if you keep up your current form, you will at least be a guard in the best second team by the end of the season.”

Nash scratched his head shyly, his face slightly flushed.

“Alan, don’t say that. As long as we can keep up this momentum, maybe we can all be selected for this year’s All-Stars!”

Thinking of this, Nash suddenly looked forward to it.

In the 01 and 02 seasons, Nash did win the NBA All-Star Team consecutively…but it was only the best third team!

Ahead of him are Jason Kidd, McGrady, Gary Payton and other guards with different styles.

For Nash, these people were indeed difficult to climb.

But things are different now!

The son of the wind who joined the Knicks this season seems to have found his second spring.

Without too many restrictions from the coaching staff, he can freely give play to his wild ideas.

Although this has increased his error rate this season, it is still stable and improving overall, and the data is higher than the usual season.

The main reason is still this rookie partner of the Knicks.

The appearance of Wang Song is also an important reason for Nash to join the Knicks besides money.

The young Wang Song let the son of the wind see the future of the Knicks, which made the old monk who had been wandering in the league for several years find a new direction.

And the strength shown by the Knicks at the beginning of the season!

It proves that his decision to join the Knicks was extremely correct.

Not only him, Alan Houston also feels the same way.

Last season, Alan Houston was the Knicks’ top scorer, relying on his three-point shooting.

Now he has become the Knicks’ third scorer!

But Alan Houston is enjoying it. This season is his tenth year. Looking back at his entire NBA career, apart from decent scoring data and two All-Star substitutes, he has no hard honors.

After retirement, I’m afraid he will just be forgotten by everyone!

Not many people will remember a “data brush”!

Including New York fans, he will fade in their memory as time goes by.

In the Knicks’ poor record for years, even if Alan Houston has become the league’s top shooter, the poor team record cannot reflect his immediate combat effectiveness.

Not to mention leaving a name in history.

The players who will really be recorded are not those uncrowned kings.

But those brave men who have really lifted the O’Brien Cup!

This is also the reason why he has never complained about his tactical position in the Knicks, which has been declining again and again this season.

Apart from Wang Song, the core player that the Knicks focus on training, even the tactical position of the introduced point guard Steve Nash, the son of the wind, is higher than him.

But Houston has no complaints about this.

It has been ten years since Kyrie was born. Houston, who has carried the team for ten years, knows very well that empty cuts will only bring temporary regrets from fans, and victory is the only way to leave a permanent mark in the hearts of fans.

“I really envy you two for being able to enter the All-Stars. I don’t have such high aspirations as you. I just hope that Wang can lead us all to win the O’Brien Cup once!”

Speaking of the O’Brien Cup, Kurt Thomas’ eyes lit up.

That is the highest hall of the NBA!

Kurt Thomas once came close to the trophy under the leadership of the “madman”, but unfortunately he was defeated in the end in San Antonio.

That year he was still a substitute bench for the Knicks.

Now that he has the opportunity to enter the playoffs as a starter, Kurt is naturally excited.

Dirty Kurt, who has been in a slump in his career, survived by relying on his tough style on the court in the early stages of his career.

A player who averages 4 fouls per game in his career is enough to show his “toughness”!

After he partnered with Wang Song in the Knicks this season, he originally planned to follow the script and maintain his toughness.

But in the running-in with Wang Song, he found his role on the offensive end.

The Chinese big man just stood in the penalty area, and the opponent’s attention was completely on him.

Dirty Kurt therefore got more shooting opportunities than usual.

This is also the reason why Kurt Thomas included mid-range and long-range shooting in the key training plan.


Inside the cabin.

In the other half.

Herb Sendek pushed his reading glasses and watched the video of the Cleveland Cavaliers’ game.

Recently, he was instructed by the Knicks management to take over the heavy responsibility of the Knicks’ tactical coach and became an important part of the Knicks coaching team.

This status upgrade has rekindled Herb Sendek’s passion for the game.

Don Cheney’s plan to use him as a “relationship” to be a training assistant was completely shattered by this decision of the Knicks management!

This is also a test for Herb Sendek by the Knicks management.

They want to see how much understanding this nepotistic college coach can have in a professional arena like the NBA.

Not only Herb Sendek, but since Don Cheney was announced to be laid off by the management, his assistants have been busy with multiple duties.

They have each taken on their own duties and taken over Don Cheney’s original responsibilities.

On the contrary, Don Cheney gave up his job after the layoffs were reported. He didn’t care much about the team’s affairs and turned a blind eye.

But it was in this atmosphere that the Knicks’ assistant coaches became more united.

Don Cheney didn’t need to do pre-game preparations, these assistant coaches would handle it.

What surprised Don Cheney even more was that.

The team actually started a terrifying winning streak in this turbulent period and topped the Eastern Conference.

This made the black old man fall into deep self-doubt.

After winning the best coach in the 1990 season, Don Cheney suffered such a heavy blow for the first time.

If it was just the management’s distrust, Don Cheney could think that the Knicks executives headed by Scott Layden were blind to the mountain.

But now.

With the Knicks under such a prospect, Don Cheney began to lose his sense of existence.

In this environment, Don Cheney, who was somewhat out of tune with the Knicks team, and the assistant coach who came with him seemed ashamed.


Compared to his chattering teammates, Wang Song seemed much quieter.

Because the schedule during this period was very tight, with consecutive home games, Wang Song gained a lot of solid experience points.

Except for maxing out the back-to-back attributes, the rest of the experience points were temporarily useless.

Facing this away trip and the strong enemy Cavaliers, he decided to complete the attribute point allocation before that.

With a thought, the system panel appeared in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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