US time!

Mid-October! !

1997/98 season training camp officially opened.

All members of the Golden State Warriors assembled.

After a series of trades, the final roster of the Golden State Warriors is as follows:

Point guard: Jim Jackson, Tony Delk, Muggsy Bogues.

Shooting guard: Dell Curry, Bruce Bowen, Brian Shaw.

Small forward: Tracy McGrady, Jason Caffey, Duane Ferrell.

Power forward: Sufan, Donyell Marshall, Dick Simpkins.

Center: Eric Dampier, Ben Wallace, Todd Fuller, Dick Simpkins.

Golden State's new lineup, a new galaxy battleship assembled.

The boss of the team: Sufan, the second pick this year, has not played a game in the regular season.

Starting small forward: McGrady, a talented high school student, this year's No. 9 pick. During the draft, there was news that the Bulls were interested in trading Pippen for McGrady, but it ultimately failed. Later, the Raptors sent him to the Warriors in a 4-for-1 trade.

The starting point guard and shooting guard are a group of undrafted and twilight players.

The starting center is Dampier, and the backup center is undrafted Ben Wallace.

It is such a team that is not favored by the world, a group of players who need to prove themselves to the world, and the world, that gathered at the Oracle Arena for the first time.

Historical trajectory This season, the Warriors directly won the second-in-command in the Western Conference, which is enough to show that there is a reason why they are not favored by the American media and a group of NBA experts.

Oracle Center Arena.



At this time, the sound of the ball beating rhythmically has been heard in the arena.

Looking around, a player with an afro is sweating hard on the court, and his training clothes are soaked with sweat! !


Ben Wallace slammed the ball into the basket with a powerful dunk!

The basket trembled at an inappropriate time. You know, Ben Wallace can bench press more than 200 pounds! !

So scary!

"Big guy~~Don't break the basket!!!"

At this time, a teasing voice came, and the "Cripple Foot" Bald Bowen came on the stage.

"Little Bald Head, come and fight me if you don't agree!!!"

Big Ben was not a pushover, and immediately fought back.

"Gulp~~" Bowen stared at Big Ben's muscles and swallowed his saliva, but still fought back: "Who is afraid of who, big guy, don't cry later!!!"

After that!

The two are going to PK in real life, and perform WWE in the training hall! !


At this moment, the door was pushed open again!

The sleepy, cool McGrady is here!!!



Mai Zi ignored the two people and dribbled the ball directly to the bottom of the basketball hoop as if no one was around! !


An easy crotch-to-hand slam dunk! !

Elegant and violent, the basketball was smashed into the basket! ! !

"Smelly boy~~~ didn't you see anyone here??"

Bowen saw someone ignoring him and immediately fired a cannon! !


"I didn't see any, I just saw an afro and a bald head!!!"

McGrady said casually.



The atmosphere on the court was tense in an instant!

The three people burst out with a breath of fire, and no one was willing to give in.

At this moment, the door of the training hall opened again.

"Good guy" Dell Curry slowly appeared on the court, and next to him was the team's new head coach Mike D'Antoni.

Old Curry took the lead in greeting the three people.

Then D'Antoni glanced at the three people and said with interest:

"Fighting is not allowed in the team, but solo is allowed. Men should use basketball to solve the fight!!!"

At this time, the three people saw the coach coming and glared at each other, and then stood aside obediently.

On the first day, you gave the coach a bad face, waiting to be DNP? Playing is playing, and everyone knows the rules.

At this time, Dampier, Marshall, Jackson and other players also came to the stadium.

Everyone was very excited. They hadn't played basketball for a long time and they were itching.

At this time, the coach glanced around and found that almost everyone was there, except for one person.

McGrady was also staring at the door of the stadium, the man who had haunted him that summer and vowed to defeat him.

Bowen and Ben Wallace both looked at the door. The team manager had told them on the first day of trading them that it was Su Fan who specifically asked for them, and he also believed that they were the most important link on the road to winning the championship.

That sense of trust made the two undrafted players veryTouched.

"Haha, there was a traffic jam on the road, I am not late!!!"

At this time, a hearty laugh sounded.

Su Fan came to the court with a muscular body and a large No. 3 training suit.

After much anticipation, he finally came out! !

Then, Su Fan walked to the center of the court.

224 cm tall + muscular body, that kind of oppressive feeling came.

Even Ben Ben felt that he was suddenly petite for the first time.

"You are? Su???"

McGrady was the first to be confused. In the summer, I remember that Su Fan was still a skinny bamboo pole. In one summer, did he complete the leap from a shotgun to a cannon?

No wonder McGrady was not sure. Who wouldn't be confused.

Coach D'Antoni also stared at Su Fan with a shocked face. He hadn't seen Su Fan for a whole summer. He heard that he had been on vacation overseas.

I was a little angry about it at the time. With such a good talent, he didn't train and went on vacation. The NBA is not a summer league. The physical confrontation is obviously not good enough. Until now, I see that Su secretly went inward.

"Hi, Bruce, Ben!!!"

"And my old friend, Tracy!!!!"

Su Fan looked at the three people and smiled.

"Su~~Nice to meet you!!"

Bowen and Wallace, two "old hands", knew that Su Fan was now the boss of the team, and they immediately changed their smiles.

"Su, where did you go to train?" McGrady also asked some people who had seen Su Fan before.

"Haha, yes, this is not a secret training. We have to make some achievements in the new season!!"

"Hardly slap the faces of these media and those who look down on us!!!"

Su Fan also fulfilled a "kind lie". After all, it is common for players to gain muscle in the summer.

At this time, the German coach also took a look at Su Fan's muscles and asked: "Su, will your muscle gain affect your touch and body coordination?"

"Coach, I believe I will have no problem!"

"If you are worried, everyone is here, just in time for a friendly match!!!!"

Su Fan suggested.



Everyone seconded.

The German coach also nodded, intending to see everyone's true level and test whether the signings this summer and Su Fan's strength have improved.

This is crucial for the formulation and planning of his next tactics. Originally, the German coach was prepared to sacrifice his reputation in the first season and polish Su Fan first, but now it seems that it is completely unnecessary!

This guy has evolved directly!

The first intra-team group competition officially started.

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