Chapter 459: Is the little ghost yours?

 Like a miniature landscape.

 Islands, ships, everything in the Emerald Sea are clearly presented in the entire sand table.

 Originally, it was thought that the island owner ‘Occam’ might be able to calculate the routes of all merchant ships through his personal abilities or port ship information.

Now it seems that it is completely dependent on this strange thing in front of me.

 Which ship takes which route.

 See it too clearly.

 Fortunately, the battlefield was placed on Treasure Island. If it were at sea, he would have a God's perspective and it would be more difficult to deal with him.

 Continue to look at side effects.

 Effective in the corresponding location.

 “What do you mean? It can only take effect in the Emerald Sea?”

 “Or, in different locations, can the whole picture of the area be shown?”

Wu Heng scratched his chin.

 It feels like the first point is more likely.

 After all, it is called the Emerald Sand Table, which corresponds to the Emerald Sea.

 If it is the second option, it is of course better. Every time you go to a location, you can check the information of the corresponding location.

 It is the same as the big map used in the game.

Waiting for a chance to try it.

After looking at the most conspicuous object, my eyes continued to fall on the second one.

 A quill pen with a unique shape, the tip of the pen is bright red.

 【Sentimental Quill (Strange Object)】

  【Category: Strange objects. 】

  【Effect: The letter can be sent to the person you miss. 】

  【Side Effect: The blood of living beings is used as pen and ink. 】

  (Description: A folded letter, carrying the earl’s tender feelings for different lovers.)


Looking at this strange object, Wu Heng frowned again.

 The blank envelope has nothing to do with the letter, obviously because this pen can be passed directly after writing.

  Just from the description.

 Originally used as a quill pen to write love letters to lovers.

 It has a special effect and is used by ‘Occam’ to deliver messages and tasks to pirates.

“There’s really no one to target with rare objects.”

 The effect is to reach the person you are thinking of.

 This point should not be described accurately.

It is impossible for Occam to know who every pirate captain is, not to mention that pirate groups disappear and new pirates are established all the time.

 More, we should use the sand table to determine the information about the pirate ship, and then send the letter there.

Or you can use the prophet's profession to detect some information about the pirates.

 Send another letter.

"This should be."

 The more I think about it, the more reasonable it becomes.

 The side effect is that the blood of living beings is used as pen and ink.

This is nothing at all. Animals are considered living creatures and are not difficult to obtain.

 There is a jar of red liquid beside it.

 Open it, and there is a strong smell of blood inside. It should be the blood used for writing.

 It has to be said that the two rare items in Occam are of high value.

 The effect is great and the cost is small. The sand table has no cost at all.

If it were sold at a consortium auction, the price would definitely exceed the most expensive evil sword.

Wu Heng took the pen and looked at it, then put it back again.

 “All doubts are cleared.”

How did the other party know the routes of all the fleets, and how did the blank envelopes be sent out?

 When he saw two strange things, he solved them all.

 The doubts I had before were nothing special. I even thought that the profession of prophet was too powerful.

 Change to any profession and have these two kinds of wonders.

 Also able to mobilize all pirates gradually.

 But there should be other reasons why the Pirate King asked the Prophet to inherit.

 When you transform the skeleton later, let’s see what’s special about it.

 I hope the association will not take away the body.

 There are still a lot of props left.

 【Wise Man's Scepter】【Tidal Chain Shirt】【Long Sword of Lightness】【Endurance Belt】【…】….

 There are still many types of props in the ring.

 There are quite a lot of equipment and daily use items.

  After all, they have reached the island owner level, so they must be richer.

 Take out everything.

 Throw the useless items, some personal clothing, and daily necessities aside, and let others throw them away when the time comes.

 Then, there is another space ring.

Wu Heng waved his hand, and barrels filled with gold and silver coins appeared in the open space in the middle.

   Full of décor, dazzling and dazzling.

 What a guy, so rich!

It seems that the few gold coins that I have been offered as a reward are really nothing.

 Is it so profitable to be an island owner?

Or, it means the treasure of the pirate king, or the money saved by being a pirate.

  Anyway, it’s all yours now.

“Sure enough, it’s faster to steal other people’s money.”

 At this time, the door opened.

 The four women, Andwyll, Minnie, Philippa, and Millicent, came back after eating.

 Minnie still had the breakfast she bought for him in her hand.

 When I saw buckets of gold coins in the room.

 The four people’s eyes widened.

Philippa was the first to rush over, holding a barrel filled with gold coins. "Wow, is it Occam's money? There are so many, I'm making a fortune."

 Speaking, he grabbed a handful and was about to put it into his own space ring.

Minnie stepped forward and grabbed her, "What are you doing? These belong to the master, why are you pretending to be them?"

"What happened to me taking some? I almost died at sea. My life is worthless." Philippa shook off the caught arm.

Minnie still said: "You were rescued from prison by the master, otherwise you would have died long ago."

 “I caught so many pirates for him.”

 “It’s yours only if I give it to you.”

Millicent also said: "Philippa, take it out, you are already a member of the association, and you are no longer at sea."

 Philippa saw that no one was looking towards him.

 Throwing the collected money back, "Who cares?"

 After saying that, he sat aside angrily.

Anderweil came over and asked, "Master, what did the deacon say?"

“At noon, the association’s reinforcements will come, and the island will be safe by then.” Wu Heng began to eat and answered casually.

 “Then when are we going home?” Minnie said. "Wait a minute, you guys go back first, and Weier will go back with you. I'll just stay here with the association."

“Well, let’s go back early so we can tidy up the yard.”

 After dinner, Wu Heng collected all the money and props.

 The women left the association and returned to their residence.

Along the way, Philippa walked with the emblem of the ‘Secret Whisperer’ on her chest.

  After all, the previous avatar appeared on the wanted poster.

Especially now that pirates are being captured on a large scale on the island to avoid any misunderstandings.


 The scorching sun hangs high in the sky at noon.

 On the distant sea level, three ships are gradually approaching Treasure Island.

“There was a battle ahead, and the sea was full of sunken shipwrecks.” A sailor’s voice came from the lookout.

On the ship, many deacons and members of the association came to the bow and looked into the distance.

 The sea near Treasure Island's port was filled with broken boards and debris.

 The further you go, the more muddy it becomes like entering a swamp.

 Some people in small boats were salvaging bodies from the sea.

 “It’s over, it’s too late.”

“Occam is indeed dishonest and dares to attack the association.”

“Imiro still miscalculated the time. If we come one step earlier, we might be able to prevent this accident.”

“I don’t know if Imiro can survive. If something happens to him, the association will probably make Treasure Island disappear.”

 Everyone was discussing.

 The sound of footsteps came from behind.

 An old human mage with white hair, white beard, and gray robe came out.

 “Dean Gianvito.”

 Everyone salutes.

 The old mage nodded and looked at the situation in front of him.

 Hands off the embroidered robe.

 A piece of detection magic flew forward quickly.

At the same time, the tamed beasts behind them also flew towards Treasure Island.

 In the sight of the tame beast.

 At the port location, there are workers repairing the port, skeletons guarding it, and patrolling team members.

At this moment, a figure slowly walked out of the carriage on the roadside.

Blonde hair and blue eyes, wearing a straight and gorgeous aristocratic dress.


 Is he okay?

Then here….

 On board the Association’s vessels.

 Everyone was a little surprised when they saw Imiro coming out.

  It seems to be different from what they imagined. At least Imiro is fine.

The old mage's detection magic returned and he also observed the situation on the island.

Said in a deep voice: "Get closer and go to the island."

The ship moved forward again, and after successfully docking, everyone boarded the devastated pier.

 “Dean Gianvito.” Imiro nodded and said lightly.

 The old mage looked around and said, "Deacon Ymiro, Treasure Island is..."

"Go to the association first, let's talk on the way." Imiro said, and several carriages stopped aside.

 Members of the association who came to support boarded the carriage respectively.

 Imilo and the old mage were riding in the same car.

 On the carriage, Imiro gave an overview of the matter.

The old mage raised his eyebrows slightly, a little surprised, "Did you say that the deputy deacon killed Occam and fought off hundreds of pirate ships?"

Imiro nodded, "Indeed."

“Deacon Imiro, do you want him to gain the attention of the association?”

"I will never talk nonsense about this kind of thing." Imiro said in a serious tone.

The old mage also felt that something was wrong with what he said, so he smiled and nodded, "Then I will take a look at this young man."


“Uncle, there are many people outside, all high-level professionals.”

Xiao Xiaofei came back and whispered.

 “Where?” Wu Heng asked.

“There is an old man at the gate, dressed like Gandalf.” Xiaoxiao said.

 “Who is Gandalf?” asked Glynda.

“Ah, an old man who can do magic. He is very powerful. I will show it to you tonight.”

The door of the association cannot be seen from the window of the office study, unless you stick your head out and you can see a little bit.

 “Let me take a look.” Wu Heng said.

 Xiaoxiao penetrates directly into the body.

 The image of the entrance of the association also appeared in my mind.

 There were many carriages parked at the door.

Many people came down from the top. The one who came in with Imiro was an old man with white hair and white beard, holding a wooden stick in his hand.

 Level 18, others behind, professionals from level 15 to level 12.

This configuration, if I arrived in advance yesterday.

 It can really stop the pirates' actions.

 That's not right either. Occam has an emerald sand table, and he can see the movements of the association's ships.

 There will definitely be other ways to deal with it.


 At this time, there was a knock on the door.

“Deputy Wu Heng, Deacon Imiro, please go to the study.”

 The staff's voice came from outside the door.

"I see."

 In response, he stood up from the chair.

 Looking at Glenda, "You come back first, you have to go to the deacon's study."

Glenda crawled back into her body.

Wu Heng opened the door and walked out.


 Come to the deacon's study.

 Knocked lightly on the door, and after getting a response, walked in directly.

 In the study room, in addition to Imiro and the white-bearded old man he saw just now, there are also several investigators with pens and papers in hand.

“Wu Heng, this is Dean Gianvito, the leader of the reinforcement team for Treasure Island this time.” Imiro introduced the old man.

Then he continued to introduce Wu Heng, "Wu Heng, the deputy deacon of Treasure Island, played an important role in the pirates' occupation of the island."

"It's all under the command of the deacon, and I just act according to the order." Wu Heng said.

 Imiro nodded slightly on his cold face.

 The old man did not answer, but looked him up and down.

"The little ghost at the door just now is your spiritual servant? How did you get it?"

 (End of this chapter)

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