Chapter 487, Skeleton Cavalry

 While on Treasure Island.

Wu Heng also briefly investigated the identity of the blond girl.

Even if there is no conclusive evidence, it feels like a guess.

The old king of Yeko Kingdom fell into a coma again, the domestic situation was turbulent, and the ministers and troops each supported different princes.

 Once the old king dies, the Kingdom of Yeko will fall into civil war.

  Unlike other people who fight for power, the man in front of him wants to extend the life of the old king.

Wu Heng thought for a moment and said: "Any kind of vampire, corpse, or ghost will be more effective than medicine."

 The woman sighed, "These are not acceptable, they are not allowed."

Wu Heng continued, “The drug will only last for a short time, and if you take it too much, it will reach a limit, and in the end it will not change anything.”

"Then you...can you develop a more effective potion? I can continue to collect rare items with you." The woman looked straight at him, looking forward to it.

 “If there are new potions, I will notify you.”

“Thank you, will you come back in five days?” the woman asked tentatively.

 After all, she also knew that some of the strange items brought this time were of little use.

Wu Heng thought for a moment and said, "Okay, I'm still here."


 The two ended the conversation.

Wu Heng opened the door and walked out directly.

 Leave the city, put on the [train conductor’s hat], and continue to fill in ‘López City’ on the itinerary.


 López City, Snake Emblem Consortium.

 In the VIP room.

 Four coffins were brought in.

 Open them one by one to reveal the corpse inside.

The beautiful female elf manager ‘Retili’ sat opposite, with her straight white calves exposed under her skirt.

He said softly: "Two level 15 blacksmiths, one level 15 artificer, and one level 15 chef all died unexpectedly. You can rest assured about this."

Last time, Wu Heng’s commission was for all level 15 special professions.

 The efficiency is still there, and it is much higher than that of Treasure Island.

 It seems that ‘Retili’’s ability should be higher than that of the person in charge of Treasure Island.

At that time, the consortium auction was held so close to Treasure Island.

 The people who hosted the auction were 'Retili' and an old man, not the person in charge of Treasure Island.

“Settle the balance, then fill out a new form, or buy the body.” Wu Heng said.

 “Good guest.” Retili greeted several staff members.

 Start calculating the balance and fill in the entrustment at the same time.

Retili sat opposite, glanced at the other party, and then asked: "Guest, do you need the corpses of the cavalry? I can sell them to you in bulk at a good price."

Wu Heng also looked at the other party in confusion, "Cavalry?"

Retili smiled and nodded, "Some arrogant bandits robbed a batch of goods from the consortium, and they were cleaned up. There were many corpses of cavalry among them. I feel pretty good."

 “Where is it? Take me to see it!”

“I’ll take you there after filling out the entrustment.”

 Not long after, the balance was settled and the new order was filled out.

Wu Heng put away the four coffins and followed 'Leidili' out of the consortium building.

 Took a carriage and left the city to a location similar to an incineration site.

 Carcasses of humans and horses littered the ground.

 This is really a lot of people killed.

There have always been rumors that the Snake Emblem Consortium is engaged in gray industries, and its own strength is not lower than that of the association.

 But I have never seen the consortium actually take action.

 Now that he has killed so many people in one fell swoop, he actually believes it.

 At least the means of doing things are more ruthless than those of the association.

 There is no unnecessary investigation, just identify the master and handle the matter directly.

No one can escape.

 “How do you plan to sell it?”

“A level 15 corpse here costs you 600 silver coins, four level 10 corpses cost you 300 silver coins, and the remaining corpses and horse corpses cost you a total of 200 silver coins. How about that?” Retili asked with a smile.

Wu Heng looked at her, "Don't you need to fill in the entrustment?"

 “You can also let us make some extra money!” Leitili leaned towards this side.

 Oh, I understand.

 Originally intended to be incinerated, this was sold directly to myself.

“Okay, you guys have really worked hard.” Wu Heng agreed.

Retili was overjoyed and immediately called out: "Go get the straw mats and wrap all the bodies."

 The rest of the people dispersed to sort out the corpse.

Wu Heng also gave them the money according to the agreed amount. Then he put all the corpses into the space sachet.

 After completing the transaction with each other.

 Let’s take a carriage back together.

Retili returned to the consortium, and Wu Heng went around the city and bought some food to pack.

I also found a deserted place and took the train back to Treasure Island.


 Return to your residence.

 Four corpses of level 15 special professions were transformed on Treasure Island.

The artificer was arranged in the room on the fifth floor, the chef entered the kitchen, and the remaining two blacksmiths stayed on standby temporarily without arranging anything.

 Have dinner with Minnie and others.

 Go directly to the zombie world.

 Take the return train.

 He went to "Xinfu City" overnight, preparing to go to the province and occupy the military factory.


 Provincial and district expressways.

 At a rest stop.

A barbed wire fence was hung on the fence, and a pair of eyes looked warily into the distance through the top of the fence.

 Zombies on the highway do not gather as much as in the city, so some survivors have established gathering places here.

At this time, from the far side of the road, the roars of zombies kept coming.

 On the snow-white road.

 The dense group of zombies is slowly moving forward.

 The front is the area where they are.

“Have these zombies discovered us?”

"It's not like that. If they find us, they will rush over directly. They should be wandering here."

 “There are evolved zombies, they brought them here.”

“I counted several hundred of them. If we launch an attack, there won’t be enough people to fill our teeth.”

“How about we retreat and exit quietly.”

“Fart, without this wall, we will die faster, and in this weather, we will freeze to death and starve to death if we go out.”

 “Where’s Brother Chuang? What did Brother Chuang say?”

“Brother Chuang, let us keep an eye on him and attack if there is any danger.”


 While several people were talking.

The evolved zombies headed in the distance seemed to have discovered something, and roared towards the wall.

 The aimless zombies behind him were all startled, and they also screamed and roared.


 “Grass, found.”

 “It’s over, we’re done.”

 Tap tap tap~!

 The group of corpses began to charge and rushed towards the wall.

 The survivors also panicked and took out their weapons to prepare for the final battle.

Just when the corpse group was less than 200 meters away from the wall, the corpse group's forward steps suddenly stopped.

 They all turned their heads and looked up at the sky.

The survivors were also stunned, and then looked up.


Then he saw flying dragons with pale skeletons appearing in his field of vision.

 Arrived quickly, above the corpses.

 It felt like something was opening in the chest.

 Sprinkle large pieces of stuff from the sky.

  Boom, boom, boom~!

 A deafening explosion sounded.

 The earth trembled and the earth was turned upside down.

 The survivors held their heads in horror.

“Look, there are cavalry, hell, cavalry made of skeletons.”

 All the survivors looked out along the wall again.

Skeleton cavalry wearing leather armor and holding lances rushed towards them.

 (End of this chapter)

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