Chapter 501, Unstable Luntam City

 On the train.

Wu Heng and two skeleton attendants sat on a long chair on one side.

 My mind started to think about the future development involuntarily.

Most of the senses disappear and you feel more focused.

Luntam City is doing pretty well, and it will definitely continue to develop. It can provide part of the source of funds, and it is also a retreat for itself.

If there is a problem on Treasure Island, retreating to Luntam City and becoming a local emperor is actually a good choice.

This time when I go back, I want to help Wen Mansha deal with some potential dangers.

 As for Treasure Island, the first thing is to keep a low profile. The association gives itself identity and power, but it is also a shackle.

 There must not be any adverse effects, especially if one’s own profession has certain prejudices.

  The second point is that the smooth shipping routes and the island's security will attract more wealthy merchants to the island to increase trade, and you can also get a lot of resources and benefits from it.

 The last point is the construction of the island.

On the contrary, we can replicate Luntam City and build a singing and dancing venue like the Golden Cat on the island, which is actually not bad.

 After all, the acceptance of Money Cat in the market has also been verified in Luntam City.

 As for the zombie world.

 The direction of development has not changed much, including upgrading, collecting gold, and collecting some related talents.

 The power plant and some modern equipment will be gradually restored.

To facilitate the development of both worlds.

Even after killing Boss Huang this time, it can be seen that the survivors in the zombie world are still not very capable.

 Even if there are people with super powers, they still cannot compare with myself, a professional who is constantly upgrading.

 As long as they are not targeted by hot weapons, no one can be their opponent.

 Furthermore, several urban strongholds and refuges in the north relied on themselves in exchange for food.

Whoever dares to target himself will be scolded to death if word spreads.

 I thought about it quickly in my mind.

Take out the ‘Mansion Technique’ skill book that you prepared in advance and start flipping through it.

 On the train, you can still see with your eyes.

I also take this opportunity to read this book again.

I haven’t unlocked the skill yet, and I’m still a little reluctant.

 But I spent a lot of money to buy it.


 Seven days later.

 The ghost train appeared from the void and stopped in a clearing in the wild woods.

Winter has also entered here, the trees are dry, the snow on the ground still leaves some animal footprints and blood stains.

Wu Heng got out of the car with two skeleton attendants.

 Take a deep breath.

 The ghost train disappeared, hunger, thirst, and severe bloating set in.

 Find a tree to make things easier.

 He took out the food he had prepared in advance and took two bites.

Even if the ghost train is fast, you must pay attention to the time, otherwise it is easy for people to starve to death on the train without feeling.

 After finishing everything, Wu Heng looked around.

They are all dense woods, and it is impossible to distinguish the direction, so it is impossible to find the direction of "Luntam City".

With a thought in his mind, two ghosts flew out.

 One on the left and one on the right, floating on both sides.

“Uncle, are you there yet?” Xiaoxiao asked.

Glenda also looked over curiously.

"We should have arrived, but we don't know where we are here. Look at the direction of Luntam City from the air and where the road is?" Wu Heng said.

 The two ghosts nodded and immediately flew into the sky.

Not long after, Xiaoxiao took the lead and flew down, shouting: "Luntam City is over there. It has changed so much. It is several times bigger than when we left."


“Well, uncle, now that you are gone, the city has become better.”

“What are you saying? It’s as if I’m preventing the city from developing.”

 Xiao Xiao smiled mischievously, "I didn't say that."

Glenda flew back a little late and said: "There is a caravan coming over there. The highest level is only level 10. You can take a carriage there and you can learn something about the situation on the way."

 Caravan transportation here is basically horse-drawn carriages.

 Level 10 professionals serve as accompanying guards, which is already quite a large team.

 There is not much threat to myself.

Glenda has already arranged this for herself.

 Good guy.

 “Which way?”

 “Over there, wait at the roadside for a while.”

Wu Heng nodded and walked to the roadside with the skeleton attendant, while two ghosts followed him and disappeared.

 Not long after, a caravan slowly appeared in sight.


 The caravan saw three people standing on the roadside from a distance.

 The accompanying guards began to be on guard, their swords were unsheathed, and their crossbows were cocked.

"How many of you are standing here?"

 Several professionals wearing cotton armor walked over quickly and stopped five meters away, "What are you doing?"

Wu Heng said: "We are going to Luntam City. The road is difficult to walk. Can you give us a ride? You can give us money."

 “How did you show up here?” the other party continued to ask.

"We are from Yeke Kingdom and wanted to visit Luntam City. Something unexpected happened on the way, and there were only three of us left." Wu Heng replied.

 Among the people talking, two immediately separated and ran quickly towards the convoy behind.

 At the same time, one by one, the tame animals took off from the direction of the convoy and circled in the surrounding forest.

 After confirming that there is no ambush in the forest.

 The convoy pressed against the snow and walked over little by little.

A man who was obviously better dressed walked over, looked him up and down, and then looked at the tightly covered figure behind him.

"Okay, you can sit in the carriage, but we are almost to Luntam City." The man said.

 “Thank you.” Wu Heng got on the carriage, with two skeletons following on both sides.

 After walking for a while, I casually chatted with the other person. Then he inquired and asked: "They say that business is good in the city and the public security is safe. Is this true?"

 The businessman turned around and looked at him, "Are you in business too?"

Wu Heng was wearing a cloak and cotton clothes.

 But from the looks of it, he looks more like a young master who has never experienced hardship. After all, even the table in the house is moved by skeletons, and he doesn't need to do anything.

“Ah! Can you make a fortune?” Wu Heng asked jokingly.

 “Haha~! What business are you doing?” The man smiled, and the guards around him also looked over with smiles.

 “Entertainment industry, that is, pubs, opera houses and the like.”

The man thought for a moment and said, "The security was pretty good before, and the city was developing rapidly, but something is different recently. Some rumors are spreading in the city, and there are fewer powerful and wealthy businessmen coming here to have fun."

 “What rumor?”

The man pondered for a moment and explained softly, "The real owner of this city is not Mrs. Wen Mansha, but a former association captain. Later, he was transferred away, and this place was managed by Mrs. Wen Mansha. Rumor has it that this captain is in There are level 18 professionals outside who want to destroy the city.

 Some people say that this city is an experimental warehouse for necromancers. If you need living creatures for experiments, just capture a few. "

Wu Heng frowned slightly.

How did the matter with level 18 professionals get here?


“There are rumors and so on, but recently there have been a lot of gangs, which are more chaotic than before.”

“Then you still come here to do business?” Wu Heng continued to ask.

The other party smiled and said, "I know the city of Luntam before. It is already very good now. It is much better than when Erno ruled."

 Erno is the name of the original city lord.

Wu Heng nodded, but did not continue to ask.

 From what the other party said, all he knew were rumors, which were not very credible.

 But about the matter of level 18 professionals, I am afraid that someone came here on purpose.

 After entering the city, you still have to ask ‘Wen Mansha’ what happened.

 As the convoy approaches.

 A city that was more majestic and vast than what he had imagined appeared in front of him.

  If you distinguish carefully, you can still distinguish the inner city, outer city and outer city.

 It's just that the area outside the city is larger, more than several times the original area.

 The buildings are scattered and the streets are winding.

 Pedestrians in horse-drawn carriages came and went on the road, while on both sides were vendors setting up stalls.

 In the outer city and inner city, you can see towering arrow towers and towers, and flags fluttering in the wind.

"It's spectacular!" The businessman smiled and continued: "The most important thing about the outer city area is the excitement. The outer city area and the inner city area are the good places. The ground is made of bluestone, and there are magic light stones along the road. The night is brighter than the day. There are also many good shops there that are open late.”

Wu Heng looked at the city and nodded.


 City Lord’s Mansion.

Wen Mansha sits on the throne of the city lord.

On the left is a skeleton mage wearing a mage robe, and on the right is a skeleton warrior wearing heavy armor and a long sword.

The housekeeper, wearing black-rimmed glasses and a black dress, walked over from the side and said softly: "Madam, two more officials from the city hall have handed in their resignations."

Wen Mansha hesitated for a moment, then said: "Pay them the money and **** them out of the city."

 “Yes, ma’am.”

 Tap tap tap~!

 While the two were talking.

Footsteps sounded, and three figures walked in from outside.

One person walked in front, followed by two skeletons, carrying a corpse.

Wen Mansha and the housekeeper looked at the corpse on the ground at the same time.

 “Sister-in-law!” the younger brother shouted and glanced at the housekeeper beside him.

 The city lord's men are divided into two groups.

 One is a former member of the Spike Gang, or someone who arranged for Calais before Wu Heng left.

 Including the tribesmen of ‘Andweil’ and some cooperative armor and weapon shop owners.

 They are all relatively trustworthy.

 The rest are the personnel recruited after taking the position of city lord.

 Management of the city hall, some patrol guards.

 The staff is relatively mixed and it is an employment relationship.

Wen Mansha followed his gaze and said, "It's okay, just tell me!"

The younger brother nodded and said: "The informant arranged for the outer city was killed and died on the way into the inner city."

The Spike Gang used to start by selling information.

 Now we have also cultivated some informants and arranged them in the outer city and outer districts.

Wen Mansha glanced sideways and said, "Zi Gu, go over and ask about the corpse."

 The skeleton necromancer beside him walked out directly and came to the corpse to release [Conversation with the Dead].

 The stiff corpse that fell to the ground slowly sat up.

  Broken and broken ice particles on clothes.

Wen Mansha looked at the corpse and asked, "Who killed you."

 The corpse spoke slowly, "A thief, I didn't see his appearance clearly."

 “Do you have any information that you want to tell us?”

 The corpse replied, "The Wind and Fire Party has organized several other gangs to attack the inner city tonight."

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s expressions changed.

"Are they worthy?" the younger brother said coldly.

 There are two skeletons above level 15 in the city lord's mansion, as well as guns that shoot bullets.

How many groups of gangs tried to do something, but they were all wiped out.

 What else do they want to do?

Wen Mansha continued to ask the corpse: "What else do you know about gangs?"

Rigor Rigor Morbid replied, "There are many high-level professionals in the gang. They are not afraid of the skeletons in the City Lord's Mansion, nor are they afraid of the fourth-level skeletons in the City Lord's Mansion."

Wen Mansha narrowed her eyes slightly.

 The younger brother and the housekeeper also looked solemn.

 Not afraid of level 4 skeletons.

 In other words, they also have high-level professionals.

 (End of this chapter)

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