Necromancers are frantically stationing troops in the apocalypse

Chapter 518: , who are you? (5,000 words, first update.)

Chapter 518, Who are you? (5,000 words, first update.)


 A powerful professional?

 Sounds like the Destiny Sect is quite formal.

Wu Heng thought for a moment and asked, "What position does the leader who brought you here today hold in the church?"

 “He is our apologist,” said the corpse.


Now it seems that the Destiny Sect is not as strong as the Divine Punishment Sect.

 In the Divine Punishment Cult, all apologists are level 18 professionals.

  Even one of them dared to fight Imiro, and both of them even went to Treasure Island.

 A professional who is level 15 in the Tianming Cult becomes an apologist.

 It’s a whole level lower.

Wu Heng continued to ask: "Did you know before that the person in the sarcophagus was still alive?"

The corpse paused for two seconds, and then replied, "I don't know, I'm just following orders."

Wu Heng then asked, "Where is your bishop?"

 “I heard that the church is developing in the Kingdom of Yeko!”

 After the five questions, the body lay back on the ground.

Xila Gui said from the side: "It seems that the Destiny Sect obtained this coffin through some means and is preparing to wake up the people inside."

“Well, since level 18 is so important, it seems that there are no high-level professionals in the church.” Wu Heng added.

Sheila Gui glanced at him angrily, "You sound like level 18 is easy."

 That’s the only one who dares to evaluate level 18 professionals like this.

Wu Heng did not continue to talk, but continued to talk to the next corpse and released [Conversation with the Dead].

 Start asking about the situation.

ˆ He asked several corpses one after another about the sarcophagus and the Destiny Cult.

 The Tianming Sect is only a sect established in recent years.

Yeke also began to penetrate into the kingdom when the kingdom was in internal chaos and peripheral management was lax.

 Intends to recruit believers and increase its influence.

This time, under the leadership of Sheng Xing, they raided a coastal village at night and gathered all the people here.

 The ceremony was prepared to awaken the people in the sarcophagus.

Who is the specific person inside, and the corpses asked, all of them do not know.

 All I know is that he is a level 18 strong man who will help them develop the church.

Wu Heng felt that the intelligence of these people was not too high.

That vampire is obviously not very easy to control.

They are not afraid to wake up, kill the others, and then walk away.


 Things are pretty much understood.

Wu Heng did not continue to ask.

 Let the skeleton drag the corpse aside and bury it.

 “This Destiny Cult deserves to die.” After hearing this, Xilagui gritted her teeth.

Her character is still the type that abides by justice.

 I remember when Wu Heng first landed on the island.

Sheila Gui almost drew her sword when she revealed that she was a necromancer, as if she would kill you even if she was punished.

 Later, Wu Heng rescued her several times and never did anything bad.

 The relationship between the two has improved, and they feel like they are dependent on each other to protect Treasure Island.

Wu Heng said: "After we return, we will report the matter to the local government and ask all localities to investigate this sect. Before they develop, see if they can be destroyed directly."

Sheela Gui nodded in agreement, "Human sacrifice involves so many people, it's enough to classify them as a cult."

“Their bishop may still be in the Kingdom of Yeko, don’t forget to report it too.”


 The two had a brief chat.

Wu Heng focused his attention on the head of the vampire again.

 On the upper body, only the head and shoulder bones remain, while the lower body consists of the waist and legs.

 The chest and abdomen area completely disappeared, and I don’t know where the colorful things were scattered.

 The missing parts have exceeded half.

  Difficult to convert into skeletons.

He said to the skeleton next to him: "Go over there and see if you can find the fallen body."

 Level 18 professional who can also fly.

If you can put it together well, it will definitely be a rare skeleton attendant.

 The skeleton next to him received the order.

He quickly moved towards the location where the vampire flew by and began to search carefully.

 Hilagui heard his order and guessed something in her mind.

 reminded: "Have you heard of the Racial Protection Act?"

“You wouldn’t say that the Vampire Race is considered a rare race, right?” Wu Heng turned his head.

 The Rare Races Protection Act refers to some special and sparsely populated races that will receive corresponding protection.

 Corpse cannot be used for experiments or enslaved in any form.

 But it feels like it’s in Wuheng.

These are all obvious restrictions. If the corpse has a special function, some people will still choose to conduct experiments quietly.

As long as you don’t talk about it everywhere, it is difficult to check this kind of thing, and no one will check it.

 This news was told to Wu Heng by the assistant deacon ‘Moya’ when he was killing the spider man.

 Unexpectedly, the Vampire Clan has also issued a restriction bill.

Sheila Gui nodded and confirmed that the vampires were also included in the bill.

Wu Heng raised his eyebrows and said, "I will do it quietly."

"What are you talking about? So many people have seen it, and the other party obviously knows Leader Lilith, so don't get yourself into trouble." Sheela Gui said softly.

 When the other party died, he obviously mentioned Lilith.

 This matter is not that simple.

While the two were talking, the skeleton who was searching for body parts came back.

  Found broken arms, incomplete wings, and some scattered internal organs.

 A **** pile.

 It’s just that even these are not enough for transformation.

In addition, what ‘Sheela Gui’ said makes sense. The other party is really a high-level member of the vampire clan. If you enslave the other party, it is indeed easy to cause trouble.

 Furthermore, I had some contact with Lilith before, and our relationship was pretty good.

 It cannot be destroyed easily.

"Well, that makes sense." Wu Heng said, and then took out the organ jar, "Put the organs here."

 The skeleton picked out the organs and put them **** into the organ jar.

 Sheela's eyes widened.

This is not going to stop until you get some benefits from it.

But he just looked and didn’t say anything more.

 The body was so mutilated and the missing organs were easily explained.

Wu Heng put the organ jar into the space ring.

 Continue to order, "Go and carry out the sarcophagus inside."

 The skeleton entered the stone house and carried the sarcophagus directly out.

 Stuffed all the corpses of the vampires into the sarcophagus.

 Hila Rose was directly put into the space ring.

 The rest is just some finishing work.

Xilagui arranged for the rescued villagers to get on the boat, while Wu Heng released the [Dead Corpse Battlefield] to transform all the remaining corpses on the ground.

Although the level 18 corpse cannot be transformed, there is also a level 15 corpse.

 It’s a little bit worse, but it’s not a wasted trip.

 After everything has been arranged and everyone has boarded the boat.

 At Philippa’s loud shout, we started to return.


 At night, in the cabin.

Xilagui put down the tableware in her hand and said: "Big Island Master, please notify the Kingdom of Yeko of the matter. It will take some time. Before sending these people back, you must arrange a place for them to live."

 Even though these people belong to the kingdom.

You cannot send it back directly. You need to negotiate in advance and get confirmation before sending it back.

 In particular, this matter also involves things such as level 18 vampires and cults.

The association may also arrange for people to come down to investigate, and these villagers will be witnesses.

 During the period of staying on the island, the island needs to provide a place to live, food and drink.

“The previously expanded area can be used to temporarily house them, and food and drink can also be temporarily provided. We will have to ask the Kingdom of Yeke to reimburse us when the time comes.” Wu Heng emphasized.

 Even if the people were rescued by themselves, and they were provided with food and shelter, it would still cost a lot of money for these hundreds of people.

Xila Gui spoke calmly and continued, "I will explain the situation to the headquarters about the Destiny Cult and the level 18 vampires. Do you want to tell Leader Lilith as well?"

 Normally speaking, Sheila Ge did not need to tell Lilith about this alone.

But it also involves the vampires, which makes things a bit complicated.

Wu Heng thought for a moment and said, "I have put away the ghost. Let's ask about the situation tomorrow and then we can discuss how to write a letter."

 “Okay, let’s do it.” Sheela Gui also agreed with this statement.

 The matter is finished.

 The two of them also chatted casually about some unimportant things.

The only problem in this operation is the vampire in the sarcophagus.

 Fortunately, no danger was caused, and the other party did not kill him directly.

Wu Heng continued: "Is the air conditioner easy to use?"

"It's very useful. Shi Yali also likes it. She even wanted to dismantle it to study the formation patterns inside, but I didn't agree."

 “Do you like it?”

Sheila Gui smiled and said, "I like it too."

“Well, when the island is rebuilt in the future, it will be better than now.”

 “You are quite confident.”


 After one day and one night.

 The ship slowly entered the Treasure Island port.

Xila Gui led everyone back to the association to perform an autopsy on the corpse in the sarcophagus. At the same time, she also had to re-check the identity of the villagers brought back.

Wu Heng, as the island owner, does not need to worry about these things himself.

 Just wait for the results.

Philippa arranged for someone to repair the ship, and Wu Heng called a carriage and returned to the island owner’s estate first.

 Return to the manor and just enter the gate.

Minnie quickly came up to meet her, her face full of joy, "Master, you are back!"

Behind him, Robert and Annette also followed, bowing slightly, "Master."

“Is there nothing going on at home?” Wu Heng asked.

 “It’s nothing.” Minnie replied with a smile.

 “It’s okay.” Wu Heng touched Minnie’s head.

 The latter was smiling and leaned forward coquettishly.

Minnie continued to ask: "Would you like to prepare dinner?"

 “Let’s eat together when Weier comes back.”

 “Okay!” Minnie nodded.

 Chatted with a few people downstairs for a while, and then watched the training of Robbe and Annette.

The sky is gradually getting darker.

 Andevil came back from outside, and Philippa also finished arranging the boat and came here to have dinner.

 The table was full, and Philippa was telling the story of the battle at Antler Island.

 The other people listened carefully.

 Have had dinner.

Wu Heng walked directly upstairs.

 Release the two ghosts to move around freely, and return to the room.     On the ship, you can also rest in the cabin.

 But the ship swayed severely, and when it was violent, people would fly into the air.

 Still not as safe as resting on land.

 After a brief wash, go to bed and rest.

 Hand involuntarily, he thought of the vampires he met today.

 Looks like a middle-aged man.

 But why are there no male and female characteristics?

 When he came out of the sarcophagus, he was naked, with no gender characteristics on his body.

 All vampires are like this?

 That’s not right, there is nothing, how can I go to the toilet?

 Lilith, the name is quite nice.

 Isn’t it the same?

Thinking in my heart, I gradually fell into sleep.


 The next day, in the morning.

 The basement of the association.

Wu Heng mixed gold powder and blood to form a closed circle on the ground in the middle.

 Dark energy permeated from the formation, making the entire basement even colder and biting.

 Continue to take out the ‘Devil Soul Pot’ containing the vampire ghost and put it into the formation.

A blue ghost floated out from the magic soul pot, forming an illusory and translucent form.

 The ghost quickly looked around.

 Then he flew back, trying to escape from here.

 However, the magic circle was like a barrier, trapping him firmly within it.

  No matter how they collide, they cannot leave the range of the formation.

Finding that he could not escape, the ghost looked over with ferocious eyes, "You are indeed members of the association, you **** guys."

 “You ask!” Wu Heng looked at Xila Gui.

 The latter shook his head, "You better ask."

 “What on earth are you going to do?” The ghost roared loudly.

Wu Heng looked at the corpse and asked, "What's your name?"

 “And~!” Ghost sneered.

Wu Heng's power of death was activated, and a series of energy vine whips were formed in the magic circle, which whipped the ghost's body.

 Amidst the beatings, the ghosts kept disintegrating and gathering.

 Crying in agony.

"I tell you, I tell you." The ghost shouted: "Melanice Baddeley, my name is Melanith Baddeley."

 “Why are you locked in a sarcophagus?”

 “The dormancy of the vampires, you should listen…”

Wu Heng activated his magic again, and the energy whip roared out.

  Hit the ghost’s body one after another.

 “I am banished.” The ghost shouted loudly.

 The sound of the whip is still lashing.

The soul kept disintegrating and regrouping, and the wailing sounds continued.

"It's true, it's true. I didn't lie to you. Lilith sealed me in a sarcophagus and exiled me. She kept me sealed in the sarcophagus and never let me out."

 The sound of the whip stopped, the soul body dispersed, and slowly condensed.

Wu Heng continued to ask: "Why are you exiled?"

"I..." Ghost looked outside carefully and explained: "When I was young, I did some wrong things because of my greed for blood, and killed some people. It was all small things, and I was punished."

Wu Heng and Xila Gui looked at each other.

He said that some people were killed, definitely not a few, or there were people of high status among them.

 The Pirate King is pardoned when he reaches level 18.

How many bad things can pirates do?

The person in front of me reached level 18 earlier, but was sealed in a sarcophagus and exiled because of murder.

 Must have caused a lot of trouble.

“Is there anything else you want to ask?” Wu Heng looked aside.

Sheila Gui shook her head, "I don't have any more."

The ghost in the magic circle immediately said: "Wait a minute, you are a necromancer. You need ghosts. I can work for you. I know many secrets and I can definitely help you."

Wu Heng said nothing.

 Activating magic power, the magic soul pot generates suction.

"Think about it, I also have a lot of knowledge that you humans don't have. Don't worry about me, you need..."

 The ghost's body was stretched and slender, and was taken back into the Demonic Soul Pot.

Wu Heng bent down to pick up the magic soul pot and put the space ring back into it.


"He's a criminal, there shouldn't be any problem in killing him," Shiragui said.

This inquiry is also to confirm the identity of this person.

The Destiny Sect is not a threat. To put it bluntly, it is a cult formed by bewitching ordinary people.

 But this level 18 vampire is still involved in some ways.

Before reporting, it is still necessary to determine the identity of the other party and the reason why he was sealed in the sarcophagus.

“Well, when you report it, write down that we were forced to fight back.”

 “Okay.” Sheila Gui nodded.

As the two of them walked outside together, Sheela asked again, "Do you think it's inappropriate for me to write this letter to Chief Lilith?"

"It's really not good to send the report from the headquarters and Lilith's letter at the same time." Wu Heng also thought for a moment and said: "Let's do it this way, you report to the headquarters, and I will tell you about the blood clan's affairs from a personal perspective. Leader Lilith wrote a letter explaining this matter."

 “Okay, let’s do that.” Sheela nodded with a smile.

The two of them walked out of the basement together.

Xilagui returned to the study to prepare a report, and Wu Heng also took a carriage and returned to the manor where he lived.


 After returning to your residence.

Wu Heng went upstairs to the study.

 Sit on the chair and think for a while, then take out a pen and paper and start writing.

   Leader Lilith Ann Beshmit:

 There is an Antler Island near Treasure Island.

 We found a group of mysterious men in black robes on the island, bringing more than a hundred villagers with them. We also found formations and strange sarcophagi.

 The association's ships approached and a battle broke out.

During the battle, the blood of the deceased was absorbed by the sarcophagus. A skinny man with wings on his back rushed out of the sarcophagus and fought with us.

 In the end, he won by luck and killed the enemy.

After investigation.

The black-robed men's organization is called the "Destiny Sect". In the coastal villages of the Kingdom of Yeko, they killed the villagers and kidnapped more than a hundred people in an attempt to perform rituals to awaken the people in the sarcophagi.

The person in the coffin calls herself "Melanice Baddeley" and is a member of the vampire family. She has an extremely arrogant attitude and keeps shouting that she wants to kill everyone else.

In this incident, more than a hundred people almost died as sacrifices.

He also witnessed the other party breaking out of the coffin and rushing out, shouting to kill all living creatures.

 A letter reporting the matter.

—Treasure Island flag bearer: Wu Heng. "

 The last stroke has fallen.

Wu Heng confirmed it again.

 When writing a letter to Lilith, you still need to confirm the wording.

 After checking to confirm that there are no discrepancies.

 Put the envelope in, open the door and go downstairs.

Three maids, riding bicycles in the open space of the courtyard, 'Robey' is limited in height and looks a little reluctant.

  The addition of two new maids has not changed much to the manor.

 But for Minnie, she was indeed a lot happier.

Someone would accompany her when Wu Heng and Andeweier were away.

So that every time she comes back, she will be seen staring at the flowers in the flower bed in a daze.

 “Master!” Minnie jumped up and waved, with a smile on her face.

“Minnie, go out and deliver this letter to the association to ‘Xila Gui’ and ask her to mail it out together.” Wu Heng waved and ordered.

 “Okay.” Minnie ran over and took the letter.

 Leave with the skeleton attendant.

 The other two maids carefully put the bicycles aside.

 Go back to the living room and clean up.

Wu Heng glanced at the time.

  Wearing [the conductor’s hat], take the train and disappear directly into the courtyard.


 López City, Snake Emblem Consortium, VIP Room.

Wu Heng sat in the room for a while.

The person in charge, ‘Retili’, walked in with a smile, a beautiful face, and gorgeous earrings on her pointed ears.

Wearing a purple silk dress, she has a slim figure.

 “Good afternoon, guest.” Retili started as usual.

“Good afternoon, has the flame furnace I ordered last time been made?” Wu Heng said directly.

Retili smiled confidently, "It's done. It's in the warehouse outside. I'll take you to see it."

 “Okay.” Wu Heng stood up and followed her out of the room.

 Go through the corridor and come to a warehouse in the backyard.

 Open the door to reveal a stone furnace divided into three pieces.

 The surface of the furnace is engraved with dense and complicated runes.

“The shape and specifications are all made according to your requirements.” Leitili introduced with a smile.

Wu Heng looked around and nodded with satisfaction, "Not bad, I'm very satisfied."

Retili's smile was even brighter, "As long as you are satisfied, we just agreed to speed up the progress and pay 5% more remuneration."

  “There is no problem if we agree.”

Wu Heng put the things into the space sachet.

 Follow her back to the VIP room to settle the final payment.

Retili’s face was filled with smiles.

 I am also lucky to have met such a rich man, and my performance here may far exceed that of other surrounding financial groups.

“If you need other magic buildings, you can come here at any time. Efficiency is completely guaranteed.” Retili said again.

"Okay, there is a real possibility that I will order some later and come to you then." Wu Heng said.

 If the test can be successful this time.

 The following Xinfu City and Anhui City will also adopt a similar approach.

 On the basis of the original power plant, the furnace is replaced to generate electricity.

 Easier than rebuilding a power plant.

 “Of course that’s good, I will help you check it.”

 “Well, I will come then.”

 After settling the final payment, Wu Heng also walked out of the building.

Wu Heng nodded and walked out of the building directly.


 The next day, early morning.

Wu Heng went to the zombie world.

Took out the walkie-talkie and said: "Qi Hancai, let Wang Haibing prepare, let's go to the power plant."


 (End of this chapter)

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