Necromancers are frantically stationing troops in the apocalypse

Chapter 523: , take a bite of them (an update today.)

Chapter 523: Take a bite out of them (Updated today.)

 The skeleton army began to clean up the remaining zombies.

Wu Heng began to summarize the characteristics of the light knight just summoned.

 From the appearance point of view, the body is an elemental type summon. Not only the body, but also the armor and weapons are the same.

  The water elemental shark summoned by the [Water Demon Conch] obtained previously is an elemental summon.

 The element properties are different, but there is no essential difference.

 The biggest advantage is that there is no physical burden.

Although it will still be attacked and cause certain damage, it will not be fatal like the physical body.

Moreover, the level of the summoned object is not low. It is currently at level four and can continue to improve as it kills undead creatures.

  Reaching level 5 is equivalent to level 18.

 Indirectly added a high-level bodyguard.

 The attack methods are all ordinary slashing attacks. The biggest feature is that after each attack, the target will be ignited in flames.

I haven’t tested it yet to see if attacking ordinary creatures has this effect.

  But the greater possibility is the suppression of undead creatures.

Now it seems that this strange thing is still good.

 “It would be nice if there were no side effects.”


not far away.

Glenda flew back and threw the sheathed evil sword over. "The aberrant zombies are all dead. Some zombies are in the building over there. Let the skeletons search for them."

“Well, with your help, the speed has become faster.” Wu Heng put away the evil sword and complimented casually.

Glenda floated aside and asked: "What was that thing that glowed just now? It felt a little dangerous."

Wu Heng explained, "Didn't the association distribute rewards yesterday? One of the rewards is the emblem of the Holy See, which can summon light attribute knights to help fight."

Hearing the church, Glenda was slightly startled, "You necromancer, why do you want such a reward? How unlucky."

The words sounded awkward, but I understood the meaning.

 Even though Wu Heng has nothing to do with the church, the direction of his career development is opposite to that of the church.

 It is easy to cause problems if you have too much contact.

"I can't help it. The reward is designated by the association." Wu Heng paused for a moment and then said: "Use it first. The combat ability of this summoned knight is pretty good. I won't use it in the future. Give it to Wei Er, Minnie and the others are pretty good at protecting themselves.”

"Okay, you can't go astray. Xiaoxiaoke and I are counting on you."

 “Don’t worry, don’t abandon or give up.”


 One person and one soul, we chatted for a few words.

 The fighting on the battlefield also ended.

 The skeletons automatically dispersed and began to clean up the battlefield.

Wu Heng commanded several skeletons and went to the building where Glenda killed the zombies to search for the corpses.

 I stood aside and waited for a while.

 Not long.

  The corpses of aberrant zombies and evolved zombies were collected and piled together.

 Wu Heng began to transform, then collected all the corpse cores and put them into the space ring.

 Then, continue to release the [Dead Corpse Battlefield] along the road.

 Skeletons stood up one after another, swaying their bodies, and joined the queue.

When he came, he only brought more than 50,000 skeletons with him, but now the number has more than doubled.

At a glance, there are densely packed skeletons of white bones.

Wu Heng took out his walkie-talkie and said, "Let the convoy come over and keep moving forward."


 The convoy came from behind.

Wu Heng got back on the truck and continued moving forward.

 The sound of the bombing was so loud that all the zombies around were attracted.

 The road ahead for the team has become smoother.


  Driving a certain distance.

The leading car suddenly began to slow down, and the other party's voice came from the intercom, "Sister Qi, there is a roadblock ahead, and there is a sign saying please go around for bridge maintenance. Do we still want to move forward?"

 As he spoke, the convoy began to slow down and came to a slow stop.

 Qi Hancai frowned, picked up the walkie-talkie and asked: "How is the maintenance going? Can our team pass by?"

“I can’t see you in the car, so I’m not sure if I can get through.” The intercom answered.

 Then, someone opened the door and got off the lead car.

He came over with a crumpled piece of propaganda paper and handed it into the window, "Sister Qi, this is what is written on it."

 Qi Hancai took it, looked at it, and handed it to Wu Heng.

“The bridge ahead is under emergency repair, please detour:

The bridge ahead is broken. From now until June 8, the bridge is in the emergency repair stage. Vehicles and people passing by are asked to avoid it. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

 Construction manager—Liang Zheng. "

"I'll arrange for someone to go take a look at the front." Qi Hancai turned around and said.

 “Wait a minute.” Wu Heng said.

Waiting for Xiaoxiao, who is responsible for high-altitude reconnaissance in the sky, to bring back the news.

Wu Hengcai continued: "It's okay, just keep going. It's too far to take a detour."

 Qi Hancai nodded, picked up the walkie-talkie and said: "Move the signboard blocking the road in front and keep moving forward."


 The roadblocks in front were cleared.

 The convoy began to approach.

As the convoy moved forward, Wu Heng also saw an orange fence nearly as tall as a person in the city where he was riding.

 and huge words, please avoid construction.


 On the bridge connecting the roads on both sides.

 Houses were built one after another.

The iron frame and colored steel plates look like temporary sentry boxes, but they are also built solidly and can withstand the cold wind.

 Both sides of the bridge, where the road is connected, are cut off front and back.

 Only the house in the middle is supported by huge bridge pillars.

 At the cutoff position, a suspension bridge is erected as in ancient times to prevent zombies from wandering into the building.

 Form a unique refuge.

 Cars buzzed.

 A man on a motorcycle approached quickly and waved to the man guarding the opposite side.

 The suspension bridge was slowly lowered.

 Waiting for the motorcyclist, he rode in directly.

 The suspension bridge was raised again.

 Throwing the car aside, he walked quickly into the building and climbed to the second floor.

Standing outside a room, he knocked on the door and shouted: "Brother Liang, I'm back to inquire about information."

 “Wait!” came a voice from inside.

Not long after, the door opened, and a young but thin woman came out, lowered her head and left quickly.

 The man on the motorcycle stared at the woman's back and looked at her several times before entering the room.

The room was dark, barely able to withstand the chill.

A middle-aged man with a short haircut and a slightly darker appearance, less than 1.7 meters tall, was sitting on the sofa, casually wearing a belt.

“What happened just now? Is the army entering the city?”

The man on the motorcycle immediately turned around and said in a hurried tone, "Brother Liang, it's a skeleton. A large group of bone soldiers wearing armor and holding iron spears. There are also bone flying dragons, the one who threw food for us last time, and trucks. ”

Liang Zheng’s eyes narrowed, “Those people from Xinfu City?”

"It must be. I haven't heard of other bases having such flying dragons. It must be them."

Liang Zheng also immediately became nervous, "What are they doing here? No, where are they? Are they coming here?"

The younger brother said: "I don't know. I suspected it was them, so they came back immediately. I don't know if they will come here."

 Tap tap tap~!

While the two were talking, footsteps came from outside the door.

 Then, another person walked in quickly and said in an anxious tone, "Brother Liang, something's not going right. There are a group of skeletons approaching here. There are too many of them."

Liang Zheng stood up suddenly, his eyes full of doubt and fear.

 Coming to your own side?

 That shouldn’t be the case, I have nothing to do with them.

 Why did you come here directly?

 Want to cross the bridge?

 Yes, do you want to cross the bridge?

 “Brother Liang, what should we do?”

Liang Zheng took out the pistol from the drawer on the side and said, "Let the brothers prepare their weapons, and let's go out and take a look together."

“Brother Liang, they are from Xinfu City. There are too many bone soldiers.”

“What nonsense, we have no place to run.” Liang Zheng put on his pistol and put on his down jacket, saying, “Maybe we can still make a fortune.”

Several people quickly walked to the building on the other side.

Through the window, you can see the motorcade parked in the distance, as well as the endless skeletons.

He swallowed and said, "Go and give them a walkie-talkie. I want to talk to them."

  After thinking for a moment, he continued: "Go and ask the brothers to prepare the explosives we got last time, just in case."


 It didn't go very far.

 The convoy slowed down again.

On the intercom, the voice of the leading car reported, "Sister Qi, you can see the bridge. It seems that a house has been built on the bridge, blocking the bridge."

 Qi Hancai frowned and looked at Wu Heng, "There are survivors on the bridge."

Wu Heng nodded, "Let the convoy stop and wait for a while."

 Qi Hancai picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "The convoy slows down and stops."

 The convoy slowly stopped, and the skeleton army followed suit.

 The skeleton flying dragon landed on the ground, shaking its head and tail.

Just as the motorcade stopped, the voice came from the walkie-talkie again, "Sister Qi, someone is coming from the other side, and I will send you a walkie-talkie."

 Qi Hancai said: "Bring it to me."

 One person walked quickly to the back and handed in an old walkie-talkie wrapped with yellow tape.

 The power of the walkie-talkie is basically low, and the indicator light keeps flashing.

 Then there was a rustling noise, "Hey, hey~! Is this the shelter in Xinfu City?"

Qi Hancai pressed the button, "Yes, we want to pass by here, please make it convenient."

The person on the other side was silent for a moment and said: "Oh, it's difficult to handle. We have built buildings on the bridge. We want you to cross, so we are going to demolish it. It's winter, look at this... it's difficult to handle."

Qi Hancai said: "We have cleaned up the outside. You can find a building to survive the winter. It is safer than this kind of temporary house."

“However, we are used to living here and have no idea of ​​moving out yet.”

Qi Hancai still wanted to speak, but Wu Heng said directly: "Ask him what he wants?"

"Do you have any requests?" "It is indeed a big shelter. Just do what you say and do what you say. Give us 100 large bags of food and a military truck. We will immediately lower the suspension bridge and send you there." said the other side.

Qi Hancai glanced at Wu Heng.

 “Don’t agree to him yet.”

Qi Hancai said into the intercom: "We need to discuss it, wait a moment."


 Qi Hancai looked over in confusion.

Wu Heng said: "Wait a minute."

"Yeah." Qi Hancai nodded, picked up his walkie-talkie, and gave instructions.

  Waited for a while.

 Xiaoxiao flew back.

 In the shared vision, I heard the preparation of explosives.

 Wu Heng's eyes narrowed instantly.

He said softly: "Go and kill them."

"What?" Qi Hancai asked softly, thinking he was talking to her.

“It’s okay, just wait for a while.” After Wu Heng finished speaking, he folded his arms and waited aside.


 On the bridge, inside the building.

Liang Zheng and several others are waiting for the results.

One person asked: "Brother Liang, the conditions you set are too many. They can't agree to it."

Liang Zheng turned around suddenly, with a little excitement on his face, "They must be in a hurry to get there, and they don't have time to waste time with us here. Just order whatever you can, give them a bite first, and when they pass, we can Follow their path out of here without fear of retaliation.”

 “Is this possible?”

"Why not..." Liang Zheng's tone suddenly paused as he spoke.

The movements were stiff and the eyes were wide and full of fear.

 Click it~!

 The sound of bones twisting was heard.

Liang Zheng’s neck suddenly twisted to the back and his body fell to the ground.

  The few remaining people were startled by the scene in front of them. They suddenly stood up from their seats and looked at this scene.


Liang Zheng, a person who has devoured corpse cores and gained physical growth.

 Died here in such a strange way.

 “I, I don’t feel much.” Another person said with difficulty.

With a face full of horror and disbelief, he took out his pistol and pointed it at his companions.

 “What are you doing? Put the gun down.”

 “You’re crazy, aren’t you.”

ˆBang bang bang~!

 The sound of gunshots rang out.

 Bullets were directed at each other.

Several people in the room fell to the ground, with blood flowing on the ground.

"Help..." A person climbed out with difficulty and shouted loudly.

 Then, the suspended pistol fired again.

 Hit the back of the head.

 The room became completely quiet.


"There were gunshots from the opposite side. They seemed to be fighting among themselves." A voice came from the leading car.

 Qi Hancai looked at Wu Heng, "They are fighting among themselves."

Wu Heng nodded, "Get closer."

 Qi Hancai picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered to go down directly.

 The convoy slowly approached the suspension bridge and stopped on the other side.

Wu Heng glanced at the suspension bridge and the height several meters below.

These people are considered smart, and they actually came up with this way to prevent the zombies from approaching.

“Go over and lower the suspension bridge.” Wu Heng ordered.

 The suspension bridge was erected like a wall blocking the front.

 No matter how good the bounce is, it is still difficult to get over.

 Keranmu climbed onto the back of the flying dragon and flew directly to the opposite side.

 Lower the drawbridge.

Wu Heng said: "Explosives have been placed on the bridge. We have arranged for people who know this to come over and remove them. Be careful."

 The ones I made were all homemade explosives.

 Easy to make and easy to disassemble.

 Qi Hancai immediately gave the order, and someone walked over and began to dismantle the explosives above.

“Sister Qi, after we’ve dismantled them, there are only four of them. Even if they explode, they may not be enough to move our car.” A survivor threw it in his hand.

Qi Hancai said: "Here, continue to check the strength of the suspension bridge and see if the truck can pass. You guys take the skeleton to the building to see if there is anyone else."

 The order was issued and everyone took action immediately.

 Some people began to check the strength of the suspension bridge, and several people entered the building with skeletons.

 The body was dragged out, along with several men and women.

 Qi Hancai went over to find out more.

He also walked back again, handed over the collected explosive pistols, and then said: "The suspension bridge still needs to be reinforced. In addition to the dead people, there are four women and two men inside. He knows some mechanical maintenance.”

 “What are they planning?”

“I’m very scared, but I think I’ll follow us,” Qi Hancai replied.

Wu Heng thought for a moment and asked, "What does it have to do with those who died?"

“It’s said that they were all nearby survivors who we didn’t know at first but gathered here later. I don’t rule out that someone is lying.” Qi Hancai said.

 “Allow them to spread out and stay in the carriage.”

 “Okay!” Qi Hancai continued to give instructions.

After Wu Hengze finished moving the materials inside, he ordered the buildings blocking the bridge to be demolished, including pieces of blue iron foam board and some iron sheets.

 It is not difficult to dismantle it.

 The items were quickly dismantled and piled aside.

 “Let’s go, let’s go there.”

 Everyone got out of the car and moved all the heavy objects off the truck.

The trucks drove past carefully one by one, followed by the skeleton army passing by in batches.

Wait until everyone has passed the bridge, get on the bus again, and continue moving forward.


 Leave the bridge and continue driving for some distance.

 A large group of corpses appeared in front again.

 The convoy stopped at the rear.

 Skeleton flying dragons flew overhead, dropping bombs like a rainstorm.

The explosion roared and the world was turned upside down.

 After several rounds of bombing, the number of corpses waiting along the road began to gradually decrease.

Wu Heng released again, Light Knight, "Don't attack the skeletons, go kill the rotting corpses outside."

 The knight turned into a stream of light again and appeared at the front of the team.

Holding a long sword, he slashed at the zombies with his sword.

 The flames enveloped the zombies that were hit, gradually forming charred corpses that fell to the ground.


 Waiting for the light knight, the body dimmed again.

Wu Heng took him back and continued to let the skeleton army clear the road.

 In two consecutive battles, the Light Knight almost eliminated nearly a thousand zombies.

 In fact, the combat effectiveness is pretty good.

 Especially has a special effect on the undead.

 However, the level remains unchanged.

Wu Heng was a little skeptical. The conditions for upgrading were not as strict as his experience points.

 In that case, the Light Knight may not be able to reach the fifth level in his lifetime.

 The battle is over and the battlefield begins to be cleaned.

By this time, the sky had darkened.

Wu Heng released [Dead Corpse Battlefield] to transform the corpses, and the convoy’s headlights lit up the entire road.

Qi Hancai came over with a motorcade and said, "Further ahead is the airport. Do you want to wait until tomorrow?"

 Humans always think that night is unsafe.

 Based on human visual characteristics, Krishna is indeed at a disadvantage.

Wu Heng thought for a moment and said, "Let's go over there first and see what's going on."

Qi Hancai nodded, glanced at him carefully, and continued to ask: "Where is sister Yahong? The radio just said that she has arrived at the military factory."

“I definitely won’t be able to go back tonight. If nothing happens, let her stay one more day and we can go back together tomorrow.”

 “Okay, I’ll tell her later.”

“Don’t talk about our intelligence on the radio, just pass on the news.”



 After a short meal and rest.

 The convoy set off again and drove for a certain distance in the night. Under the moonlight, the outline of the airport could be vaguely seen.

The convoy turned off its lights and plunged completely into darkness.

Wu Heng released the two ghosts at the same time and began to explore the situation.

 Not long after, the ghost returned.

 Get into the body and share the picture with others.

 The interior of the airport was in a mess, with claw marks and blood stains covering every corner.

 A large number of zombies were wandering around the house purposefully.

 In a compartment on the second floor.

 A strange zombie appeared in sight.

The skin on the body is black and horny, and the back is an oval bulging hard shell. You can vaguely see something like wings growing underneath.

Standing there blankly.

 It's like a human-shaped unicorn.

 Level 4 Corpse King.

 (End of this chapter)

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