Necromancers are frantically stationing troops in the apocalypse

Chapter 530: , someone has entered the manor

 Chapter 530, someone entered the manor

 “Archers!” Shilagui shouted to the back.

 Several team members rushed over quickly.

Led by three groups of dwarves, Orin, all aimed their bows and arrows at the room.

 Swish swish swish~!

 Several arrows roared out.

 Short range, resulting in a high hit rate.

In an instant, the spider's bloated abdomen was filled with arrows and crossbows. Dark green juice flowed out from the wound, and then it fell to the ground and died.

ˆBang bang bang~!

 The sound of violent explosions resounded throughout the sky.

 Necromancer, how difficult it is to deal with!

 The explosion disappeared and the smoke gradually dispersed.

 The original room was in a mess.

On the ground are broken tables and chairs, as well as various foods and rolling wooden wine glasses.

 The corpse explosion technique is not as good as a bomb, but it is powerful enough to destroy some furniture in the room.

We arranged for two more skeletons to go in and walk around.

 After confirming that there was no danger, a few people walked in directly.

 “Check the body, be careful of poison.” Sheila Gui said.

 Then, several people entered the room on one side.

 This is the bedroom.

 The room was not large. There were scattered quilts on the wooden bed, and some blood stains could be seen on the walls and floor.

 “The man ran away and is not here.” Shilagui said.

 Obviously, the other party left here early.

If they didn't leave here, there might be another conspiracy to lure them here.

“Well, let’s see if we can find anything?” Wu Heng said.

 “Okay!” Sheela Gui nodded in agreement.

 He took the team members and started searching nearby.

 Searched for a while.

Xilagui came back and said: "The corpse outside can be confirmed to be a member of our team. The person is dead, eh~!"

 After speaking, Sheila Gui sighed.

 This is the first time the association has reduced its membership since she became a deacon.

 Moreover, he still died on the island.

“The other party left the body behind to provoke us to catch him earlier and avenge him,” Wu Heng said.

"Well." Sheila Gui took a deep breath and continued, "I found some items. See if you can find the other party's location."

 With a huff, he took out a lot of things.

 The prophet was not with him, so Wu Heng took out the [Tracking Pendant] and started to search for the target with blood.

 Items were verified one by one, and the fire in the skull was extinguished time and time again.

  means that the target you are looking for is already dead.

"These people are dead, are there any others?" Wu Heng put away the tracking pendant.

“No, the other party didn’t leave anything behind. The explosion just made this place a mess.”

Wu Heng frowned and said: "Let's go back, blockade the port and inner city roads, and narrow the encirclement little by little. I don't believe we can't catch him."


 It can be seen that the other party is very careful and experienced in doing things.

Wu Heng's prophets and props were all used, but they were still a step too late and left no clues.

 In the end, we have to use a more primitive method to search.

As long as we are in the city, we don't believe we can't catch the other party.

 When we returned, the sky was already bright.

  The faces of the team members were gloomy. The death of a team member was an inexplicable pressure on everyone.

No one knows whether this necromancer will find his head next.

Neither the deacon nor the island owner caught each other. It would only be more dangerous for ordinary members like them to meet alone.

 Everyone was silent.

 All the way back to the central area.


 Association, meeting room.

 Hiragui sat at the head of the long table, listening to the reports from her subordinates.

“The woman in the tavern is a prostitute nearby. She met her outside the tavern. This has been confirmed by the tavern owner and bartender.”

"The woman didn't provide many effective clues. When the other party was going on, he would keep saying words like 'The great Lord bless' and 'The Lord will bless the devout believers'. She thought it was distracting. I didn’t think about it as a cult.”

"After that, we checked the records of their stay in the tavern. They checked in on the same day and had not lived here before."       "We also made portraits based on their memories, which can prove that all they knew were the people we killed last night. , those who escaped are not inside.”

 After one person finished reporting, he sat back down again.

 Prostitutes and taverns involve people who have been killed.

 There is no other news about the Necromancer and the remaining members of the Destiny Sect.

 “Where is the second team?” Sheila Gui asked again.

 The captain of the second team stood up.

Said: "We visited other surrounding residents and sorted out the clues provided. The number of people on the other side was about twenty-five. Among them, they mentioned corpse odor and stiff walking. They should be rotten corpses transformed by necromancers. "

“The missing persons mostly appear in other surrounding residential areas, and manpower has been deployed to conduct investigations on the main roads and lanes.”

 Wait for the captain of the second team to finish his report.

 Sheila Gui nodded slightly and looked around at everyone present.

He concluded: "It is certain that the other party is a member of the Destiny Cult, his position is a Grand Knight, his profession is a Necromancer, and his level is relatively high. The moral bottom line of this profession..."

He paused and changed his words: "The other party is a member of a cult. He is cruel and unscrupulous in his actions, and his goal is probably to retaliate against us. If we delay, everyone will be in danger, and the residents will also be in danger."

Everyone nodded.

This time a team member died, and everyone felt a sense of crisis.

 If you don’t catch it, it’s hard to say that it won’t come to kill you.

Xila Gui added: "A team will go to the port to check all ships and personnel entering and leaving the island. Wu Heng will send an armored vehicle of yours there to prevent enemies from attacking Treasure Island."

 “Yes!” The captain of the team nodded.

Wu Heng also nodded, indicating that it was okay.

Sheila Gui continued: "The second team, the third team and the fourth team will allocate more skeleton guards to you in due course. They will start to conduct inspections on Beacon Street. The remaining teams will guard the central area and the central residential area."

  “Yes, I understand.”

Sheilagui never forgot her instructions, "If you find an enemy, don't rush to take action. Come back and tell us to avoid any danger to you."



 At eight o'clock, Wu Heng returned to the manor.

 Entering the courtyard gate, several maids ran out from inside.

They surrounded him and asked with concern: "Master, are you not injured?"

"No!" Wu Heng touched the heads of several people and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that they were fine.

 The character of the Necromancer cannot be trusted by Wu Heng.

Afraid that he would go out to catch the other party last night, he came over to serve it to his hometown.

With the defense of the island lord's mansion, even if a few level 18 professionals come, they may not be able to break in.

 But high-level ghosts may not be able to deal with them.

 At that time, if you just let the ghost kill the maid, there will really be no room for regret.

 “Want to have breakfast?” Minnie hugged his waist and raised her head and asked.

 “Eat, I’m really hungry.”

"Then I'll get ready." Minnie said and ran quickly to the kitchen.

 Bennie and Annette also went over to prepare.

Andweil said: "Master, last night the Skeleton Prophet stood on the balcony on the third floor, staring outside all night, as if something invisible had come to the manor."

Wu Heng’s eyes instantly narrowed.

His face also became hard to look at.

 It is indeed coming.

The manor is too obvious, how could he give up here.

Perhaps he was afraid of the Skeleton Prophet's level, or maybe his men were chasing him too closely last night.

 The opponent has no chance to attack this side.

"I'm going to see the Skeleton Prophet. Wei'er, don't go to the city hall today. Take a day off." Wu Heng said as he went upstairs.

Anderweil nodded, "Okay."

Wu Heng went upstairs and went to the Skeleton Prophet's room.

The skeleton wearing a robe and holding a wooden staff is still sitting on the chair and looking out the window.

Wu Heng asked directly: "Was there any danger last night? You can write down what happened."

 The prophet stood up and slowly turned around, looking at Wu Heng with empty eyes.

 Withered fingers grasped his wrist.

 The next second, broken images flashed through my mind.

 The dark night sky.

A ghost was half-circling above the manor, inspecting the situation below, and in the courtyard, a shadow as dark as ink quickly passed through the manor close to the ground and climbed up to the balcony.

 (End of this chapter)

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