Forming a dead flesh with complete skin.

"Ahem~! Lilith, you are a lackey of the association, a shameless bitch. If I can survive, I will definitely kill you."

With a curse, he was thrown into the sarcophagus, and the picture disappeared.

It was the first time that Wu Heng knew what Lilith looked like.

And the ghost he killed was a villain who did all kinds of evil.

I didn't believe that some people were born to do evil, but after seeing his memory, I believed it a little.

But from these pictures, it seems that I also know some things about the blood clan.

In the blood clan, there are different families. The original leader was not Lilith, but became the leader by usurping the throne.

So there should be other exiled blood clans.

Release Granda again.

Piao stood aside, full of interest, "How was it? Was it exciting?"

"Quite unexpected."

Xiao Xiao asked, "What did you see? Tell me, I love listening to stories the most."

"Let your aunt tell you." Wu Heng looked at Grenda again, "Don't be too bloody, it will teach the child bad things."

Grenda was about to start telling a story, but immediately held it back, "Then I can't, you tell it."

"Tell him about what he did bad things and was exiled."

Grenda nodded, "Let's go to the study, I'll tell you."


Two ghosts left through the roof, and Wu Heng cleaned up the surroundings.

Put away the empty magic soul pot on the ground.


Going downstairs, Wu Heng sat in the living room and looked through the "Book of the Dead".

The book did not record the ghost reaching level 18.

But it mentioned the "last wish" of the soul.

With the memory of the previous life preserved, most souls would be eager to complete the unfinished tasks in their previous lives.

For example, revenge after death and fulfilling promises.

Or go to the place that impressed you and take a look again.

And the ghosts will be afraid of the corresponding scenes to a large extent because of what they suffered when they died.

"Glenda died in a fire, and she didn't seem to be afraid of the fire."

"Xiaoxiao died in a zombie outbreak, and she wasn't afraid of zombies. No, Xiaoxiao was locked in a hidden place and didn't come out in the end, so she didn't die in the hands of zombies."

Fearing this, his two ghosts didn't seem to have any psychological shadows.

Not bad.

"Master, it's time to eat!" Catwoman Robe waved from a distance.

Wu Heng got up and followed him into the restaurant, listening to the maids talking about the interesting things they encountered during the day while shopping, while continuing to eat.


The sky gradually darkened.

Wu Heng took a bath and walked into the study.

The two ghosts were busy doing their own things.

Wu Heng glanced at the ghost of the woman on the side, "Glenda."

"Well, what's wrong?" Glenda flew over and asked.

"Unfinished business, do you know?" Wu Heng looked at her.

"I don't know, is it also an idiom from your place?" Glenda was a little curious.

Unfinished business is the word that appeared on Glenda's panel, and it seems that the ghost itself is not clear.

Wu Heng explained: "That's right, you are a ghost now. Did you have any wishes before? I can help you realize it."

Glenda was about to speak, and Xiaoxiao shouted: "I want a big strawberry bear suit, and then put a skeleton inside, and let me be a bodyguard. How about it? This is a good idea."

After saying that, there was a proud look on his face.

It seems that he feels that his idea is very creative.

"Your wish will wait until you reach level 18. Your aunt Glenda has just reached level 18, let her say it first."

"Ah? Then I don't want it." Xiaoxiao flew back and continued to fiddle with the tablet.

Glenda said: "I originally wanted a big house, where I could hold a dance party, and then plant a flower shed with various flowers. Now there is no need. I feel quite satisfied following you and Xiaoxiao."

Uh... .

It seems that Xiaoxiao has led me astray.

"That's right. Even if you become a ghost now, you have to do it. Don't do things you are unwilling to do." Wu Heng emphasized again.

Grenda thought for a while and looked at him in confusion, "I told you, have you forgotten?"

Wu Heng frowned and thought quickly.

His heart moved slightly.

Grenda said more than once that if her husband was still alive, she would let him find him and ask why she and the house were burned down together.

This must be it.

"Besides finding your husband?"

"He is not my husband, he is my enemy." Grenda emphasized, and then said: "I don't have any other ideas, help me collect some books, I can also kill time when I am bored."

"Okay!" Wu Heng nodded.

Grenda smiled, and seeing that he had nothing to do, he flew aside and continued to look at the open books.

Wu Heng sat on the chair, thinking about Grenda's affairs.

The unfinished business can be basically determined, but it is really hard to say whether the other party is still alive.

If he is alive, the rest of the things will be easy to say.

Find him normally, ask why, and then avenge Glenda.

If he is already dead.

Find the body, if there is still meat, ask the body.

There is only a pile of bones left, summon it, and vent it for Glenda.

It depends on how to find the other party.

It was getting dark, and Wu Heng was a little sleepy.

I got up in the middle of the night to kill zombies last night, so I didn’t rest well.

Say hello to the two ghosts, return to the bedroom, and rest.

Late at night.

On a small island in the Emerald Sea.

There was no moonlight at night, and bright torches illuminated the surroundings.

A large group of figures camped on the shore. In the depths of the island, a large number of flying dragons, both adults and children, could be seen wandering around.

At this time, a speedboat approached the shore.

A figure wearing leather armor and a hood got off the boat, walked quickly to the middle of the crowd, and said in a deep voice: "I found out that the pirates in the Emerald Sea were all killed by the association, including several pirate groups that placed orders with us."

Then, a voice sounded from the temporary animal skin tent, "All dead? Can the association kill so many pirates?"

"I heard that the pirates collectively attacked Treasure Island and were killed by the strong men on the island, including the necromancer island owner. The strong man at that time was Imilo of the elves."

The tent pondered for a moment and said: So we are going back empty-handed this time? The leader might not be very satisfied with us. "

The reporting figure whispered: "Otherwise, we can rob a few ships and take the money and goods back, which is not a loss."

"What about Treasure Island?"

"Treasure Island is not good. It is said that the association has left a lot of strange equipment. Anyone who goes there will be blown to pieces."

The tent was silent again, "Okay, let everyone collect intelligence tomorrow and rob enough money for this transaction. We will go back and give an explanation to the leader."



The next day, the zombie world.

A low voice of discussion came from the radio.

"The rescue team survived? They were chased by the zombie king and the zombies all the way. They are really lucky."

"I heard the conversation on their radio. They were rescued by Xinfu City."

"This rescue team is really not human. They led them to other people's side. They don't care about their face."

"Don't talk nonsense. Don't care about your life."

"I am Liu Huaqiang. You don't let me tell the truth. If you have the guts, come to me."

After Wu Heng came over, he turned on the radio and listened. There were discussions about them and the rescue team.

It seems that saving the rescue team is not without any benefits.

The discussion outside about their side is still good.


Wu Heng listened, and the door opened with a creak.

Qi Hancai walked in.

He took out a list and handed it over, "Two days later, the plane of the headquarters will come to pick up people. Let's see if we need to order anything? So that they can bring it together."

Wu Heng glanced at the items on the list.

"These howitzers only provide shells, but no launchers?"

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