
  Chapter 1023 Modo

Under Rhodes' gaze, Modo's expression remained unchanged, his face The traces left by the erosion of the energy of death, as Rhodes once saw, Modo said solemnly:

"Great Divine Item holder, please forgive me for the offense I once did, and I would like to be like those Like Lich, join this battle, I wonder if you allow it?"

Modo's words did not arouse other thoughts in Rhodes' mind. His actions led to his being wanted by the Freelance Chamber of Commerce. Rhodes was more concerned about the battle at hand.

For this reason, Rhodes intends to allow Modo to join the battle, but the number of Witch Kings transformed for him will not be the same as the previous Lich.

"I allow you to join this battle, but North has already left with the Mother Earth, and it won't do anything if you put the token in my hands, so I will transform it for you. The number of corpse witch kings is only the basic hundred."

As for Modo, Rhodes did not intend to discuss it with him, but only informed him of his decision.

Rhodes' words made Modo a little dissatisfied, but Modo didn't show it. At this time, Modo raised his hand and moved towards the ground not far away, releasing his death energy.

Perceiving the abnormal changes in the surrounding death energy, Rhodes looked in the direction of Mordo's release of the death energy following the direction from the perception.

I saw a corpse lying on the ground not far away, where the death energy changed most violently. This corpse was the Phoenix killed by Rhodes.

Under Rhodes' gaze, along with the massive accumulation of death energy, Phoenix's corpse is gradually changing, and the flesh and blood are shedding from it at an extremely fast speed, leaving only a complete skeleton.

Soon, the skeleton began to tremble slightly, and the range of motion became larger and larger, and the death energy on the skeleton moved along with it, and finally, the entire skeleton stood up from the ground.

Appearing in front of Rhodes is a fifth-order corpse witch who has completed the transformation. This is also the transformation method of most fifth-order corpse witches. It is transformed from the corpse of a senior undead mage.

It seems to be the difference brought about by the transformation method. From this corpse witch, Rhodes faintly noticed some anomalies, which are quite different from the undead creature transformed by the Ghost King cloak.

"This is the corpse witch I transformed using my hero specialties, I hope it will help this battle."

Modo's words reached Rhodes' ears , but Rhodes only looked at the corpse in front of him for a moment, and then stopped paying attention to the creature.

Compared with ordinary corpse witches, the corpse witches transformed by Modo have greatly improved various attributes, but compared with the real corpse witch king, there is still a very obvious gap. These attributes cannot make up for the gap in order.

Compared with other Lich, Modo with this unique ability can widen the gap in the strength of transforming corpse witches through long accumulation, but in front of the real Divine Item, this ability has been weakened considerably.

Rhodes hasn't commented on Modo's ability yet, and Stephen's voice echoed in the tomb of death first.

"Lich Modo, this is the Tomb of Death, you are transforming undead creatures that do not belong to you."

The meaning of Stephen's words is very obvious, the Phoenix who died here , his body has become part of the Tomb of Death, and the real owner of this place is Stephen. Modo's behavior of transforming undead creatures at will is undoubtedly an offense to Stephen.

Faced with the questioning meaning in Stephen's words, Modo was not afraid at all, and the indifference in his eyes made it hard to imagine that this was a move made by a new corpse witch. Just a simple replied:

"The cause of death of this undead mage seems to have nothing to do with you. The person who killed him was the holder of the Divine Item. Just because this is the tomb of death, it cannot be explained. What."

Rhodes noticed that Modo did not perform spiritual imprint on the corpse in front of him, but just transformed it, as if he wanted to leave the control of the undead creature to himself.

Discovering this, Rhodes did not perform spiritual imprint on the corpse in front of him, but just said to Modo:

"I said it, now you don't need to provide it. Token. If you really want to join this battle, I will complete the transformation of the Witch King for you, and the number will not change."

Hearing Rhodes' words in his ears, Modo also realized However, Rhodes will not easily change the original idea.

Rhodes found that Modo's expression was always extremely calm, and even though he learned his conclusion, nothing changed. No thoughts about him.

Seeing this, Modo no longer insisted, but displayed a dark green gate of time and space. After signaling to Rhodes, he entered it first.

Without thinking much, Rhodes followed Modo and entered the gate of time and space together.

When I came to the place connected by the gate of time and space, as soon as I walked out, I was greeted by a sense of decay and decay.

Rhodes seemed to be in a ruin, except that he was on an empty platform, surrounded by ruins of buildings. This kind of desolate situation, Rhodes has already seen many times in other Lich's territory, but the traces of this ruin are obviously new and the formation time is still short.

Somehow, Rhodes sensed a familiarity from this special environment.

At this moment, Rhodes seemed to have found something, and his expression was startled. He noticed that, not far from him, there was a huge skull, even a bit taller than Rhodes.

The special thing in front of him undoubtedly made Rhodes' thoughts firm.

Looking all around, the huge skull that appeared in front of him, and the inexplicable sense of familiarity in the surrounding environment, Rhodes confirmed his position, which was exactly what he arrived at in the process of finding Rowlin. The main town, City of Sorrows.

Rhodes never imagined that he would return to the City of Sorrows under such circumstances.

Inside the City of Sorrows, Heaven and Earth turned upside down. In Rhodes' sight, there was no silhouette of a living creature. The prosperous City of Sorrows had turned into a ruin.

If it wasn't for the existence of the skull in front of me, Rhodes wouldn't have seen it as the City of Sorrows by now.

With the arrival of Rhodes, the gate of time and space behind him slowly closed, and Modo on the side also looked at Rhodes with an inexplicable meaning flashing in his eyes.

(end of this chapter)

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