
  Chapter 1031 Post-War II

Discovering the abnormal state shown by Modo, Aisha looks like one Change, the heart faintly aware of the arrival of danger.

In Elsa's view, since Rhodes can handle the two Lich's joining forces, it won't be too difficult for him to deal with himself.

At this time, Elsa even wondered whether the signal she had received before, from Naagh's asking for help, might also be a trap, in order to lead herself here and wait until she came. Once here, they will be attacked violently.

However, the expected offensive did not take place, and Elsa did not see creatures worthy of her attention around the ruins. It seemed that everything was just Elsa's overthinking, but Elsa felt it. The threat, but could not dissipate for a long time.

Although there is no abnormal situation, Elsa at this time has no plan to talk to Modo, and directly opens the door of time and space, preparing to return to her own territory.

After realizing the fate of Modo and Naagh, Elsa's heart also began to shake. Up to now, Lich, who still has ideas about Divine Item, is the only one left.

Even so, Elsa at this time still has no plans to change her mind. Even if she can't get the Divine Item, Elsa will not just join the battle.

Until the situation is really clear, Elsa's attitude is more in a neutral state. It is obviously not a chance to forcibly seize the Divine Item now. If Rhodes reveals a serious weak spot in the later process, Elsa will not miss such an opportunity.

After opening the gate of time and space, Elsa led her undead creatures into it.

Comparing with the amount of energy spent, Elsa's departure through the gate of time and space is undoubtedly extremely fast.

For Aisha, it is the best harvest to discover the true state of Modo and Naagh on this trip. If you didn't come here, I don't know that these two Lich have been carried out by Rhodes. Transformation, Elsa may make a wrong assessment of Rhodes' strength in the subsequent battles.

The strength of Rhodes has long exceeded Elsa's expectations. With what she saw in the ruins, Aisha would naturally not make any more mistakes in judgment, so that she would fall into a deep disadvantage.

Aisha's arrival did not cause any changes. With the departure of this powerful Lich, the ruins regained their former calm.

Modo, standing in the middle, quietly perceives all this, and when the space fluctuation completely dissipates, Modo closes his eyes, and the scarlet rays of light in his pupils are immediately obscured, as if waiting What is normal.

I don't know how long it took, the Transmission Gate of deep green opened again from this area, and with the guidance of space calibration, the gate of time and space once again connected this area.

Soon, Rhodes' figure slowly walked out of this Transmission Gate, and it was not only Rhodes who returned through the gate of time and space this time.

Following Rhodes, it is a very thin body. Compared with the dwarf in Rhodes' impression, the limbs of this creature appear longer. Compared with normal humans, this creature is shriveled. And the distorted shape has almost reached the level of a deformity.

Sensing the arrival of Rhodes, Modo opened his eyes and also saw the creature appearing in front of him. What puzzled him was that such a strange creature had the identity of a hero. .

Although any creature has the potential to become a hero, the hero in front of him still looks very special.

As Modo observed the hero, Rhodes' words reached his ears.

"His name is Green, he is a Death Knight under my command, and he will help you communicate with me before I cast spiritual imprint on you."

Through Time and Space The door, the Death Knight who appeared here with Rhodes, is the one who was originally left in Valen by Rhodes. Through the inquiry before coming here, Rhodes learned his name.

Due to the lack of spirit attributes, even in the previous battle, Rhodes used the power of Divine Item to transform all the dead Modo and Naagh into special forms of undead creatures, but they were unable to cast them. spiritual imprint keeps them under control.

In the process of transformation, Rhodes used the power of Divine Item. It is because of this that Rhodes can directly issue orders to the two Lich who have completed the transformation without spiritual imprint. Worry about anything unexpected.

With the Divine Item, Rhodes can control the two transformed Lich, but due to lack of spiritual imprint, Rhodes can't get any EXP from them.

After the battle, Rhodes also tested the abilities of the two Lichs.

Rhodes noticed that the Ghost King cloak has a completely different effect in the transformation of Lich. It is no longer forcibly transformed into a corpse witch like ordinary creatures, but retained. All Lich's own abilities, even their original consciousness, make them reborn in the form of undead creatures.

This Divine Item, which originally belonged to the undead mage, showed a more powerful transformation ability in the face of Lich transformed from the undead mage.

Rhodes at this time, with the help of the power of Divine Item, is equivalent to controlling these two Lichs, and when the spirit attribute is enough, they can get a lot of EXP from them.

The EXP that a Lich can provide Rhodes is not as simple as what a Death Knight can provide.

Lich himself controlled countless undead creatures and many Death Knights. The EXP obtained by all these creatures will eventually flow into Rhodes, making Rhodes' original speed of obtaining EXP doubled. For this, Rhodes needs to raise the spirit attribute as soon as possible.

After deeply sensing the power of Divine Item, Rhodes seems to see a shortcut to get EXP, this is only to control two Lich, if you can control more Lich, it will undoubtedly be easier to level up.

Even so, Rhodes still didn't have two Lichs that were jointly transformed. In addition to the lack of self-movement method strength, the poor state of Naagh and Modo was also an important reason for the shot against Aisha who came here. .

Although Lich was reborn in the form of an undead creature under the influence of the Ghost King's cloak, the original spiritual imprint in their body has completely dissipated at this time.

At this point, because the time to become Lich is still short, Modo is not affected so much, but Naagh, after losing the spiritual imprint of all the undead creatures under him, his strength is seriously reduced .

For this reason, Rhodes can only let Naagh rush back to its resting plain, and recover the undead creatures that have fallen into chaos due to the loss of spiritual imprint. It is believed that Naagh has been Lich for so long. With experience, it is not difficult to do this.

(end of this chapter)

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