
  Chapter 1046 Wounded II

At the same time, a total of four elf rangers gave up the battle in front of them The undead creature, moved towards North's location, rushed straight towards it.

Noth didn't expect that an unremarkable undead mage like himself would attract the attention of the enemy in this kind of battle and become their primary target of attack. According to common sense Said, with so many enemies in the field, these rangers shouldn't have shot themselves.

If he could choose again, North would definitely follow Lich closely and not stay on the field alone to observe, but now, North obviously doesn't have such a chance.

Seeing that these elves ignored the surrounding undead creatures and rushed towards him, North just wanted to cast spell to resist, but the support from Lich arrived first.

Although she has not agreed to join the battle yet, Elsa did not let the elf ranger attack North, and when she raised her hand, it released a large number of death clouds, all around North. Completely shrouded, directly isolating him in the center.

Seeing the cloud of death wrapping all around, Noth immediately sighed in relief, and now he finally didn't have to face those powerful elf rangers, but before he could relax for a while, he passed the message from the top of his head. When the change came, his heart startled immediately.

A elf dressed in black jumped up and used his body to break through the blockade of the cloud of death.

Under the erosion of death energy, the flesh and blood on the elf's face twisted, and there were faint signs of melting. He couldn't see the bearing that belonged to this creature at all. The only thing North could feel was the A sense of determination.

Faced with such an elf who was blocked by the cloud of death with his fleshy body, North felt a panic, and quickly raised his hand, wanting to deal with him like he was in the quiet room last time. Like an elves who came in a surprise attack, they moved towards the enemy in front of them and released acid.

However, this time, North was not so lucky. The enemy in front of him was faster than him. Just as North raised his hand, the elf's blade had already arrived.

Next moment, North's raised hand, including the palm and forearm, fell directly downwards, and with the sound of falling to the ground, blood began to splash out.

At the moment of being attacked, North only felt a chill in his right arm, and the acid that should have been sprayed from the space ring could not be released, until the intense pain came, and North was not able to release it. Realize what happened.

Just as North was wailing, the elf in front of him would naturally not miss such an opportunity. With the long knife in his hand, he could kill North with the next blow.

With a crisp sound, the long knife hit the dark green barrier, and the elf looked closely. I don't know when, beside North, a layer of dark green was shrouded in it. The barrier, he swung the weapon with all his strength, and did not leave any trace on the barrier.

It seemed to realize something, the elf waved the long knife in his hand impatiently, trying to destroy the barrier in front of him before he died, but it was of no use at all. barrier in the slightest.

Soon, the figure of the elf was drowned in the spreading cloud of death, and there was no trace of breath coming out.

Noth inside the barrier, looking at the cloud of death that was completely close to the dark green barrier in front of him, couldn't help sighed in relief, although the pain was still unbearable, but somehow saved his life.

Covered under the Titan shield that Lich casts, North naturally doesn't have to worry that someone can break the barrier. The few elves who had attacked before may have already fallen under the influence of the cloud of death.

In order to repair the wound on his body, North cast healing magic on himself one after another, but the effect of this spell was not significant. Instead, in the process of repairing the wound, the pain at the wound was doubled.

Covering his wound, North seemed to have thought of something, and felt extremely regretful in his heart.

North understands that the holder of the Divine Item will not be so easily injured in battle. The injury on his body can only show one thing, that is, he is simply not a real Divine. Item holder.

The intense pain did not numb North's thoughts, but instead made his thinking clearer. North could also think clearly about things that were difficult to detect in the past.

From the ground beside him, he found the broken arm, tremblingly took off the space ring on his finger, and cautiously put it on the remaining left hand, and North took the broken hand in by the way. in the space ring.

Until now, North couldn't believe that his arm was cut off by the enemy like this.

In North's impression, in addition to the healing magic cast by Legendary mage, which can continue to connect a broken limb, there are other ways to achieve this effect, but they all require extremely precious materials. With Enos' current ability, naturally, he couldn't collect these things.

As if to distract himself and relieve the pain in his body, North thought about what to do after that.

Noth thought that when he returned, his identity could not be concealed from King Dia. Maybe he should tell Lich's plan in detail, admitting that he was just a chosen puppet, and he was here for the purpose of Perform Lich's mission.

Because of Lich's power in Dia, the king naturally did not dare to do anything to North, and would still proceed according to Lich's plan. North himself could survive and continue to advance the battle step by step.

Thinking of Asri's deliberate failure to reveal his identity to the king, North always felt that he failed to understand her deep meaning. North had a hunch that once he revealed his true identity, he might miss some thing.

In this brief moment, Noth recalled his time in Sao City, he gave up everything before and followed Rhodes to Dia, in order to become a real undead mage, not a Lich Control puppet.

The real undead mage... North suddenly had some doubts, if it was the real undead mage, what choice would he make in the current situation.

For some reason, Rhodes' appearance suddenly appeared in North's mind. In North's eyes, he was undoubtedly the real undead mage. If Rhodes was here, what would he do? choose?

The gap between experience and knowledge made North no suitable way to fully recover from the physical injury, but he believed that if Rhodes was here, he would not let his true identity be exposed. No matter how hard it is, Rhodes can handle it.

Just as North was thinking about what to do, the dim light that had been obscured by the cloud of death suddenly became brighter.

As the magic element quickly dissipated and gradually returned to calm, the Titan shield that enveloped North had also dissipated at this time.

(end of this chapter)

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