
  Chapter 1052 Intelligence I

The information from the peeping eye made Rhodes aware of the The real situation of the name mage is quite different from what Aaron reported.

Contrary to what Aron said, the mage arrived in the city long before Rhodes began preparing for the ceremony.

Long before Sao City was attacked by the Legendary mage, that mage had come to the city, but Aaron suppressed the news until the awakening ceremony was all completed. choose to report the information.

In addition to the mage himself, there were other people who followed him to Sao City, and they were involved in matters that Rhodes was concerned about.

The presence of these people is why Rhodes immediately started the whole ceremony.

Rhodes has no plans to pursue these tricks of Aaron. Although this is a manifestation of Aaron's talent, it is undoubtedly used in the wrong place. Rhodes has enough tolerance for his own subordinates.

According to the initial agreement with Aaron, Rhodes completed Vita's awakening ceremony, making the monster hero appear in front of him, and then Aaron needs to do what he has to do with him. part.

Rhodes didn't wait too long, also in the basement space. Soon, under the leadership of Aaron, the Mandy mage in his mouth came to Rhodes.

"He is Mandy Mage, who studied in the Ice Blue Spell Academy, and then joined the Freelance Chamber of Commerce. When you transformed Vita for the first time, you got the magic potion to restore mana, It was made by him."

At Aaron's direction, Rhodes saw the mage in front of him, only to see that he was dressed in dark linen, and he could not see anything related to the cloth. The traces related to Lakada cannot even be perceived by mana fluctuations.

If it wasn't for Elon's introduction, Rhodes wouldn't be able to see that the person in front of him was Mage from Bracada.

"Mandy, this is Rhodes, the true lord of this place, a great undead mage, who bestows the position of my City Lord."

With Ai With Long's introduction, Mandy just wanted to salute the lord in front of him, but Rhodes' words came first.

"I heard that in Brakada now, the mage who are good at potions is not in a good situation."

Hearing Rhodes mention this, Mandy's face changed. There are subtle changes.

"There are indeed such rumors, but they are just creatures who don't understand potions, slandered by jealousy."

Mandy's explanation surprised Rhodes a little, Through the peeping eye, Rhodes also knows what Mandy is really thinking.

Seeing Mandy's answer was a little offended, Elon on the side quickly said: "pay attention to your manner, Mandy, the Lord Rhodes in front of you is not a creature who doesn't understand potions, he is The winner of the previous time Potions Contest."

Aaron's words, which sounded like a rebuke to Mandy, were in fact in this form a reminder of Rhodes' identity to Mandy.

"It's okay, you can think I'm a creature who doesn't understand Potions, but do you also think that the mages in the Brakada Magic Guild don't understand Potions?"

Rhodes' words came out again, and when he heard the content of the words, cold sweat fell from the top of Mandy's head, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

Before he came, Mandy had already inquired about the various situations in the territory. Although this is a city of the undead, there is no undead mage that is good at Potion Refining, and only one of them has attained in potions. The undead mage also left not long ago.

Except for the lords in the city, who are suspected of having studied Potions, there are no creatures who are good at Potions in the city. For Mandy, this undoubtedly brought him an excellent opportunity.

Relying on his Potion Refining skills, Mandy has the confidence to lead the mage who came with him to achieve something in the city, even surpassing his former position in Bracada.

The environment in the city of the dead is naturally inferior to everything in Bracada, and if there are other better choices, Mandy will not come here.

Since the last potions competition, according to the will of the magic guild, the spell Academy in Bracada has once again listed potions as a taboo, and the degree of taboo can even be equal to that of the undead spell.

Once a mage is refining potions in Brakada, and is discovered by members of the Magic Guild, there is only one fate waiting for him, that is, after forcibly forgetting all spell knowledge, from Banished from Bracada.

The ban of the magic guild has caused a lot of confusion among mage, and Mandy is one of them. He does not understand that after the potion competition and the baptism of war, it has developed like the sun at high noon The potions of the past will be treated like this.

According to mage who knows the inside story of the magic guild, this move of the magic guild is to restore the glory of the former god of mage, including potions, all the theories that are different from the origin of spell , it is only 1st Step.

As for what the magic guild will do in the future, Mandy naturally doesn't know, and he doesn't want to know. Faced with the choice between spell knowledge and potions knowledge, Mandy made a decision in the heart after making her own choice.

With the order of the Magic Guild, the Potion Refining people who were once sought after by a large number of mage in Bracada are now unpopular, and there is no force in any place that dares to openly disobey The magic guild continues to conduct research on potions in the territory.

In desperation, Mandy accepted the invitation of his old friend, the former City Lord Elron of Silver Cliff City, and came to the area he now manages to train for the Lord here. Make potions, and conduct potions research by the way.

Even if the actual lord of this area is an undead mage, for Mandy at this time, this is the best choice he can make.

Mandy was not the only mage who came to this place. In addition to Mandy's followers, there were also some mages who were like him and could not bear Brakada's ban on potions.

What the magic guild is looking for, whether it is the glory of the god of mage or the origin of spell, is undoubtedly too far away for these mages, what they care about is their own life In addition, there is only the most familiar potions.

Under the clearing of the Magic Guild, in Brakada, everything about Potions will be wiped from on the surface until the decision within the Magic Guild changes, which is the case will change.

In order to prevent all the potions from being lost again, and also to avoid the useless use of everything they have learned, a large number of mages who are good at potions fled from Bracada, who followed Mandy together. The mage that came to the city of Sao was only a very small part.

(end of this chapter)

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