
  Chapter 1181 Moyas

Looking at Fried in front of him, from his words, Rhodes seemed to sense something peculiar.

Rhodes noticed that the emotions in Fried's heart were very strong. Apart from this, there seemed to be a special ability in it, which kept comforting Moyas beside him. For this special ability, Rhodes seemed to have a special ability. Very familiar, even Rhodes himself has this ability.

What exists in Fried's perception is his concern for Moyas. When this concern is strong to a certain extent, even more than his own concern, this special ability is formed. , what Fried has is the perception ability of blood.

The original Rhodes, when using this special ability, also needed the existence of treasure to achieve this. Later, infected by Rowlin's will, Rhodes no longer needed the power of treasure, and truly possessed the power of treasure. This unique perception ability.

And the treasure that comes from the undead mage that Rhodes first killed, provided the bloodline perception ability. When Rhodes really mastered this ability, he gave it to Rowlin.

Consistent with this ability possessed by Rhodes, with the effect of blood perception, Fried can perceive all kinds of thoughts in Moyas' heart, and transmit his thoughts directly from the perception. When it came to Moyas' heart, Moyas was able to suppress the anger in his heart before, thanks to the constant comfort and warning from Fried in the heart.

Compared to this ability of Rhodes, Fried's sense of kinship is equally pure, and will not die for anything, which is why he finally made this choice.

Rhodes noticed that the ability to sense blood only existed in Fried, and Moyas, who was beside him, did not have this ability.

This also means that Fried can rely on his blood perception ability to remotely transmit information to Moyas, but Moyas has no way to respond to Fried, and can only passively receive Fried. All the information from Germany, but there is impossible two-way transmission of intelligence between the two.

"I agree to your request and I will release this dwarf."

Rhodes' words casually uttered, like a heavy hammer, hitting Fried's heart, He didn't expect, the undead mage in front of him easily agreed to his request, perhaps because he was moved by his own words.

“Your magnanimity will be deeply remembered and admired by the dwarves.”

Seeing Rhodes making this decision, Fiat complimented it. , Rhodes just sneered.

Rhodes chose to release Moyas, naturally impossible was moved by Fried's words, but had another plan.

Fried's bloodline perception ability is the key to Rhodes' choice to release Moyas.

Rhodes predicted that when Moyas was released, everything that happened in the dwarven village, along with the information he knew, would be passed on to the elves deep in Eri.

The ability to sense blood has always been extremely rare, even rarer than heroic will. Except for the distance, there is almost no way to limit the effect of this ability.

At the same time, bloodline perception will not be detected by any other creatures. Compared with all other methods of transmitting information, bloodline perception is more hidden, and the general undead mage does not understand this ability at all. The presence.

Because of this, those elves must hope to get more useful information through Moyas, especially the information directly from the undead mage and directly provided by Fried.

This method seems to be able to play a great role in the Great Accomplishment, and get a lot of information that is helpful to the battle situation, but Eli's elves must not have imagined that Rhodes is more than them in the ability to sense blood. In order to understand, this ability to transmit information is simply not hidden from Rhodes' prying eyes.

Because of this, Rhodes chose to release Moyas in order to use some false news at a critical moment to make Elifang suffer a big loss. Even if the expected results were not achieved, Rhodes I don't care, at best it just released a low-level creature.

For Rhodes, releasing Moyas is just equivalent to missing a corpse witch, or lack of a hostage to restrain Fried. Once Moyas is in the next battle, The gains from being fooled by Eli's spirits are not comparable to keeping them as hostages.

For this reason, Rhodes chose to release Moyas, and before that, Fried's words had little effect on Rhodes.

As for the fact that Moyas will expose the identity of Fiat to the Elf, Rhodes is not worried. Even without Moyas, the identity of Fiat will be exposed sooner or later. Release, but only to speed up the process.

With the continuous transformation of the corpse witch king, a large number of dwarves who fell under the cloud of death have been transformed into corpse witches at this time, and surrounded Rhodes, imprisoning several people in the field. firmly surround.

Perhaps due to the different transformation objects, compared with the corpse witches Rhodes had seen before, these corpse witches were small in stature, and the death energy contained in their bodies was not strong, but this was just Rhodes' feeling. In the eyes of the two living dwarves in the field, each of these corpse witches has the ability to kill them.

Under Rhodes' gesture, the corpse witches in the back moved to the sides. The corpse witches that were originally surrounded by the field were separated by a passage that was one person wide, and Rhodes looked at Moyas. .

Moyas is also unbelievable about the fact that he is about to be released. According to the character of the undead mage, he will definitely not let him go easily.

There was a moment of vigilance in his heart, but before Moyas could think clearly, Fried's anger came in his mind, urging him to leave the place quickly.

Seeing this, Moyas crossed Rhodes and walked towards the passage among the corpses without disobeying Fried's signal.

Noticing all around the corpse witches similar to him, Moyas felt a burst of grief in his heart. He knew that the corpse witches in front of him were all transformed from the original clansman.

Even though they have already died, the souls of these clansman still can't rest in peace. They are always controlled by the undead mage and become a member of the undead mage's subordinates, bringing deep catastrophe to other creatures, and I don't know when it will end.

Moyas's heart was filled with emotion, but he had no ability to solve the matter. He couldn't deal with a corpse witch, how could he deal with such a large number of undead creatures, even he himself was able to deal with it. The chance to survive was only obtained by Fried's begging.

After realizing this, Moyas sighed deeply, then he stopped paying attention to the corpse witches around him, and instead walked quickly towards the passage extending to the ground.

(end of this chapter)

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